Dealing With Einzberns

"So, this is Germany?" Morgan said as she exited the private jet.

"I believe this is the place where Saxons originated," Artoria said as she exited after her.

"Not quite, they originate several hundred kilometres north from where we are right now," Ren said as he left the plane last.

"I see. Still, they are related aren't they?" The Fallen Knight asked him.

"Yes, same Germanic group." He nodded as they left the plane. Unlike last time they used a private jet to fly directly to Munich.

There was no need for any sort of secrecy anymore, so Ren could use his family wealth however he wanted.

After hearing the confirmation from her Master Artoria slightly got on edge.


"You do realise that era is long past Artoria. Hell people sometimes barely remember what they did last week, not to mention what happened 1,5 thousand years ago." Ren pointed that one fact out.

Morgan for a second frowned when she heard that, no wonder humans only live for around a hundred years with such short memories how could they live longer?

"I see… I suppose it's acceptable, I still don't like this place. I was quite baffled when I realized that I was summoned to lands of my former enemies." Saber Alter said as they moved towards the terminal to pass the border control.

"Really? You wound me Artoria! I am German by birth!" Ren said while holding his right hand on his heart.

Artoria's eyes widened when she heard that, panic instantly started bubbling in her stomach.

"I-I, D-Didn't… Master! I didn't mean it like that!" The Servant of sword quickly tried to apologize. But, she was extremely awkward in doing all that.

While Ren once again made Saber embarrassed and in an awkward situation, Morgan was able to enjoy the show while they were walking through the never-ending corridors of the airport.

Another thing she started to dislike about Panhuman History.

With Mage Association help it was quite easy for Ren to get documents for his two Servants, hell Artoria already had an identity crafted for her by Emiya Kiritsugu.

He only needed to do one for Morgan, who accepted it after several complaints…

After passing through quick border control, since they had a private and quick check-up of their 'luggage' they exited the airport where a car was waiting for them.


"So, how we will do it? Do you want frontal assault? Or more stealthy approach?" Ren asked the Magus Killer.

"I only care about getting my daughter from there nothing else, do whatever you want once she is secured." 

Emiya said straight to the point, the man quite quickly noticed the differences in Artoria and Morgan.

The 'supernatural' non-human 'air' around them was gone which one could feel from a Servant.

That was from Artoria…

Morgan was quite a different beast altogether, she was like an element in human flesh now.

It was enough for the man to realise that Ren was successful in his mission to acquire Third Magic.

The Magus killer thought that one magic is enough to fight a Type-Level being… now he has two! How more powerful he is?

"I see, then we will be the main diversion, while you do your thing," Ren said casually and Emiya accepted that.

The Magus Killer already saw what Ren can do for showing off, he does need much convincing that Sorcerer can make a very plausible diversion…

"Very well." He nodded without much fuss.

While Ren and Emiya discusses the 'plan' of assault, Irisviel uncomfortably looked at Saber who was standing like a statue with closed eyes.

The Living Servant of Sword had nothing else to say the Silver-haired woman.

Nothing they already didn't discussed beforehand.

She was betrayed, something Saber understood very naturally, Kiritsugu Emiya didn't even had a sliver of a chance of winning against a Sorcerer of First True Magic.

That's why she was being a realist and is not angry at them for betraying her. At that point, it was like facing a natural disaster and one needs to think about himself first before he or she can think about saving the rest.

~~~~~~Outside Einzbern Barrier~~~~~~

"The snowing is artificial. It works like an illusion." Morgan said that as she used her senses.

"Another layer of security to keep people away. They are descendants of Alchemists who used Third Magic back in days when Magic was much more potent." Ren explained to them.

"They are reclusive by very nature." He shrugged while saying that.

"By this point and time, they lost their true purpose, once they get their True Magic they would not know what to do with it." 

"So, they pursuing it for sake of pursuing?" Artoria asked with disbelief.

"Indeed, you just experienced another episode of human's ability to forget," Ren said with a smirk, Morgan once again frowned hearing that.

"Morgan, why don't you introduce us to them?" Ren motioned at the boundary field in front of them.

The Fairy Queen smirked in understanding as she manifested her spear and point the tip-up.

Soon enough the snow was dispelled and greenish-blue clouds manifested above the Boundary Field.

Few seconds later the clouds were blasted apart and the world anchor manifested in all of its glory and started to fall on the boundary field.

"There is no boundary field in world which can handle weight of tower of light holding realities together! Rhongomyniad!" Morgan said with the arrogance of a Witch who comprehend the concept of Rhongomyniad.

Saber looked at the massive tower descending on the boundary field with a small twitch.

The utterly casual way of manifesting Rhongomyniad will continue to affect her for a very long time.

If she can manifest it so casually… Can she add this concept into a weapon? Create armies of Rhongomyniad wielding soldiers?

Unlike Excalibur… her Holy Lance was nothing more simple lance with the concept of World Anchor inside of it.

Yes, it looked beautiful, but it was nothing more than a container for it.

Physical manifestation of World Anchor, with Morgan in the living world she could create more Anchors in case her original lance ceases to exist.

The green translucent tower reached the barrier as Saber was thinking how Rhongomyniad's magecraft appearance slowly becoming a regular thing in her life.

The barrier only lasted less than two seconds before it shattered under the weight of the 'world', and then simply ceased to exist before it could fall more.

"It should have got their attention," Ren said to the girls before he continued walking inside Einzbern territory.

"I don't detect any other defensive mechanism apart from that boundary field," Artoria said as they walked through the forest, it was pretty much like a stroll in a park.

"No, there was. I just disable everything the moment we entered the perimeter," Ren said that with both of his hands inside his pockets, he should have brought some gloves.

Should he wish for them? Nah…

He didn't knew that it could get this cold in this part of the Alps, did they decreased the temperature here on purpose?

"Denial Of Nothingness?" Artoria asked with a little bit of trepidation. An ability to simply making something cease to exist, no matter how many times she sees or hears about it. It makes her feel… so weak in front of such power!

No amount of training or prana matters in front of that.

"Yes… I spread Ether around myself creating a pseudo boundary field with me inside of it, it allows me to control everything in that area." He explained to his Servant Of Sword.

"Ho… you copied that from Fae territory creation?" Morgan commend from her side.

"Indeed, Magic is strong as it's Sorcerer and his imagination." He said that without any shame that he copied something from her.

Eventually, they arrived in front of white looking castle.

"I give 6 out 10, a castle without proper defences is not a castle, there are no walls or a gatehouse…" The pale blond witch looked at the Einzbern mansion which looked quite close to a castle, but...

"Hmmm, no I take back my word. it's 4 out of 10, such cheap imitation of the castle is an ugly thing." The Fairy Queen gave her final judgment.

It seems this place will cease to exist soon enough.

"You have some nerve to attack the Einzbern family." A Homunculus came out accompanied by multiple other homunculi, they all were battle-ready.

Artoria was first to react as she transformed into her battle attire, with two swords appearing in her hands, she quickly stepped forward as her Master's sword she was always ready to fight.

"You…look like King of Knights…" The old Homunculus said that after seeing many similarities between recently summoned Saber and this invader.

"Jubstacheit von Einzbern, as expected you are clueless." Ren stepped aside from Saber so that he could be face to face with the Einzbern family leader.

"You are?" The old Homunculus asked with a confused look.

"You been buying rights to use my discoveries for the past few years yet you don't know me?" The Sorcerer said while shaking his head, as expected of such a reclusive fool.

While Ren was not that insulted… it was a different thing with his wife-to-be, as Morgan's eyes narrowed when she heard that, such ignorance started to grind her nerves.

"...Renias Ashwell… why are you attacking my family?" The homunculus family head said very seriously he understood the seriousness of the situation after hearing his name. He already realised that these two women were something similar to Servants to some degree even if he can't sense that they were Servants, the Prana they radiated are massive.

"Apart from that I have right to attack you for corrupting Greater Grail with previous Servant your family summoned, which was avatar of Angra Mainyu, a manifestation of World's Evils which could have wiped human race from the face of Earth… apart from that I, made a deal with previous Saber's Master."

That moment the old fool realised that Ren is using Grail War Servants for this!

"You using Servants to do this!?" The old man asked with wide eyes he then looked at the Servants once more, it was his family Saber! Why it changed like that?

"Why are you listening to him!? What you are doing here won't going to bring you closer to Holy Grail!" He said with an angry voice.

"Ignorant to very core are you?" Morgan took a step forward her spear manifested once more, she stabbed the ground with the bottom part, cracking it in process.

Ren lifted his right hand and a golden cup manifested on it.

The old homunculus gulped down when he saw the REAL cup! All the Homunculuses around him lost all the will to fight that moment.

"I am the winner of the Fourth Grail War and Sorcerer of the Third Magic, my Servants staying with me after the war was already an indication of that," Ren said with a mocking smirk as he felt that Emiya already left the Einzbern castle with his wife, they were free to do whatever they want with this bunch in front of him!

His mission to distract was utter success.

"I-Imposible t-that's the real cup!!!" 

"Ho, you can see through that? Old man, you thought that you could trick Servants with such fake ritual!" Morgan said with a pissed off voice, she is pissed that she was tricked by the Greater Grail which was created by Einzberns!

Wish granting cup! What load of crap! She was summoned to be a fuel! If not for her Husband telling pretty much everything early she would be ignorant of the real purpose!

That moment her eyes glowed and her anger reached the peak.

"For tricking Queen Of Fairy Britain I will kill you all!" When Morgan said that Saber quickly went out of the way! Hell, Artoria doesn't want to be anywhere near when Morgan flips!

With a wave of her spear torrent of greenish-blue fire accelerated like an avalanche at the Castle and the shell shocked homunculuses.


What was next were screams of burning people, Morgan was not done by any stretch…

As she used a familiar spell he saw in Matou Residence.

"She is going to erupt their organs," Ren said to Artoria while crossing hands looking at everything with a nonchalant look.

"The way this spell work it cast mystery inside one body, as Fae spell it even can bypasses Servant Class defence to a certain degree." He clarified to his Saber servant whose facial expression paled when she realised her class defence wouldn't work that much against such diabolical magic!

"Unless one has Personal skill of a Saint which grant's magic resistance EX this dark magic is not dodgeable."

After saying that both of them watched how Morgan slowly clenched the red orb in her hand which started to erupt the surviving Homunculi organs… there were very few left after that casual display of fire magic... After this second display, there was none left...


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