The Grail

Ren could only shake his head for a second before he approached and softly gave her a peck on the lips.

That moment her whole body glowed as she was reborn into the world of living.

The moment the simple kiss was over the fallen knight looked at her hand, she felt wholesome, trying to forget about the kiss at the same time of course!

Her heart was beating, yet she felt a connection to her Master's limitless prana.

No… it like he is supported by the whole universe…now.

It was quite… absurd feeling…

'So, I possess powers of Servant yet I still possess all perks of living being as well?' Artoria thought to herself.

Perfectly honest she was more powerful as a Servant when she was living… 

Now she has both benefits… at least feeling alive is much better than feeling like possessing a doll.

The same could not be said about Morgan… the power difference with the Fairy Queen is absurd!

Artoria never sensed anything like this before! Even when she was in presence of Vivian, no! this was not the antithesis of the Lake Fairy! It was something much more!

"Well, well, my little sister is alive as well!" Morgan arrived at her side, there was a massive grin on her face.

The Fallen Knight could not read this Morgan just like the one in the past, both of these witches are mysteries to the Saber reborn.

"So... are you. How, how you have this much Prana?" Artoria asked quite...awkwardly…

"Heh… this is not truly my full power little sister." Morgan shook her head.

"I am only just reborn and my reserves are slowly refilling." 

The Fallen Knight eyes bulged out, hearing that, this was not even her full power? Can Fairies even wield such an amount of energy in the first place?

"You look shocked? I suppose your true Half-sister only wielded a small fraction of my power did she?" Morgan asked such an obvious question that it was not one to begin with.

"Well, I suppose I never told you much about my true existence since you are not truly dead and you never been in Throne of Heroes before coming to this war are you?" 

This time Artoria flinched from the question.

"No, she is not, King Arthur is not dead, as for him/her time has stopped before his/her death," Ren explained to the two pale blond women.

That moment Artoria's eyes bulged out, how in world he knows that?

While Morgan had thoughtful look, she understood how that was possible.

"You made a deal with the world? You were that desperate?" The Fairy Queen asked that with disbelief.

She has been on the brink of death multiply times, yes. But, to make a deal with something like planet?

For a human mind, it will be something to eternity to end such a deal!

"At that time I WAS desperate, not anymore! I don't care about the past anymore! I discarded all of that in our battle remember!?" Artoria with quite a lot of heat said to Morgan.

The Fairy Queen didn't care much about the 'heat' behind those words anymore, it only increased her amusement.

"I do… you inverted yourself. quite impressive achievement I might add, your ideals were that strong." Morgan said while shaking her head.

The whole attitude of Morgan's just grind Artoria's very being.

"Anyway…" Ren saw all that and he just shook his head after seeing how these two act… just holding a peaceful conversation is…

Taxing for Artoria, while Morgan just loves poking and poking, and poking at anything she can…

That's just how the world has shaped these two 'arch-nemesis'.

No matter the timeline, these two are like water and oil…

"Anyway…" He said that again with more firmness and both of them stiffed and looked at Ren, turning into obedient girls instantaneously.

Now that Morgan was no longer a Servant but, a full-blown Fairy Queen she could gaze at Ren and 'see' more…

She sighed internally, it was like a poke to her pride that she could not make head or tails of mysteries surrounding him…

All she could say was that he was 'standing' on a completely different plateau.

'At my peak, I was more powerful than that piece of scrap metal who calls himself a God…'

'Yet…I can't even comprehend what I am seeing…' 

Morgan bit her lower lip from frustration before relaxing, she has whole eternity to learn her Husband's secrets there is no point in pondering about it now.

"As I was saying, we are done here," Ren said that and the Fae Homunculi nodded, they lowered the Greater Grail back into its spot.

The pale blond witch was impressed just how the Fae Homunculi barely reacted to her existence…

It was something between dull wonder to borderline boredom…

Just what Ren put into their 'programming'? And why Gaia doesn't do anything to these new terminals?

Morgan just wanted to pull out her hair from all these confusing things!

"Understood, what are we going to do now?" Eventually, she just gave up, there is no point in thinking about this right now in the middle of some cave…

"Finish the cup I have in my workshop and return to Clock Tower." He said with a smile.

'Oh, right… the cup… it will become real Grail...more importantly! My marriage!' Instead of thinking about the wish-granting cup, Morgan started to think about how marriages are done in Panhuman society…

While Artoria simply shrugged. But, then she remembered that Clock Tower suppose to be in England…

Small part of her wonders how Britain looks at this time.


Ren opened his eyes and looked at the glowing cup which was emitting power of pure mystery.

It was like real grail!

He could feel an extreme connection to the thing, it's like… the cup is his Noble Phantasm of some sort…

Crystallisation of pure mystery…

"So… in the end… you did created the real deal…" Saber said from the side as she was leaning at the wall with closed eyes.

"Indeed, quite fascinating really…" Ren said as he got up and the cup simply ceased to exist.

Yet, he knew that he can summon the cup any time he wants.

It's like having all seven dragon balls on standby ready for use any time…


"Galahad spend years looking for the thing, yet you just channelled some… higher form of energy into fake cup and real deal appeared just like...that." The Fallen knight said with quite a bit of melancholy the very last part.



"You realise that your original dream is not truly necessary at this point?" Ren said that while he leaned into his couch and motioned for the Fallen Knight to sit in front of him.

For some reason, this moment reminded Ren of Gilgamesh and Kirei talking in Church… it quite similar…

Was he now the devil who is whispering into one's ear?

Saber stiffed for a second, did her Master know about her original dream?

'Of course he does… he has reached root twice already in his life…' The darkened Artoria simply sighed and walked over and took her seat in front of him.

"Why don't we test it? You should be hungry…" Ren summoned the cup which appeared in his hand, with a casual wave on the table In front of them several bags of Macdonalds have appeared.

"Works perfectly." The Sorcerer then made the cup disappear like it was never there to begin with.

Saber shook her head, she was about to speak. But, the smell of junk food snapped her out from any complaints she was about to say to her Master about misusing such an artefact for such a simple task…

"M-Master what is this… heavenly smell?" The living Servant said with a barely hidden gulp.

"That's my dear Servant is Macdonalds, one of greatest inventions of 20th century," Ren said that while opening the paper packaging and handing over four Big Macs to Saber while he only had one for himself.

He then showed how to use the straw with the paper cup.

Without waiting for anything Artoria took the first bite.

She softly moaned after taking the first bite.

"Truly… a miracle…invention" Saber said, then continue to munch on the burger.

Finishing first, then second, followed by two packs of fries with ketchup then third burger and finally stopping with fourth and last burger.

While in same time Ren only finished one, he was simply enjoying watching King Arthur herself 'feasting' on Macdonalds…

'I am sure the creator of this fast-food joint is crying tears of join in heaven right now after knowing that his food was even tasted and enjoyed by King of Knights herself…' Ren chuckled to himself after imagining all that.

After finishing all that the Fallen Knight grabbed the large size cup of Coke and drunk it in one go.

'Damn, that's impressive…' Ren looked at that with an impressed look.

"Now that we are done with…" He looked at the clock… it was just past three in the morning.

"Breakfast, let's talk about your wish for the cup." 

Artoria snapped out from her satisfied look at looked at her Master.

"You wished to redo your rule." He said that casually which made the darkened Saber flinch.

"It was…my past self… original idea… you should know that I don't care about that anymore." The fallen Knight shook her head.

"Yes, nonetheless it's a deep wound which doesn't heal over fortnight," Ren said while closing his eyes.

"You see your King of Knights rule was vital in the formation of modern society, in the wider scheme of things it very important failed or not." 

"You see, while your Kingdom has fallen the people did not forget your achievements, it spread through Britain, France eventually through the whole world."

"Your myth is cornerstone for Charlemagne you know? All the knights and paladins, it let the creation of Western nations like France, Italy, Germany…"

"So, you just want to wipe all that out?" He asked that while looking at her facial expression.


"...No, at that time I did not think about such things…" Saber said that with big eyes, the Fallen Knight didn't not though that her 20 years of rule could do that!

"That's of course is not all…" This made Saber look at him with even bigger eyes.

"T-There is more?" She asked with a similar gulp Morgan does.

"Before the turn of this century, your 'Britain' was known as Empire where the sun never sets." He said with a smirk as he saw her eyes bulge out.

"Was? Did something happened?" She asked seriously for some reason.

"Not at all, it simply reformed into 'Commonwealth' The Monarchy gave more freedoms to its people." He simply shrugged at her as he answered. 

Everyone were doing the 'American' thing at end of World War 2…

Saber nodded with relief as she decided to do some research on what was happening with the world right now.

"I see…"

"Yes, so Kingdoms rise and fall, but people remember as long as they are alive, there is no point for you to ignore the sacrifices of your knights and people of your era." He finished saying that.

"As I said to Morgan just move forward." He shrugged again.

"...I never expected to hear a motivational speech from you Master," Saber said that while she took single potato fry from him…

Ren simply handed over the remaining potato fries to his Fallen Knight.

"It's not motivation speech… it's more of understanding a Sorcerer has of the world, as such being has took a step at something more." He said that while thinking about how he sees the world now…

He realized that he has developed something akin to Clairvoyance… thanks to understanding Fifth...

"You sound now like Merlin used to speak," Artoria said with a frown as she realised how similar these two were for a moment.

"He is Grand Caster Candidate for a reason, I am sure we will meet him one day, and you will be able to use your Swords on him,"  Ren smirked while saying that.

Artoria for second grinned at such an idea, yeah… She does possess two Excaliburs now… 

While her original form only thought that the Court wizard was annoying at a time now however she had no such restrains.

That moment a certain white-haired man inside a special tower felt a shiver going down his spine.

"Does someone plot against me? What did I ever do?"