Some More Training

After telling such a thing Artoria quite literally felt drained mentally.

Ren could only sigh seeing her turn hollow like that.

Since she was sitting on his lap, he gently hugged her.

Her whole body shook that moment, the girl never was hugged like that before. So, it was very alien to her.

Nonetheless, it was pointless for her to resist someone who can control time however he wishes.

So, she lowered her guard around him and allowed herself to get comfortable.

"Don't worry, since you are mine knight, I allow you to get the fights you want." He softly said to her.

"Not just that but we will have some adventures too, Kaleidoscope kind of wants me to explore other worlds. So, you will be able to experience fights against other worthy Heroic Spirits…" He continued to say to her, then again he will want to see the old man's reaction to his little side project he was doing in this timeline.

Artoria remembered how he allowed the Alter version of her to fight just like that.

This already sounds much better than her previous Masters like Kiritsugu Emiya, while she can't say much about Shirou since she only knew him for a very short time even in Grail War standards.

"Do you promise?" She asked that softly, for Ren it looked very cute.

The great King Of Knights was very cute at this very moment!

"I do, my cute knight deserves that." He said that while hugging her more tightly.

That moment Saber blushed even more, this was the very first time someone treated her like this!

Even so, she finds this… acceptable…


After having a first heart to heart conversation with his second Saber, Ren returned to his room.

His eyebrow went up when he saw Morgan using Saber Alter like some hug pillow.

'The great and mighty Fairy Queen Morgan has been reduced to Big Sister who likes to give hugs to her little sibling…'

'I do wonder what historians would think about the real face of Morgan?' 

He internally chuckled for a moment before getting into the bed, his hand wrapped around his wife from behind, who the moment felt his presence she quickly pushed herself closer to him.

Even pushing her shapely rear into him…

Ren could only roll his eyes at her behaviour, still he put his head above hers and closed his eyes.

"Congratulation on getting red dragon, My husband." The Fairy Queen said to him while her eyes were closed.

"Yeah, she is very cute when she wants to be."

"Yes...can't wait to tease her!" Morgan said that while hugging Alter more tightly for a second.

Ren softly chuckled for a second before starting to sleep.

As he thought the Fairy Queen is just a big softie after one bypasses all that hard exterior she tried to portray…

It will be a long time after that Ren will realise that he is one of few beings who were able to change Morgan to what she is right now.

After all, one needs to be stronger than her to contain her obsessions and to make her listen.

And all that was possible only because Ren summoned the Caster version of her and not Berserker.

If it was Berserker Morgan then would have ended quite differently… 

Which includes finding few new kinks for the Witch. But, that is a story for another time…


While the trio were sleeping a certain King of Knights looked at their sleeping form from a small gap in the doors.

The girl could not believe what she was seeing…

Morgan was using her Alter form like some sort of pillow?

While her husband was hugging the Witch extremely closely, he could see a satisfying and genuine smile on her evil half-sister.

The blonde knight will not going to lie, she IS jealous of this, after experiencing how her new Master can be cuddly with her she does want to join in this situation.

Though she is still reluctant it is hard to just forget what her evil sister did, even though this one is different she still is Morgan…

For now, she is going to wait.

~~~~~~Next Day~~~~~~



"It seems My husband is going to be having an active role in this war." The Fairy Queen said to the blonde knight.

"Yes… he is." The blonde stiffly said to the witch.

"Yet, both of you have no wish for this cup…" The pale blond Fairy pointed out.

"Yes…It appears so." 

"You should not be so stiff, I am not going to hurt someone who is of mine," Morgan said that with an eye roll.

She was getting started to get annoyed by Artoria stiff behaviour.

"I am not yours Morgan!" Artoria said with narrowed eyes.

The pale blond witch rolled her eyes again and showed to her half-sister her left hand, specifically her ring finger.

"I am, you are My husband's Servant and his Knight, your duty is to serve your Lord and his WIFE, and if that is not enough to you then by the current law in this world all Familiars are owned together by Magus and his wife." Morgan knows her laws, as a Queen, she must know how things are run and how to use them to her advantage.

Artoria mouth closed instantly she didn't know how to answer to that…

"I suggest you control your animosity other me." Saber Alter said to the King of Knights.

"The more you push your pride, the more older sister will want to crush it, especially when you targeting it at her." The darker version of Artoria explained to the clueless blonde knight.

Morgan pouted at the fallen knight after hearing that.


"This is not fun! After husband explained more about me to you. You started to manoeuvre around me!" Morgan said that with a sour look.

"I am supposed to live with you for eternity, it fairer to me to know how to not hit a landmine."

The King of Knights looked at the duo, she can see that these two have some sort of synergy working for them.

While Morgan is more… dominant...or should say older sibling figure, the Alter version of her is more… sly and is utilising the fact that Morgan is an older sister.

"Landmine? Are you watching world war 2 movies?" Morgan asked curiously forgetting about the previous conversation, instead focusing on this new one.

"Some… I was interested in how war is done in this era." Saber Alter said with shrug, she is not that impressed with how war is conducted in this era.


"Yes, that… It's quite ugly." Morgan said with a distasteful look.

The Fairy Queen sees modern warfare as a very disgusting thing to look at.

"I agree on that sister." 

And the Saber Alter agreed to that, which made the already forgotten King of Knights shell shocked.

'This is surreal… seeing myself having a civil and casual conversation with Morgan!' She thought with wide eyes.

Now it was official this was the most craziest thing she saw so far!

'Maybe...just maybe, this will not going to be so bad as I have thought…'


While the Pendragons were talking among themselves, Ren was in Shirou's workshop.

Even Rin was with them, the girl forced herself to wake up early for the morning lessons from the Sorcerer.

She disliked the whole idea of waking up early...BUT, the opportunity to learn stuff from a man who can produce miracles on a whim was far too lucrative to simply ignore.

So, she forced herself to wake up and join them in Shirou's workshop, perfectly honest she was baffled by the idea of being in someone else workshop like this.

"Right so, let's start with forge." Ren casually waved at the forge and the flames ignite in them.

He then created a bunch of ingots on the side.

"Do you know the basics?" The Sorcerer asked the teen, and Rin at the side looked curiously at the interaction.

"No, I don't."

"But, you feel like you know what to do?" Ren asked with raised eyebrow.

"Yes… the sword you gave… I saw it… I saw how to work in forge…"

'Interesting… it appears Senji has influenced him that much…' Ren thought curiously about this.

"I see, then go and try, and if you are not successful I will help you."

Emiya eyes widened hearing that, does he know how to work in forge!?

"You know how to craft weapons?" The teen asked with disbelief what can't he do?

"No, I don't. But, we can always go to a place and see it first hand…" Ren said with a shrug.

"I don't think Fuyuki even has active forges…" Emiya Shirou said with a thoughtful look.

"I never said we will go to Fuyuki, Emiya. The past is full of Blacksmith legends." 

"Y-You would use Fifth Magic for a Lesson!?" Rin said from the side.

"Partially, we would glimpse at past, like watching a TV…" He answered the twin tails question.

The girl's shoulders sank and she stared at him with a wide-open mouth.

While it sounded utterly silly to do such a thing she instantly saw the positives of such a lesson, watching how a Master of his craft is working should be a massive boon to one!

"I see. But, first, let me try on my own." While Shirou was partially ignorant of what Ren just said he decided to try normally at first.

Seeing him missing such an opportunity made Rin growl internally!

The redhead easily ignored Rin's death stare and walked over to the forge.

At first, he looked at the fire, then at the instruments, inspected several hammers.

Eventually, he walked over and picked up the Katana of Senji Muramasa.

While all these actions looked utterly 'normal' to someone like Rin, they were not to Ren, as he was always using his Clairvoyance.

He was guiding Emiya to the best possible future, and so far… his future was bright, the future Hero just went from possible A-Class Servant to borderline EX.

The teen was already a candidate for the Throne since he has a God slaying Noble Phantasm.

A one more push and he will get a King trait in the distant future.

"Now then, since Emiya is busy let's focus on you." Ren turned around and faced the twin-tailed girl.

Rin turned stiff for a second, as she felt the Sorcerer's gaze, she is not going to lie being alone with such a being is making her all skittish.

She doesn't want to mess up. But, that's a Tohsaka trait. Same time she wants to show off that she is capable while not trying to look too arrogant…

"Show me how you do your jewel craft, I want to see if it's different from your counterpart." Ren motioned for the girl to do so on a table that just appeared.

The girl already started to get used to the Sorcerer casual way of showing his True Magics…

She gulped down when she saw a small box of jewellery appear on this table.

'That's right… he can produce jewels in bulks!' Her brain started to work overtime thinking about this.

The girl is not going to lie, she started to have different kinds of thoughts about her teacher…

She is after all a healthy teen…

"Okay. Do you have any specifics you want me to do?" Rin asked him while walking over to the table and picking up simple-looking ruby. 

"Nothing for now, just show me how you store prana into the jewel." 

The request was simple enough, and Rin showed how she stores prana in her jewel.

"Hmm, it's the same as your counterpart. Good. Let me show you what I have shown to her." 

Ren grabbed a diamond.

"Certain elements have affinity for each other. But, before that let me teach you how to store elemental Prana." As he said that the girl's eyes went wide as she saw lightning dancing inside the diamond.

'He stored pure lightning in the diamond? H-How?' She thought with disbelief.

None of her past family members even came close to doing something like this!

All they could do is store regular prana and then use it for larger-scale magecraft.

As far as they could go is to have prana chance its element upon release!

But, what she saw was pure element stored inside a diamond!

"Right, so let's start with lightning…" Ren said to Rin, who was wondering why they starting with such a volatile element.

As she had a confused look, Ren looked at her and for a second and imagined her with blond hair and red eyes…

'Fascinating how my first Lancer will be a divine spirit…'


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