
"Damn… if not for the blessing I would not even picket that up!" I said with shock when I watched Morgan just made runes on the container disappeared like they were not even there to begin with!

Only my new 'instincts' which are connected to nature can feel that there is something there.

"Won't your little sister pick that something is up here?" I asked her while looking around the docks.

It was day time and we put the workers under our control, this allows us to work undisturbed.

Today was the day Artoria arrived with Irisviel, making today the official start of the Grail Wars…

There was only a few days difference between my arrival and theirs.

Still, it was enough to make most of the preparation, thankfully my existence does not affect the flow of the war so far.

Waver arrived and summoned Rider, just like in anime, Ryuunosuke Uryuu is on his murdering spree which I intend to end.

Same with Kayneth he arrived with his fiance and Lancer, several days ago, and prepared his hotel for traps… We all know how much that helped against Emiya.

Even Emiya with all of his sneakiness didn't went unnoticed by Morgan…

My Caster already claimed the whole city as her private backyard, I do wonder if people noticed an increase in vegetation, and how much more the nature around the city is alive, a side effect of her surveillance, a welcomed one at that, it's much more relaxing in the morning when I wake up and look at much greener backyard.

I guess is that Saber may realise that something is off with the surrounding, as she has exposure to Fae…

"Knowing her, she will pick it up. But, there is no malicious intent in the disguise, and the trap we designed does not have it too, only has intent of restraint on it." Morgan explained while finishing will the last camouflage.

"She won't going to see through it, the way you described her she barely has any training with her Fae blessing." The pale blond witch said with certainty.

"Well, even if she becomes suspicious she won't going to have time to act on it, she should by all means care only about facing Lancer…" I said with a shrug.

"Yes, the Knight types, I am done here, Husband. Our preparation are complete." She nodded at me, before motioning at the invisible traps we prepared for Golden boy.

"We could set up more and deal with all the Servants which will appear in this place." Caster mentioned that.

"Hmm, you can just try taking more out with Rhongomyniad, if they survive it would be impressive and worthy of our time." I shrugged at her once more.

"Hmm, yes I suppose I could do that. But, I would prefer if my little sister survives a little longer, I do wish to face her face to face."

In the end, we decided just to deal with Archer, ending the war the very same night feels… rushed.


Upon Irisviel request, Saber took her Master's wife to the beach where she could look at the sea for the first time in her life.

The time was getting close to nighttime, as the sun was already setting down.

It was that moment when the Blond Knight felt servant's prana getting broadcasted.



"A servant is broadcasting his presence." The King Of Knights said to the silver-haired woman.

"Inviting us to a duel?" 

"It appears so." 

"Then we should accept this challenge." The Einzbern woman said with a challenging look.

Saber nodded at her, with a small smile. She prefers such an open challenge the most!


"It has started just like you said it would," Morgan said to her husband as she sits down on the couch next to him.

"Hmm, yes. the opening fight is still the same."

"This is technically the second fight." She said that almost jokingly.

"Tokiomi tactics are very amateurish at best." Ren shook his head, anyone with half brain will know that once they realise what kind of servant he has and the fake priest.

Assassin or not, especially with the servant who is branded as EX rank. Something at that rank will slaughter a measly Hassan, especially when he tried to attack Tokiomi at his home fortress no less!

That's why barely anyone fell for this so-called betrayal.

"I am not commenting on Archer's Master tactics… I am saying this is the second overall battle." 

Ren just shrugged at her, for a second he forgot that Morgan is sticker to rules now, as it's a Queen thing to do…

"If you say so, now let's watch, this is your first time seeing your little sister of panhuman history." 

Caster slightly snorted and focused on the projection, Ren that moment created a bowl of popcorn and started to watch intensively.

Battle between real knights is always interesting to watch!

It progressed the same way as in the Fate Zero anime, Lancer tricked Saber with his second spear.

Which made Morgan snort once again, she crossed her arms for a second before turning to her master who was eating his popcorn without a care in the world.

The pale blond witch then looked at his bowl, her eyebrow slightly went up, seeing that the amount of popcorn in the bowl is still the same as she saw last time.

'Is he using True Magic for this... snack?' She asked that herself, not that she has not done a similar thing… how many times she used Rhongomyniad for the smallest of transgression?

For a second she tried to count but then decided to stop as it's too many times to count, same with turning people into pigs. 

'I appears we are similar in that regard.' After coming to that conclusion she took one of the popcorn from his bowl and tastes it.

"Adequate." Caster softly said that, seconds later she took second, one then third…

Ren saw that and moved the bowl for her to easier access it.

Not long after that Rider decided to intervene and stop the fighting.

He arrived with his chariot pulled by two bulls, and electricity crackling around the whole thing, it was a massive chariot compared with regular ones used by humans long ago.

The next thing he did was to demand everyone to sheath their weapons and cease all fighting because the King of Conquerors was here.

"T-This is one of greatest Conquerors of Panhuman history!?" The pale blond witch was utterly baffled seeing the servant breaking one of the most important rule of the Grail war!

Announcing one's identity is like telling everyone what is your weakness!

Not only that but the man acted like a complete baboon and asked other servants to join him!

As if any servant would do that! Especially when he asked those two specific servants! They hold their chivalry code their highest moral!

His stupidity is what has started to make Morgan clench her hand in frustration, she is close to losing her cool.

Then she heard him call all the servant to gather otherwise he the King of Conquerors will hold them in the highest contempt!

"Why that… son of…" The witch quickly got up from the couch and was about to change into her battle attire, but Ren just wrapped his hands around her waist…

*Girly Squeak*

And pulled her back into the couch.

"Don't be riled up by that idiot, we already have a plan!" He said that while holding her in place.

Morgan nearly growled for a second before caving in…

She was about to ask for compensation since this has hurt her pride... but... Then, golden particles started to gather on top of a single street lamp.

That moment The pale blond witch smiled, a smile which can make people piss their pants if they are to see it.

"He is here… I am very angry right now… and you golden boy…" Her eyes glowed blue.

"Will help me… to calm that anger..."

~~~~~~Fuyuki Docks~~~~~~

"But, I am Iskandar! King of Conquerors!" A tall, red-haired man said with a confused look while scratching the back of his head.

What's wrong with this goldie? He is King Of Conquerors!

"Foolishness!" The Golden man from the top of the street lamp said with an angry look, his arms are crossed. 

One can see he was losing his cool rapidly, while Saber and Lancer moved slightly back don't want to get involved with these two at this moment.

"I am the only true king to stride this Earth. All others are just peasan…" Archer didn't finished saying as he felt something.

That moment the whole dock area experienced a massive influx of Prana

The surrounding area started to glow in a greenish-blue aura.

Saber's eyes widened as she felt Fae type Prana rush into containers, asphalt, even sea not far from them.

Next moment hundreds if not thousands of chains erupted around Archer location.

"W-What!" Before the golden man can react properly all the chains wrapped around him tightly.

"What is this sorcery!?" The King Of Heroes roared with the pissed off look, he looked at the sky.

"Caster show yourself this instant!" He tried to access his Gate Of Babylon, but the prana was redirected at the chains instead!

"I-Impossible! How?" 

That moment everyone heard a woman's elegant giggle, spreading throughout the docks.

The biggest reaction to this woman's laugh was Saber, her face turned pale, as she heard this kind of giggle before…

She took a step back.

'She is here… as Caster…' She clenched her Excalibur even tighter.

"How? What a silly question King Of Heroes, it's called preparation, you think you can shoot your treasures in my domain? What a silly notion…" The woman words made the Golden Hero struggled even more he was getting extremely pissed and frustrated.

While the rest looked at Gilgamesh with wide eyes.

"The history oldest hero… is him?" Lancer said with disbelieve, this arrogant prick is the oldest hero in recorded history!?

While Rider had thoughtful look, he was about to call out the woman, but then they all felt another spike in Prana which made everyone feel a chill going down their spines.

"Caster release me this once! and I will show you true despair! You dare to restrain me!?" Gilgamesh struggled even more.


"You think you will be saved by that silly trick which all Masters possess?" The woman giggled even more before the whole area experienced a drop in temperature.

"Feel the wrath of Queen of Fairies, King Of Man…" 

That moment Pillars of Green spears like towers appeared around Gilgamesh.

"...No...Impossible! How? How can she use Rhongomyniad!?" Saber took several steps back while shaking her head left and right.

"Rhongomyniad? Isn't that your spear King Of Knights?" Iskandar asked with a thoughtful look.

Saber simply nodded at him.

"It is… I received both of the weapons from Lake fairy Vivian… But, for Morgan to use it? Just how?" The blonde Knight said while sweat started to pour from her forehead, she is trying to understand how in world this is happening? And what does this means for her chances to win the Grail?

That moment they all felt something is happening just below Gilgamesh who was still trying to get himself free from the chains which were binding him!

The very next thing the observing servants saw Assassin jumping down from one of the dock cranes and he was about to attack the chains trying to free Archer.

"Disappear…" Morgan chilly voice spread through the docks as three more Rhongomyniad appeared and nailed Assassin to the ground like a fly…

It was swift, and it was brutal, each of these Rhongomyniad spears were a real deal and each hold the concept of the Lance of World's End… the same lance that anchors world layers…

It was massive overkill to use such a thing on a mere Assassin.

"King Of Heroes… the so-called Wedge between Gods and Humans… let me show you real power…Rhongomyniad…" That moment a massive tower spear appeared just from below Gilgamesh and impaled him.

Like how Dracula did with his victims…

"DAMN...YOU…" Gilgamesh said that before being consumed by a Skyscraper size Rhongomyniad…

The next moment all the spears disappeared the only thing was left after this were some golden particles belonging to a deceased King Of Heroes, and the several holes...

"King Of Conquerors… You have my thanks for attracting the biggest nuisance in this war, for that you can keep your life for today." Morgan's voice said to the large redhead.

Rider laughed boastfully hearing that, he was not afraid even after seeing all that.

The same could not be said about his Master and the two servants who just witnessed the death of what is considered the oldest and maybe even the strongest servant…

While they all were shocked by the display of Caster's power, the most shocked and still in massive disbelief is of course Archer's master Tokiomi Tohsaka.

He was still sitting in his chair and just stared at the wall of his workshop for the rest of the night...


(5/5 Chapters)

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