Talking with King of Knights

"Can't sleep?"

"Servants don't need to Sleep." The King of Knights pointed out sharply.

"Especially with the amount of Prana I am supported with."

"If you say so, what on your mind?" Ren shrugged at her, this is not the first rodeo with Artoria after all, Saber Alter was even worse after all the fighting has ended.

The Sorcerer continuously nagged the fallen knight until she finally opened up to him.

So, it will take time for the knight in front of him to open up.

"That the contract I have with you is eternal? That I will spend the rest of my days in the presence of a scheming Witch?" The King of Knights said with a deadpan look.

So, she figured that out? Quite impressive that she figure that out this quickly.

"Oh, that. Don't worry that much about Morgan, she quite mellowed down after beating Alter in a physical brawl." Ren waved that off with a casual gesture.

"A Caster beating a Saber in brawl? What kind of parameters did she had!?" Blond Knight asked with disbelief written all over her face.

"Her lowest parameter at that time was B+++ in Endurance, Strenght was A++, other parameters were Mostly in EX category." 

Saber's eyes bulged out hearing that, what kind of parameters are that? Can Servant even have that kind of parameters?


"Her Servant vessel was modified by me, before the war, my original magecraft was that of Homunculi creation, so I designed a vessel for the Grail War, that why I didn't care who I would summon, yet in end I got a literal Fairy Queen." 

'Thank my lucky stars that he didn't participate in my previous war…' Saber internally sighed in relief, no wonder the other version of her looks like this.

Will she be forced to discard her honour too?

That's what Morgan from her past did… continuously stomped on her honour, until her Kingdom was destroyed…

"Oh don't worry, you already are my Servant so she will treat you like a little sister." 

That didn't stop the worry she felt for meeting Morgan tomorrow.

But, then again, after seeing her how she was behaving before, being sentimental of all things

Maybe… there is some hope in this.

Maybe it's not going to be so bad…

'If that is the case…'

The blonde knight decided that if she is to be with him for the rest of her existence, then at least her wish can be granted?

"You have granted wish of that woman." Saber said that, with barely hidden jealousy, as his Servant, her wish should be priority, no?

"I did, you would like for me too grand your wish as well?" He asked with a smirk

Ren walked over and took a seat next to her. Ironic how Saber was sitting in the same spot where Kiritsugu was sitting right before his death.

"Yes, if you can grant it then I will serve without any complain, Morgan or not." The Blonde Knight said seriously.


"You mean your wish to allow someone else to pull the sword from Stone?" He said that while giving her the look.

Artoria flinched for a second.

'He already knew? Of course, he knew…' The King of Knights is not surprised anymore, it's seems this guy is even worse than Mage of Flowers.

"Yes, grant me that wish and I will dedicate myself to you." 

Ren slightly grimaced, she is that clueless? Any other guy in his situation would be blushing up a storm.

"Artoria, you know that I know that you are a girl right?" 

The Blonde Knight, slightly frowned hearing that, what is he getting at?

"And what you just said can be interpreted in several different ways?" He said that with a growing smirk, as the blonde started to think, really think.

The moment she realised, her cheeks exploded in blush.

"W-Wait! T-That's not what I meant! I am a Servant and my purpose is to fight my Master's battles!"

"There many different types of battles Artoria." He continued to tease.

She understood what he meant by that, and it didn't help with the growing embarrassment she is feeling.

Her blush intensified as remembered what she heard in the bathroom not long ago, her whole body started to heat up.

'No! No! Not now!' She blonde knight realised that with the amount of Prana she has she won't be able to get tired and be able to get rid of this frustration.

"Can we talk about this later? Please?" The blonde fought off her blush and said seriously, she was borderline begging him.

"Very well." Ren very quickly caved in, he knows he will have lots, lots of time to play with his new and cuddly King of Knights.

"Let's talk about your dream." He said that as if it's some theme of conversation, the Blonde King was certain that they won't going to talk about the fulfilment of the wish.

"First of all, I need to explain that changing history is a very, very risky thing." 

"I already explained to your counterpart before so I will do it once again, so listen carefully to what I am about to say…"

And so, Ren explained about 'tree', 'Main World' and that her period is important for Western Civilisation.

To say that Artoria was blown away is an understatement.

"Now, since you know the importance of all this do you know what will happen to the worlds? If we are to change your main history in main world every single world will experience similar thing…" He then looked directly into her eyes.

"Do you wish to end trillions of lives just to change that?"

Artoria gulped down hearing that.

"Is… my life that important to everything?" She asked with disbelieve after hearing all that.

"It's not about your Kingdom or its people, it's about your Legacy… your story evolved through the years and became a beacon for chivalry, that's why you have your title of King of Knights, you are the first most famous Knight." 

"It inspired many people outside Britain's borders, France, Germany, Italy… those are only the few, especially in this era you became even more famous."

"So, my dream. Is not possible then? I should just live with my failures?" She asked with the downtrodden look.

"I suggest to continue moving forward, Morgan does that, Alter does that too." He shrugged at her.

"Changing past is far too dangerous on such scale, you will never know who will take your place… do you wish to gamble on trillions of lives?"

"After all we will be erasing over 1,5 thousand years of history."

After thinking for a while Artoria made up her mind, there was not much to think about in the first place.

"No… you are right… It's far too much, and it's far too selfish of me to do that! All those lives… I would rather continue moving... forward."

That moment the King of Knights realised what they talked about just a few hours ago…

'Life-changing event…'

Now she truly understood what he meant, 

She gave her soul to a devil without even realising! Now she is his eternal Servant!

"Y-You...plotted everything!" She quickly got on her feet and moved away from him.

But, to her utter shock very next second she was sitting right back in the same spot.

'T-True Magics… he can Control Time too?'

"Not quite, I knew how it going to end, there were two distinctive routes, in one I play a supportive role and in another I play active role." 

"And my choice affected that… you said that it only going to affect me!" She said that with a massive pout of sorts.

"And it did, no one from our side got hurt, neighter Rin or Emiya got affected, Caster even got her wish granted! so, it's a good thing in a way."

"It affected you too! You got another Servant!" She said that with an angry pout.

"You're right, and I apologise, your choice affect a couple of people in the grand scheme of things!" Ren said that with raised hands in a defeated fashion.


She huffed at him angrily while crossing her hands, for some reason she started to show tsundere tendencies.

"Good, that you understand! I am going to watch over you from now on!"


The moment he said that the girl appeared on his lap, he hugged her from behind.

Artoria's whole body stiffed when she realized what just happened!

"W-What are you doing? M-Master!" The blonde Knight panicked instantly, this guy is using True Magic for such silly things?

What is wrong with him!?

"Shhh, I already knew that King of Knights is cute…"

Artoria's blush increased even further when she heard that.

"My Alter can be cute sometimes but she is more of sexy when she wants, while you on other hand are cute and just wants to hug you and don't let you go." He said that while hugging the blonde.

"Y-You are crazy! Did all that power made you mental?" The girl said that with heavy blush.

"Who said that I was sane in the first place? My origins and True Magic from the very beginning make me a different person…"

"Constantly fighting oneself from not just using my power to overwrite everything, you do realise that I can become something more any time of the day? That main building block the ether is under my control? The very fabric of reality? Do you know what kind of teasing that is?" He asked that seriously which made the girl out of words, she never thought he was going through something like this!

"So, yes I am quite mental for not just doing it, I am pretty sure Kaleidoscope is already is very much insane as he sees all those worlds at the same time…"

"There is a reason why he doesn't get more power and so I am. I am satisfied with three True Magics, I already know more about 'everything' than any other being on the world at this moment, and the more you 'understand' the less human you are."

"Truly? Then you know how I feel, don't you?" She asked that realising this is where behaving inhuman comes into play.

She experienced it, and so it seem her Master does too…

"Oh, your behaviour is like that because you choose to do it like that, mine one comes from higher understanding…" 

The blonde Knight for a second thought about it she could understand how knowledge can affect such…

"Right… I can see that you are confused, let me reveal. something which will shock you to the very core."

That moment Artoria had a bad feeling about this.

"Let me ask you this, why your Court Wizard was not with you at your last battle?" His question made Artoria think for a moment, she even forgot about the fact that she was sitting on her Master lap…

"I-I don't know I haven't seen Merlin since I have returned from Rome, maybe he was imprisoned by Mordred by that point." The King of Knights shrugged at him.

"Nope, not at all, by that point he was already locked up by Vivian in Avalon." Ren casually answered the question.

"You see Merlin's Clairvoyance is unique because he can see everything which is happening at that time, but not in the future or the past, he sees everything at once what is happening now."

"That means he didn't know how your Kingship will end, so he bet everything on your success, even getting Gaia's Divine Constructs for you."

Artoria's eyes went wide, she didn't know that! She thought Vivian gave it to her because she lost her weapon!

"But, he realised something far too late, that your type of ruling will not going to last." Before Artoria can complain Ren patted her head making her calm down.

"You see, you wanted a Utopia, with one King ruling for eternity, that why you even declared Mordred not suited to be your Heir because you never expected one to begin with right?" He asked with a smirk.

"...Yes in a way… I was quite shocked about her existence, but then I realised that she doesn't fit to be one too…" The King of Knights looked away with a small pout, it's her communication skills lacking too!

"Anyway back to your Utopia dream, your Camelot would have been destroyed one way or another, since you never ruled your people, it would have led to stagnation and Alaya would have purged your Kingdom, that's why instead it was used as a legacy to inspire other nations…" 

This time Artoria chuckled before starting to laugh, that was the biggest slap to her rule ever!!!


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