
~~~~~~Next Morning~~~~~~

Early in the morning, Ren had to detach himself from pair of blondes, since both of them were functioning like living beings now, they now sleep properly 

Meaning no more dream circles, and proper dreams for the girls.

Ren is not going to lie to himself he sort of enjoyed living through Morgan's and Artoria's dream circles.

Seeing the round table knights, or even Morgan's Fairy Knights, even seeing glimpses of Lostbelts or fabled moments when the Fairy Queen nuked Atlantis with her Rhongomyniad.

Well, he had more chances with Morgan than Artoria, by that point he was only able to see Battle of Camlann…

And, few others before he reincarnated her.

As he left the sleeping beauties he walked over and saw the redhead teen already cooking breakfast.

"Morning Emiya." 

"Morning Ashwell-san." The teen greeted him back.

"I don't know what you guys like so I am doing some British breakfast."

"Sure, by the way, it's just a warning, but Your Servant and my Knight have Dragon attributes. So, they eat a lot," Ren warned the teen, who slowly nodded.

"I see… then I will cook more then." The teen said that as he went over to the fridge and pulled out more eggs.

"Don't worry about products, I will cover them for the period we are here." The Sorcerer said while dismissively waving his hand.

"Are you sure? We already have a deal that you will teach me magecraft while I will allow you to stay here." The redhead asked while raising his eyebrow.

"Yes for staying, not for food. so, I will cover the food expenditures." Ren said that as a cup of hot tea appeared in front of him.

Shirou saw how magically tea just manifested in front of his new teacher, the teen understood how he will cover food expenditures…

Well, at least he will save up more money…

Not long after that Blue Saber walked into the kitchen, the King of Knights could not control herself and just went over to the Dojo and spend most of the night swinging a wooden sword, trying to remove her frustration…

The moment she saw Ren, embarrassing blush crept over, remembering what he did to her inverted version is… very, very embarrassing…

Hearing her voice like that… had far-reaching consequences...

Still, she pushed the embarrassment down and sit down opposite to Ren.

"Tea?" Ren offered some tea.

The blonde scrutinised him with her gaze for few moments before opening her mouth.

"Servants don't need to consume any food or liquids." She gave the same answer his Fallen Knight did once…

"You do realise I already heard that before?" He shook his head and a cup of tea appeared in front of her.

"Drink it, it's from your homeland." He said that with a smile, knowing how to deal with her.

The moment he mentioned her homeland it instantly got her attention.

The King of Knights realised that he probably knows how to counter her every single argument… and…know every inch of her body...

'What in world I am thinking!?'

She shook her head quickly, it looked quite amusing for Ren who was just sitting there and seeing the blonde shaking her head and blushing…

At that time the Sorcerer had no idea why the King of Knights of all people was blushing like a high school girl.

The blonde got hold of herself and started sipping her tea. For a second she thought that it may be poison but her Master's words slammed back into her head reminding her that they are much more powerful than she and there is no need for such an underhanded trick.

But, then her eyes snapped open wide as she looked at the man in front of her, she was utterly shocked when she felt her prana reserves increase from a simple sip of this tea.

She started to take bigger sips and eventually finished the whole cup.

She didn't even taste the tea at all. The knight only cared that her prana reserves increased by 20%! 

As someone who has massive reserves thanks to her heritage, it was a lot!

Once she finished her tea, she put the cup on the table and looked at her half-sister's counterpart's husband.

The man who married the antithesis of Vivian, is he evil like her sister? Then again this Morgan is weird to her…

'Maybe because she already achieved everything she wanted?' The current Grail War Saber thought seriously.

"Well, how was it?" Ren asked her while sipping his tea.

"You put a large amount of Prana into the tea." She said with a straight face.

"...I did? Hmm, I see, I suppose my normal has been warped...try again." Ren motioned for Blue Saber to try again as the cup was full again.

The blond did, but this time she barely felt any prana there, she wanted to curse internally for her bad communication skills!

So, instead, she focused on the taste.


"Is… is this what people drink in my homeland nowadays?" The blonde knight asked with a frown, it was a weird combination of bitter yet sweet and some herbs in there?

"They went to war for this…" Ren said with a chuckle.

"Your homeland's culture has expanded and evolved to a large degree after conquering a lot of land in other Continents."  He explained more to her.

"...I see, I should read up how my homeland did after my demise." The King of Knights said with an interested look. But, then she remembered the Grail this man has!!!

Now how she is going to approach this subject? Both sides of her were battling for supremacy, one is to ask for it, the other one just to forget about it and focus on winning this war and the Grail.

"Breakfast is ready guys!" Shirou said while starting to bring food to the table. The blue Saber's face perked up hearing that.

As if knowing two more people entered the kitchen, both Morgan and Saber Alter had faces of someone who didn't want to wake up, but they had to.

The darker Artoria was hungry and Morgan just wanted to snuggle with Ren. 

Eventually, both of them very casually dropped next to Ren, taking over both of his sides, the witch just leaned into her husband side and closed her eyes. While the inverted Artoria already snapped out from her sleepiness and looked at British breakfast in front of her with drool.

"Damn… Emiya I am feeling at home away from home, you made a perfect copy of the British breakfast I usually eat in the Clock Tower." Ren said with a slightly awed look, that was another reason why the Sorcerer decided to stick around Emiya this war.

The Clock Tower doesn't have a regular 'cantina'. Nobility don't have a such thing, that why it's more or less a Five-star restaurant, funded by the most powerful families.

Most students enjoy the best food for cheap prices, after all the Magus are the cream of the crop of humanity, at least that's what most magus think…

"You think so? I just have a knack for making food." The redhead teen scratched the back of his head.

"You should open a restaurant or something," Ren said while taking a bite.

He then hummed with satisfaction, that moment Morgan opened her eyes and looked at food in front of her.

Moments later she elegantly tasted fried egg, then a hum escaped from her lips.

"Adequate." The pale blond witch said a single word.

"What my wife wanted to say is that it's good." The moment Ren said that his wife elbowed him, he just chuckled the moment he felt her sharp elbow.

Shirou nerviously laughed seeing that, his gaze went to his Servant and Ren's Knight both of them were like black holes consuming eggs, sausages and bacons at a rapid pace.

'This would have put a dent in my savings…' Emiya thought to himself seeing how elegantly and quickly these two females were consuming food.

As everyone were enjoying breakfast, that moment a loud female's voice spread through the whole house.

"Shirou I came for breakfast!!!" The red-haired teen stiffed hearing that.

"T-That's Fuji-nee! I completely forgot about her!" Shirou said with a panicked voice.

How he is going to explain four foreigners in his house!?

"Don't worry Shirou, I know your old man, we can always improvise," Ren spoke casually before the teen can answer the hyperactive woman was already in the kitchen.

"Wah! Shirou! Why you didn't say we have guests!!!" The woman pointed her finger at the redhead in an exaggerated manner.

"My apologies Fujimura Taiga-san, we came here unannounced, my name is Renias Ashwell, I am Kiritsugu Emiya associate, we worked together on a project back in Germany." Ren quickly took control of the conversation, Shirou is far… too nice to say half-truths, and has no idea how to fix the situation without making it a mess out of it.

"Oh! You know Kiritsugu? Though aren't you too young?" She said that bluntly.

"Not really, I worked with him when I was in my late teens, I became Lord of my house at that time," Ren said with shrug.

"Wait! You are noble from Europe? No wonder Kiritsugu had that much money to buy this place!" The woman said with stars in her eyes soon enough she was sitting next to Blue Saber.

The King of Knights pulled her plate closer to herself, indicating that she is not sharing her food.

"So what did he do to be employed by old families in Europe?" She leaned closer very curiously, forgetting that there are more people in the room.

"Well, he was a freelancer before retiring, he did a bunch of stuff from organising demolition to tracking and discovering old battlefields," Ren said with shrug.

Morgan and inverted Artoria smirked hearing that, Ren didn't lie at all, he only changed how to approach the subject.

"So, related to archaeology? He didn't seem like the type…" The English teacher said with a thoughtful look.

"He was one of best outdoors type of guy, we worked together in the Alps just before his retirement." He explained, remembering how they dealt with Einzberns…

"Oh, I see...interesting. He never explained any of the things he did…" She said that as the woman started to put food on her plate.

"He was under a contract, Can't talk about things we discover," Ren said with another shrug.

Shirou looked with quite fascination how Ren controlled his guardian, he does wonder if he truly worked with his old man?

After all, they were enemies in the previous Holy Grail War…

"I see, it makes sense if he was working for old families in Europe." The brown-haired teacher said while already eating, she was not at Artoria's level but she was close.

"Yes, now that is out of the way I would like to introduce you to my wife and our bodyguards." Ren motioned the pale blond witch to his right.

"This is Morgan Ashwell, and this is Altria and Artoria." The Sorcerer introduced the ladies, Blue Saber stiffed when she was called Altria, it was another of her names, birth name in truth, but then she changed it after becoming King Arthur…

The Sorcerer does know quite a bit about her, doesn't he?

The English teacher slightly bowed to them.

"My apologies for ignoring you three, I was just shocked that someone from Kiritsugu past came to visit Shirou!" 

She was more or less baffled that Renias bodyguards are beautiful females, are they twins? She can see that they are not identical but extremely close.

That was not all as she can see that each of them had an aura of warrior, especially the bodyguard of his, while his wife had aura Heiress maybe even a Princess, this guy truly was Nobleman from Europe…

"It's alright, I can understand the desire to know," Morgan said elegantly between her bites.

'Even her voice… this lady…is amazing.' To say that she was awed by this lady was an understatement, from the way she holds herself to the way she speaks…

"M-My thanks!" Shirou's legal guardian stuttered her words.

Blue Saber slightly frowned, does this Morgan has Charisma Skill?

The way she affected her Master's Guardian was similar to Charisma related skill.

'Just how many skills this woman has?' If only the King of Knights knew the difference between regular Servant and that from Lostbelt...


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