Going Sightseeing

After a short introduction, Shirou reminded his guardian that she will be late for her work if she continues to stick around.

After short panic and stuffing herself the woman left to work.

"I am curious, is she truly your Guardian? The way I see is that you are her Guardian." Morgan said that as she was sipping her tea which was created by her husband.

The Fairy Queen was so in synch with her husband that it had baffled the Blue Saber.

The King of Knights observed her half sister's counterpart the whole time when Shiro's Guardian was here, she wanted to make sure the Witch didn't do anything to the woman.

Turns out she barely even talked with her. Morgan's husband did the most talking while she would join from time to time.

Nothing like the Morgan from her time who would have schemes inside schemes followed by a plot…

This was a... content woman…

The Blue Saber could only frown internally, not going to lie, she is jealous of that…

After that, the Saber of the current Grail War learned that her Master is going to school without protection...without her... something she doesn't like at all!

"We can compromise, you can attend your school while we go to the city, not far from your place," Ren said to them both, as Shirou and King of Knights are stubborn beyond belief.

The Sorcerer remembered that his wife had her stubborn streak too. But, she 'lost it' after he put a ring on her ring finger, that moment the Fairy Queen transformed from a Queen to a Wife.

And ever since then she agreed with everything he said and from time to time gave her opinion on some things.

He usually asked her for the best methods for tormenting people, dark arts, boundary fields and alike, in the end, her arts don't align with modern magecraft and current society that much, but then again even a simple understanding of her arts can make some incredible discoveries in human Magecraft.

Still, because of her existence, the capital of the UK experienced a massive increase in Prana and even there were reports of Fae being born into the human world…

That was something excited and horrified some of the Magus in the tower, nonetheless Morgan very quickly collected these 'newborns' and stored them somewhere…

Ren didn't even want to know what she will do with those Fae.

As far as he knows Fae are not that nice in the Fate franchise, unlike other places, that's why Ren is allowed for Morgan to do whatever she wanted with those Fae.

Still, that discovery reminded the Sorcerer that the world was changing.

Now, however, The Sorcerer can relax in this place before he returns to his timeline, but before that, he needs to leave a 'gift' for the Kaleidoscope who allowed him to use his portals…

Well, Ren is still thinking about what to leave for the Sorcerer who is obsessed with Magic Girls.

"..." The Blue Saber for a second frowned, like hell she wishes to stick close to these anomalies!

"That sounds nice! You can even show Saber around the city!" While Shirou found this situation a 'win-win'!

"...Shirou...I don't…" The King of Knights realised that her Master was quite effortlessly persuaded!

"Nonetheless, Emiya you will have to return before sunset, as battles are fought at nighttime, and I still have to teach you about Magecraft." Ren reminded the wannabe Hero.

"Of course!" The kid excitedly nodded at him, he even looked like a puppy who finally found his long lost Master.

'Damn this kid…' Ren internally grimaced, the Redhead should have been born in Age of Heroes… this timeline is not right for him at all!

Not long after Emiya left, just before that Saber has reminded him to use his Command Seals to summon her in case of emergency.

After the doors were closed the blond knight got defensive and ready for battle.

"Really? Sister-in-law?" Ren ALWAYS loves to use that title, he still sometimes reminds himself that his in-laws are Pendragons.

The King of Knights flinched, and Morgan giggled while his fallen Knight laughed out loud.

"What you three plotting do with me?" The Blonde Knight with some panic asked them.

Perfectly honestly Ren could just take the contract by force with Heaven's Feel, or even Magic Blue. But, there is no need for that…

The city has a certain Witch from Age of Gods around, he doesn't need to do anything, Shirou will lose his Saber one way or another he can see the future after all...

Even if the Sorcerer is going to 'assist' Hero Wannabe the Witch will eventually do her thing…

Well, Ren is not going to hold the wannabe hero's hand, his role will be that like Obi-Wan who gave Luke his Lightsaber.

Everything else is up to the Redhead.

He will give the tools for the teen to be a 'Hero', what he does after that is up to Emiya…

"Plotting? Seriously dear sister-in-law? If I wanted to do something it would have already happened… do you know how long the Fourth Holy Grail War lasted in my timeline?" He turned away from the doors and looked at the blond who took some distance from them.

As if distance matters to him…

"I do not, I only know that you won it." The King of Knights side as she slightly relaxed. But, she was ready to 'grab' her sword at any moment.

He showed to her four fingers. "Four days, on first day Morgan took out Archer, The King of Heroes…" The Blue Saber eyes widened she finally understood why the blond was so arrogant, why he was so powerful! Humanities oldest Hero? And her Half-Sister counterpart took him out?" On the second day, I took over Berserker." The blond knight's eyes widened even more as she instantly knew who that is!

"Lancelot… you have Lancelot with you?" The woman paled and took several steps back, just remembering him makes her feel despair.

One of her mistakes as King is here right now? The whole time? But...how?

She remembered him going nuts just by seeing her!

"Of course, where Artoria is my sword, he is my Berserker who destroys everything and anything for me." As Ren spoke a silhouette manifested next to him, The King of Knights eyes widened further when she saw that this Berserker was much, much different, he has not fully manifested but she already can feel power rolling from him, not only there is no red anger around him, instead it's greenish-blue! Did Morgan did something? Probably did, if he can stay quietly next to her inverted version.

A Berserker like Lancelot with unlimited prana? Wait! His Master possess Denial Of Nothingness… which means unlimited weaponry for him to use as well!!!

'What a terrifying combination…' 

As Ren finished talking about his Berserker, the silhouette already disappeared.

"I see…" The Blond Knight eventually said the only thing she could say in this situation.

"After acquiring Berserker, the next night we assaulted Einzbern castle, Berserker finished off Lancer, while Morgan fought you at full power, you know the result." He motioned at his Fallen Knight, who had a poker face. But, Blue Saber saw Alter touch her jaw for some reason, probably remembering something?

"While the night after we finished of Assasin and Rider, few hours later we summoned the grail." He said with a shrug he didn't mentioned about corruption, there is enough drama as it is...

The King of Knights processed what Ren just said, his war was much shorter than her's, they didn't have insane Caster or anything like that to deal with…

"How did you even dealt with Archer? He was the only remaining Servant apart from me in the last stages of the war?" The Blue Saber asked very curiously, that Blonde bastard was one of the most annoying people she has ever met.

Very close to her true half-sister in annoyance ranking…

This time Morgan lifted her hand and a very small greenish-blue tower manifested just above her index finger.



The blond knight shook her head in disbelieve, she took multiple steps back.

"No… this is impossible! How? Rhongomyniad! This is… impossible!" She didn't want to believe this!

She can understand, that this Morgan is Fairy Queen, she can understand that she is close in power that to Divine Spirits…

But, to use Rhongomyniad as… magecraft!? Literal magecraft!!!

That insanity is on a different level altogether!!! 

"That was my reaction seeing her creating Rhongomyniad just under King of Heroes feet…" Saber Alter said while shaking her head.

"I believe even King of Romania would be proud of such impalement…" The darker version of King of Knights said with a satisfying chuckle, she only saw the golden hero for a short amount of time but she already disliked him.

Thanks to her Master, she didn't need to experience him more than needed, as the fallen Knight can see that her goody two shoes version had to suffer this blonde half-blood godling presence much longer…

"I see…" The King of Knights said with an utterly defeated tone.

"Good, now that I explained that we have no ulterior motive towards you, let's explore the city," Ren said that while ignoring how Blue Saber defeated looked.

He hopes that she does not fall into despair and invert herself…

Same with Morgan, she prefers this one who can be easily embarrassed!


The city was slightly different from what he remembered, after all, ten years have passed since the war, and he has not been in this city for around six years.

Even if it was a different timeline not much has changed, the cars got an upgrade in technology, the mall is slightly more modern too, still a far cry from its original timeline…

Ren took the females to mail, then to main broadway where most of the shops are, then obviously… food.

No matter how much the King of Knights denied she would always cave in when Ren is about to hand over the food to his Fallen Knight instead of her.

This process continued for several tries before the Blue Saber stopped resisting, thankfully she regained some of the vigour after tasting whatever food she wanted.

In the end, they saw something interesting…

A bunch of police officers blocking walkways, they have closed up the whole section around some sort of office building.

"Walk along people, it's just a gas leak!" The policemen with glowing sticks was controlling the traffic, making cars drive around and not block the road and cause a traffic jam.

"This war's Caster's work," Morgan said as she was eating her dessert.

"Yes, I can sense a residue of Prana from here…" The King of Knights said seriously she was clenching her ice cream slightly harder than necessary…

"Hmm, well why I don't help you, dear little sister?" The witch said with a hum.

"Help… help how?" She doesn't like the sound of that!

"Oh relax, I am not doing anything crazy!" The Fairy Queen rolled her eyes, as she saw how quickly her heroic little sister turned defensive…

"All I am going to do is, help you discern something from this prana so that you will start learning of this Caster's identity…" 

Blue Saber relaxed hearing that the Blonde Knight could always use some help in this war, even if it's coming from Morgan herself…

'My world truly is going crazy!'

While the Saber of this Grail War has realised that her world is getting crazy, the pale blond witch used her Fae senses to analyse the Prana.

Morgan was quite excited to learn the real identity of this Caster, after all, Ren did not reveal the identity of this war's Caster…

"Hmm, interesting… it's a female… and her prana is potent… similar to Fae, but not bound to element… heh, then it means a Magic-user from Age of Gods…" The Witch spoke as a smile started to creep on her face.

"Another rogue Servant? Or her Master can't support her?" The King of Knights realised how this situation was similar to her previous war!

'What's with these Evil Casters who can't be supported by their Masters? This is getting ridiculous!' The Blond Knight thought about this with the annoying look.

For now, she decided to focus on her Ice Cream and wait for nighttime!


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(Once Fate In Denial catches up with chapters on Discord it will fall into the voting category)