Starting Training

"Let me get this straight. You attacked him in the middle of a day?" Ren asked the twin-tailed girl while massaging his temples.

"No! The classes have ended, and I made everyone leave the building!" Rin said with a huff, she crossed her hands under her breasts.

"Plus he was behaving like nothing is happening! It's infuriating!" The girl said with a pissed-off expression.

"Really? Emiya?" Ren just got reminded how stupid the redhead can be.

"Not everyone plays by the rules, at least be vigilant." The Sorcerer shook his head.

"The Sorcerer is right, Shirou. Don't let your guard down." Blue Saber said with a no-nonsense tone.

"Okay! I will!" The teen raised his hands in defeat.

"You better do! I won't be going easy on you tomorrow!" Rin said with a huff as she started to leave the school grounds.

'Rin, control yourself, we don't know how THAT monster will behave!' Archer reminded her about the elephant in the room.

'I know! Nothing has happened! and he is a role model magus!' The twin tail teen said to Archer while trying to control her blush.

'Oh Alaya… why are you forcing me through all this shit!?!' The Counter Guardian thought with a frustrating groan.

The Faker realised that Rin started to hero-worship the Monster, if only she knew the truth about him!

'Did you say something Archer?'

'Nothing, just focus on what is in front of you.'

She huffed when she heard that.


Once Ren and the group returned to Emiya's residence, they had a quick dinner, the redhead teen couldn't wait for his magecraft lessons.

So, after all things were done, he took his new teacher and his curious wife to his 'workshop'.

"This doesn't look like any workshop I have ever seen…" Morgan said with barely controlled disbelief, she had never, ever, seen such… non-magecraft workshop dedicated to study magecraft!

It was just a regular storage building!

No boundary fields! No security! nothing of Magecraft even!

"Right so, Emiya do you know why Rin was so upset with you?" Ren asked while inspecting the shed, he noticed the Servant summoning circle on the ground.

"As I said old man only taught me very basics, and he called himself a 'magecraft user', not Magus." Shirou Emiya said with a sigh.

"I see, let me explain about what Magus is in general. You see Magus is like a researcher who tries to uncover mysteries of the world, Tohsaka family which Rin comes from has been working on winning the Holy Grail War since 18 century, and with that kind of behaviour you did today is like a spit in face of her family work which has been in generations of making." Ren explained to shell-shocked Teen.

"And what I have seen here is that you been training Reinforcement, what proper Magus would do in this situation is to find a way to minimise the amount of Prana you use and maximise the reinforcement spell," Ren said while pointing at stuff on the ground.

"Wow… you can tell that just by looking at it?" Red-haired teen said with awe.

"Yes. Anyway, show me how you do it." Ren motioned for him to start.

Shirou nodded and picked up the pipe, he then said the famous chant, used by all the Fakers…

"Trace on." The pipe glowed with green lines appearing on it...

"That man didn't want to teach this child at all," Morgan said as she realised what the redhead did, she could not find anywhere to sit so she was just standing there next to her husband and observing this silliness.

"Alright stop, that's not how you activate your circuits, your old man didn't want to teach you at all, as what you do right now is self-mutilating," Ren said that while earning a look of disbelief from Emiya Shirou.

"Human, what you are doing is turning your nerves into makeshift circuits, you either don't feel pain or you've been doing this for so long that it became just a nuisance." The Fairy Queen didn't know if she should be impressed or completely baffled by this teen behaviour.

"Truly? This is how old man taught me!" 

"Well, he thought that after experiencing this pain you will stop trying to learn magecraft." Ren just shrugged at him.

"Well, first of all, you need to activate the circuits you are born with." That moment Ren appeared just behind Shirou and put his hand on his back, all of that was so surreal to the teen that it took him few moments to realise what just happened!

That moment Ren channelled some Prana, did a proper scan of his body, checked the teen's attributes and origin then checked if redhead started to manifest his Reality Marble…

All that in a fraction of a second…

While Shirou felt something 'activate' in his body.

"I have awakened your Circuits, it will take time for your body to readjust to that, so no magecraft for today, not that you can use it without mental trigger." He lowered his hand and continued to explain.

"Mental trigger is a mental image which triggers activation of your circuits." 

"It can be anything, from something silly like bread popping from a toaster to sun going supernova." 

All that happened so fast that the teen somewhat stumbled forward, nearly losing his balance. Yet, he had to listen to his new teacher words as well!

"Ok. So, it has to be some set of images?" The hero wannabe regained his balance and asked that.

"Yes, in your case it has to be related to metal in some manner." The Sorcerer said that as he created a simple sword and handed it over to him.

"Tell me, doesn't it feel natural for you to hold it?"

Emiya grabbed it and did a simple swing with it.

"Yes, it feels very natural, is... that my magecraft?" He asked with some realisation.

"Everything sword related IS your speciality, that includes certain metals, not by much, but it's 'cheaper' for you to use it."

"As long as the shape is that of a sword it will cost you less Prana, nonetheless I can't teach you much because of your very specific classification. Once you find your mental trigger I will teach you Gradation Air." He said that as his gaze went around the shed.

"And we going to fix up this place."

"Finally!" Morgan said with a huff, this was not a place for a married Queen like her!


Shirou gazed with shell shocked look as he saw how his shed transformed into a Magus workshop!

More like an underground bunker that was built in less than a few hours! Just underneath the shed building.

"Since you are a 'Sword', I built a Forge, and sparing area over there, as well as some other training equipment." Ren showed to the teen.

"Forge? I never worked in a forge before." Shirou said while shaking his head, but he can feel attracted to the thing.

"Don't worry IT will come to you naturally, working with metal is something you are naturally attuned to," Ren said that while crossing his hands.

"Nonetheless, I have a book for you." The Sorcerer then pulled out a thick and old book on… Taoism of all things.

"Taoism? What this?" He asked with a confused look, he has heard about this, it's something that originated from China.

"World is not just black and white, Emiya, all my achievements come from understanding the bigger picture, if you can grasp what I mean, then you will achieve your true potential, maybe even break the chains of human limits." He said while smirking at him.

After saying that he left the workshop while leaving the teen with an interesting look toward the book he was holding in his hands.

"Are you trying to convert him to your 'mindset'?" Morgan asked curiously.

What the witch found utterly baffling is that her Husband has the blessing of both Alaya and Gaia! Is it because of this Taoism thing?

If this kid follows her Husband footsteps then he will achieve the same thing!?

"I am his teacher. It's duty of one to point him towards the best direction." Ren said to her.

"If he can grasp the principle that he 'I can't save everyone until I am strong enough' then he will become True Hero."

"Is that even possible?" Morgan asked with wide eyes, such a mindset is that even possible?

"In a world where concepts can crystalize into weapons of mass destruction? Are you seriously asking me that? Didn't you grasped something impossible yourself?" He asked that with raised eyebrow.

"Fair enough…" Morgan said realising that she was being hypocritical of all things.

"He is sword Morgan, and it's up to us to shape it how strong it is and where to point it." He said that with a smile.

"...I see, what fascinating Origin…" She said that while realising what Ren meant, another individual with fascinating Origin.

"Both...Morgan, his Attribute and Origin."

"That's… will make him VERY specialised in one direction… he will develop Reality Marble, doesn't he? You don't show much attention to regular Magius dear." Morgan continued to understand more why Ren is interested in this kid, as Magus to a bone, her Husband finds him interesting sub-... Student…

"Yes, I am finding it weird that you don't remember him," Ren said that to her who looked at him curiously.

"Remember him?" She frowned for a second, then she had a flashback…" Wait… Redhead man with Katana… Senji Muramasa?" She said that name with wide eyes.

"Correct, he can be summoned with Shirou's body, becoming Pseudo-Servant…" Ren clarified for her.

"Fascinating… he can reach realms of God slaying?" She asked curiously, it's always fascinating when Human's reach such a high level!

"Not normally. But, he has potential, it's all about mentality, that's what puts roadblocks to greatness." He said something that Morgan knows better than anyone.

She was someone who destroyed those roadblocks and reached her peak.

"Very well, I will watch this with interest…" Morgan smiled, that moment Shirou in his workshop felt a chill going down his spine.


Once evening came, Blue Saber saw Emiya implanted his face into a thick old looking book.

"Shirou? we should seek out some servant to fight, the Grail War is ongoing." The King of Knights reminded him.

"I disagree, Shirou doesn't have proper access to his Circuits yet, I suggest we talk some tactics first,"  Ren said from the opposite side of the table.

"You are not participating in this war Sorcerer, why you are helping us?" Blue Saber asked with narrowed eyes.

"Because, dear sister-in-law." The blonde knight flicked when he used that 'title'..." I am your Master teacher, and if he is to die before I can teach him everything it will be a bad rep to me."

"Until then, going into battle is pointless." He said to Shirou.

"Since you can't support Saber with healing or anything else you know how to shot arrows from a bow yes?" Shirou quickly nodded, his eyes widened in realisation, yes! He can use a bow to support Saber!

"Yes, that could work." Blue Saber gave a small nod towards the Sorcerer. That could work, she can't believe these three are helping her, the blonde King doesn't know how to feel about this at all!

"Right since that is over let's talk about the current situation…" Ren clapped his hand and a map of Fuyuki manifested on top of the living room table.

It was not a normal map, as it had leylines and other important landmarks of the Moonlit World drawn on it.

"The grail can manifest in these three areas, the Ryuudou Temple, The Church, and the park." Ren pointed at those.

"Of course if Rin tries she can do that from her house, but it has a history of collateral damage. So, the Tohsaka family stopped doing that." Blue Saber twitched when she heard 'collateral damage' they after all saw the park… the sight of Fourth War… and she didn't like that place at all!

"I can safely say that one of the Masters or Servants has the temple as their base," Ren mentioned the temple on the mountain.

"Now, that you mentioned, Issei mentioned that some foreign woman moved in there." Emiya pointed at the temple on the map.

"Now that we talking about mentionings, there was something weird in the school today too." the redhead scratched the back of his head, he was embarrassed that he didn't mention that before.

Blue Saber gave Emiya a deadpan look.


"Yes?" The redhead teen asked cautiously, as he was sensing something from his Servant.

Before he can say anything the King of Knights, hit him with a karate chop on his head.



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