Taking Over

"Saber! Are you okay?" Concerned Emiya asked the blonde Knight.

The King of Knights looked away she was ashamed of herself.

Caster that moment wrapped her hands around the Servant of Sword from behind.

"Don't worry, she is in good hands." The Servant of Magic softly said to the newcomers.

"Now you understand what is going to happen, Artoria?" Ren asked the blond-haired knight.

"Yes, just be done with it, I had my choice, once again I have chosen poorly…" Saber's resigned voice freaked out Caster.

"Who is he, Saber? Why are you resigned such?" She asked seriously, it didn't make sense to Caster, as the guy was human, she can sense his incredible prana, which she is itching to drain.

But, apart from that, there is nothing much else about him.

No modern human should be able to match Servant Of Sword especially when the Servant is fully powered and powerful as her one now.

"You didn't know? He is a Sorcerer of three True Magics?" Saber explained with a questioning look.

That moment Caster's felt a chill going down her spine, how did she miss this? This is impossible! She is scrying the city in detail every single day, multiple times!

This should have not eluded her!

"Oh, she doesn't know, Morgan's territory control is unprecedented in this time and era, especially when we combining our efforts, even Divine Spirits would have a hard time observing and tracking us."

That moment Ren stopped 'hiding', his presence 'exploded', his magical reserves became limitless, and he was like a mountain whose ceiling one could not see no matter how hard one tried to look up.

In truth, it made one feel even smaller when this 'mountain' stared back at them…

Artoria gulped down, after feeling all that.

"So, Medea of Colchis hand over Saber, or I will make you hand it over, it's your choice." Ren started walking forward leaving behind dumbfounded duo students of his and Counter Guardian turned Servant who was almost shaking in the Sorcerers presence.

The most shocked of them all was Saber when she heard that, he wants her contract? But, why!?

If Archer can guess the Sorcerer was maybe five to ten times more powerful than he last faced him, that was just his rough estimate from just Prana output wise!!!

But, someone who doesn't need prana to begin with, how he can rough estimate his battle potential?

Medea grimaced hearing that, how on Earth did this ritual attracted such a being?

"Sorry. But, I won't go to give my cute Servant away this easily." The witch said that she made Artoria attack him immediately with her Prana Burst.

The Servant of Sword grimaced feeling like a damn puppet under whatever this weird contract created by Caster.

The blonde Knight did a wide jump followed by a swing down with her Excalibur powered by Strike Air and golden particles of the Divine Construct.

Such swing would even make Berserker of this war prepare to take the hit.

But, in Ren case, he simply caught the blade… with his bare hands…

That moment everyone stopped in their tracks when they saw this, Servant and human, both stared at this wide eyes.

Artoria's was the most shocked of them all, her attack at that moment was somewhere between A++ to A+++ in rating, from picking up speed from Prana Burst, to using Strike Air to charging her Sword slightly!

And to stop all that… Ren only needed to catch it with his hand.

He looked at the invisible sword in his hand…

"Wind is denied from your sword…"

That moment the invisible air around the blade simply ceased to exist.

The King of Knights eyes bulged out seeing that, Medea clicked her tongue, she then ordered her Knight to retreat, but the Servant simply could not overpower the Sorcerer!!!

Artoria tried to pull her blade away but Ren grip was too much!

After doing a proper scan of the blade with his Ether Structural Grasp, he yanked the blade away.

What he found out was what he already knew, well more like had theories on the blade, only never tested it out, since testing with Divine Contracts build by Gaia of all things is dangerous.

Now that he confirmed he can create both blades with Denial of Nothingness.

Saber looked at this with disbelieve, the second time today she was humiliated like this! This is ridiculous!

Before she can even complain Ren was already in her personal space, he moved so 'fast' that even her instincts flared up too late.

'This is madness! How I am…' 

As Ren hands ended up on top of her's head, he patted her for a second before accessing one of his True Magic's.

"Accessing Heaven's Feel."

That moment Saber's body stopped reacting to her, it's like someone is pressing her down with so much force that she can't even move!

"Accessing Vessel."

"Discerning Soul"

"Locating Contract."

"Rewriting Contract."

Once again the King of Knights experienced a change of Master…

When she was under Caster's Control she could feel a large amount of Prana the woman had under her command.

Now… however, she can't even tell where this Prana starts and where it ends, it's like infinity...

While Saber was confused about these weird events which were happening to her, 

Ren felt three new Command Seal appear next to his already existing Eight.

"And now I have a second Saber," Ren said happily as he lowering his hand, only one Saber remains… to have full set...

"What is the point in all of this? Don't you have the cup already?" Saber asked while not understanding the point of all of this!

"Oh, don't be like that…" He gently stroked her cheek, making her blush from embarrassment and even some shame.

"Aren't I best Master for you? Since I already have my cup, this one can be yours, plus you will never ran out of Prana as my Servant." 

His words made sense to her. But, by this point, Saber knows that there is more to this than as this guy probably has schemes inside schemes and a plot running somewhere in the background...

'No wonder Morgan is his wife, they are made from the same cloth…' Artoria realised that slightly too late.

"Very well...Master… I shall be your sword in this war." She didn't do any knightly bowing or anything like that, Ren knows that it would mean if she is lower herself…

Funny as it is, even with their power differences she is still a proud King.

"Glad to hear!" He smiled at her, it was such disarming smile that Saber found it very, very difficult not just to accept it.

But, she knew better than this…

"Now then Medea of Colchis, surrender, there is no way you can win against three Servants on your own, and me of course." As Ren was talking his Berserker manifested next to Saber.

His aura flooded the whole Temple, greenish-blue particles danced in the air.

That moment nature came to life, a Fae has graced them, and it was not a friendly one…

Saber didn't know how to feel about this…

Not long ago, for her at least, she fought against Lancelot version of Berserker, and now they are on the same side?

'Life-changing event indeed…' 

She could only grimace from thinking about that.

The Berserker didn't even reacted to her presence he simply pulled out two long swords from somewhere…

Medea by this point could only bite her lower lip from frustration, her guard dog is dead, no surprise there, so she is alone to face two Knight classes, a Servant of Madness, which she has no idea where he got it, and a Sorcerer of three magics…

Those odds were… not good… not good at all…

"Are you making fun of me? You know full well that you need to kill the other six Servants to win the war!" The woman said with a very pissed off voice.

"Normally yes, but the rules are that you need to 'eliminate' Servants called to the war to win the grail." Ren lifted his hand and at that moment golden cup manifested in his hands.

"It doesn't specify what kind of elimination it has to be, most people assume it's that of slaying, but there are different types of eliminations of a 'Servant'." The cup glowed in his hands.

"Here is the deal, I will reincarnate you since I am in a very good mood right now, what do you say?" He asked her with a smirk.

"W-What? You will do that? But, why!?" The witch was utterly flabbergasted hearing that.

"Sensei! Are you sure about this? She has hurt many people in the city!" Rin said with wide eyes she can't believe he has a real working Grail! And it looks amazing! She can barely move her eyes away from it!

"Yes, she did, but none of the people are dead, Caster only needed to sustain herself to continue to participate in this war."

Rin realised that what Ren just said is the truth, but even so, this woman doesn't have a great reputation to begin with!

"Why? Would you do that?" Whatever fighting tension there was now it was completely gone.

Everyone were either staring at the Holy Grail floating above Ren hand or were looking directly at him.

"Because I know your story, the real story." He said with a shrug.

"So, out of pity then?" Medea didn't know how she should feel about this anymore.

"I have soft spot for several Heroic Spirits, as someone who has full access to the Throne of Heroes I know a fair bit about their lives, not that I have summoned one before out of curiosity, since I have quite busy life, nonetheless I have soft spot for Maid of Orleans, you, Chaste Huntress and several more." He said that out of the top of his head.

If not for Morgan Ren would have summoned Atalanta without much thought, only that he was quite apprehensive to do that since Tokiomi would have ended with Caster version of Gilgamesh who is much more dangerous in the Grail War setting. Even more, controllable, than his Archer counterpart… plus his absurd Clairvoyance ability would have been a pain in the neck.

"So, big bad Sorcerer has a soft spot for tragic stories," Medea said with a teasing tone.

"You can always choose the alternative, I haven't seen Golden Excalibur release yet," Ren said that while narrowing his eyes at the witch, whose mouth quickly snapped shut whatever she wanted to say never came out from her mouth.

"It either we finish this the regular way or, you accept my offer." 


"Only stupid people won't accept such an offer. Still, won't you regret this in future though?" The witch asked curiously.

"Not at all, I already know how it's going to end." He shrugged at her.

The witch clicked her tongue, she hates when someone plays her like this…

Reminds her of the Gods she despises so much…

"Very well then, I accept your offer." She begrudgingly says that.

And very next moment her whole body glowed, and next moment she was living, breathing human…

"Your wish has been granted and Caster Class Servant has been 'defeated'." He said that as he lowered his hand and the Holy Grail 'ceased' to exist.

The ex-Servant looked at her herself she could not believe her dream has been granted so abruptly…

Her brain was still processing all of that.

"It was a great day for war effort Saber, three Servants defeated in a single night," Ren said that to his new Saber.

"Right…what should we do now? Is it alright to bring a witch from Age of Gods back to life?" The blonde knight asked with an uncertain look.

The girl not going to lie she is somewhat jealous that this woman dream has been granted by her new Master of all people…

It's so obvious that reincarnation was her dream that witch haven't moved yet…

"It's alright, don't worry, she is harmless now, we should return and call it the day." He said that to his group as he turned around and started to walk towards the stairway.


(I originally was thinking of ending Medea the same way as Medusa. but, was persuaded differently, so thank Darkstar11051999 for that, apparently he is a big SIMP of hers...)

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