School Assault and First Projection

After talking about tactics, Morgan beefed up the boundary field around the house and everyone called in the day.

The next morning Ren woke up early and went to the Emiya workshop where the teen already was practising Reinforcement.

"Well, better now?" He asked the redhead, he didn't even bother asking if he found the mental trigger or not as he was using prana more smoothly now.

"Yes! The reinforcement is much more smoother! And it's far easier to use Structure Grasp too!" The teen said with a happy voice, he can't believe the amount of progress he did compared to before!

"Good, now let me teach you Gradation Air," Ren said to Emiya as he took a seat next to him.

He then lifted his hand and on top of his palm, a Katana inside a sheath appeared.

"Now, use Structure Grasp on it." Shirou slowly nodded at him and took the blade.

For some reason, he already knows what it is, the name, from what it is made, and how old it is.

"This… this doesn't make sense… it said that this blade is several hundred years old, but same time it's freshly made!" Emiya shook his head, he was confused as hell! How can such a weapon exist in the first place!

"Ho, you can already say that much? Impressive for the first time. Come now, try again. Tell me more about this sword." Ren motioned for him to try again.

Shirou closed his eyes, and focused on the blade he started to dig into the blade's history.

That moment he started seeing imagines…

A tree with galaxies of some sort inside of it, a massive titan shaped being inside of it…

Then... this blade killing this Titan…


The experience was so much for Shirou that sweat started pouring from his forehead.

"A God Slaying Sword!!! Tsumukuri Muramasa! B-But how!? This doesn't make any sense! The sword is not God slaying one but it still is!!!" The more he tried to make sense of this weapon contradicting existence the more he did the more he was confused!

"Don't think too deeply into this Emiya, listen carefully, this blade was wielded by Servant of Extra Class know as Alter Ego, this blade was crafted by this Servant who is a Blacksmith to be wielded as a weapon to kill Gods through a personal skill," Ren explained to him.

"Now try, again." He motioned to try again.

Shirou nodded and tried to use Structure Grasp on this anomaly!

While the Sorcerer could only smirk, the future looks bright, after all, he sees it all…

Was it wise to show Shirou a sword crafted by his ancestor in Lostbelt?

Well, what Ren is seeking can only be achieved by power from Lostbelts, and his wife is a treasure trove when it comes to stuff from that place.

If Shiro can understand this sword then he will know how to Slay Gods, and not only that but his Unlimited Blade Works would evolve to something more.

And all we needed is some miracles from a Sorcerer…

Still, it's a work in progress…


After morning passed Emiya left for school, Ren knew today there will be some action.

They all left towards the school at a specific time…

The most confused about this was Blue Saber why are they going out at a specific time and why towards school specifically?

All those thoughts eventually crumbled when they felt a spike in prana, Saber instantly transformed into her battle dress and charged in with small bursts of Prana.

The school was already empty so it didn't matter, as Saber went through a high fence and towards the school.

"So eager, she truly wants that wish…" Morgan said while shaking her head.

"I would do same, not that I have any wish right now, if it's Master who is in danger then I would charge without a care in the world, you wouldn't?" Saber Alter asked with narrowed eyes.

"No, I wouldn't. because he would never be in danger in the first place, I would never allow my husband to leave my sight if he was weak as this human." She said her point, and the Fallen Knight nodded instantly.

Ren could only shake his head at how these two operate. 

They continued to walk towards the school and soon enough they saw fighting inside the corridors of the school, he can see Rin and Shirou fighting dragon tooth warriors.

"Those are dragon tooth warriors, a magecraft used in Age of Gods," Ren said as they casually walked inside.

Taking a flight of stairs they arrived at the same floor where the action was taking place.

Blue Saber blasted the Dragon Tooth Warriors with 'Strike Air'

"I am not joining this, it looks boring to be perfectly honest." The darker version of Saber said with eyes roll. 

The pale blond witch joined Saber Alter in this regard both of them saw this beneath their station to fight some walking bones.

But, it doesn't mean they won't be blasting these things of existence…

As Morgan waved her hand and portion of the skeleton warriors stopped existing.

Blue Saber saw this, she instantly focused in a different direction, moving towards the source of these creatures leaving behind the trio anomalies who were advancing with leisure pace like it was a stroll in a park.

While Emiya and Tohsaka were chasing a blue-haired teen, who was crying and panicking, he reminded Ren and his ladies of those extremely petty villains.

"Is this truly a Grail War? Seriously, Master, it's an extreme letdown from the previous one, majority of Masters in the previous one were competent mages, and this one?" Saber Alter said that while shaking her head.

Ren can understand just how different the war is, the last war had three kings, with noble phantasm between A++ and EX…

And this one? Berserker who only has a single Noble Phantasm! Where is the fabled Nine Lives!?

Underpowered King of Knights?, underpowered Medusa, an Assassin locked to a single place! 

The only competent Master is Rin Tohsaka who messed up her summoning too!

"I want fucking refund…" Ren said softly to himself, both the blonds snorted hearing that.

Eventually, Blue Saber reached the place.

"Caster! I will cut you down!" The King of Knights blasted through the doors.

What she saw was a hooded woman holding another female by the neck, the woman hold by the neck was struggling to free she had long purple hair.

"Wha…" She blinked for a second, realising that it's another Servant, but for a Caster to dominate another Servant in physical combat?

What the hell is going on?

The blonde Knight decided not to wait and figure out, she was a person of action. So, she charged with a burst of Prana.

The hooded woman who Blue Saber believes is Caster released the other woman right into the Swordswoman path before taking some distance.

Saber's eyes widened for a second, she decided not to cancel the attack and take out the opposing Servant while she had a chance.

And so, she redirected her 'Strike Air' accompanied by some golden Excalibur particles, slamming the Servant into a wall, creating a massive dent breaking most of the bones and killing in the process.

"Well, I have overstayed my welcome here…" The hooded woman said to Blue Saber, she was very much interested in this strongest Knight class Servant.

While Saber didn't bother saying anything instead she rushed at her.

But the hooded woman already turned into purple particles and disappeared.

The blonde Knights swing missed its target, instead she destroyed a portion of a wall.


"Well, at least one Servant is gone." She looked at the cracked wall where Servant was implanted by her it already disappeared.

It seems, Caster has drained this Servant or it was severely lacking Prana to function at a proper level, she never faced such a weak Servant before.

~~~~~~Before Caster Left~~~~~~

Emiya was using a piece of reinforced metal as a weapon, it was quite efficient to destroy these skeletal things…

For some reason, these things are completely ignoring Shinji who was right behind them, it was as if they are protecting him from them.

"Emiya-kun! That book Shinji is holding! It's probably how he control his Servant!" Tohsaka said to him as she was using Gandr to shot the skeletal things. 

The redhead teen looked at what Shinji was holding in his hands.

It was some sort of glowing tome.

"We need to get closer to him to take it!" Emiya said while swinging the metal pole wildly, he thought about the options available to them, he then remembered about her Servant.

"Where is your Archer by the way?" He asked the twin-tailed girl.

Tohsaka grimaced hearing that.

"He is on the lookout in case another Servant wants to join this mess." The last Tohsaka said while hiding her grimace.

Her Servant can't properly operate around the Sorcerer, he is either too terrified or constantly complaining to Alaya or is mumbling something about Water…

So, she started using him like a proper Archer class, shooting from distance…

"I see, I suppose it makes sense." The teen redhead said with realisation.

Rin could only sigh how easy is the Master of Saber to manipulate…

He didn't even question her at all…

Still, the skeletal things continued to get in their way.

'Emiya try using Projection, project that sword.' That moment the redhead teen stopped in his tracks, he heard his teacher speaking directly in his head!

His teacher can do that!?

'But, I failed! I can't even understand half of the things that sword is! It's a contradiction!' The teen thought with frustration while smashing a dragon tooth warrior with extra force.

'Your Magecraft is a sword, when a sword cuts does it care what it is cutting?' Ren questioned the teen who that moment stopped in his tracks, it's as if at that moment he understood something greater!

"No, it does not...Trace On!" Emiya said that softly, green lines manifested on his right hand, going all the way to his neck and right cheek.

"Emiya-kun?" Tohsaka took a step back away from him, the wind started to pick up around the Fake Janitor.

The redhead now completely understood the meaning of that sword, contracting or not, impossible or not, simple or not.

It's not his place to question all that, it's just a sword, a sword meant for cutting down!

'Judging the concept of creation

Hypothesizing the basic structure

Duplicating the composition material

Imitating the skill of its making

Sympathizing with the experience of its growth

Reproducing the accumulated year's

Excelling every manufacturing process

Ignoring the limitations.'

Tohsaka eyes went wide eyes seeing a red-glowing Katana, which looked like it's just a bare sword, it only had an edge, no handle… nothing! Like some kendo wooden sword!

"What is this!? What magecraft is that!?!" The pressure from the blade was that of a Noble Phantasm! Maybe even more!

"That Rin is a sword capable of cutting Gods themselves, it's called..." Ren said to the girl as he finally arrived at the room where Rin and Emiya was.

When the girl heard that her eyes went wide! The redhead fake janitor of her school can summon God slaying sword what the hell!?

"Tsumukuri Muramasa!!!"

Emiya did a single swing and the whole classroom exploded, it maybe was too much in this situation, but Ren wanted to see the blade in action, the only other way to see this is if he goes to the Grand Order timeline…

Maybe one day he will go there when he will grow tired of ruling the world and instead will do some world-saving?

While it did shatter the whole classroom, destroyed the flooring in the process, the cut was extremely precise, at the level of doctor's who treat their patients.

All the dragon tooth warriors were destroyed, and the book Shinji was holding was cut too, yet Shinji was alright, not a single hair was touched on his head…

The sword Emiya was holding started to break apart, like it was built from sand, slowly it was disintegrating.

The redhead turned around and looked at his teacher who looked at the whole thing with fascination, even the pale blond Witch looked at this with a raised eyebrow, she was having a Deja Vu with all of this.

"I did it Sensei, I understood the meaning of the blade!" He said that, smiled for a bit before collapsing on the ground.

"Damn… Master, what kind of things are you teaching him!?" Saber Alter said with wide eyes.

What kind of stuff is that! It's not Excalibur. but, that thing can cut anything!

"Emiya-kun!" Tohsaka quickly went over to check the passed out teen.

"Don't worry he just used all of his Prana by using that sword."


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(Once Fate In Denial catches up with chapters on Discord it will fall into the voting category)