Another Cup

"No wonder I have lost… what nonsense is this!" Illya pouted after hearing how her opponent was very much a real Magician who can use three out of five known True Magics…

"Yes, Yes. Already heard that. So, do you accept the deal or not?" Not the first time that the Sorcerer heard that it's not fair for them that he is participating in such a 'small scale' ritual.

Normally he wouldn't. But, people are generally just bad at this war, and Fate Franchise is built upon drama and 'bad endings'.

Morgan is the best example ot that, not many people develop Madness Enchantment to Rank B… 

So, it's up to Ren to fix up these small problems.

"Of course I accept!" The white-haired girl said with a huff, who wouldn't want to be fixed and have another chance at life?


He said that while walking over to Illya, the white-haired girl got defensive when Ren approached her, before she can ask what he is up to, he put his hand on her head.

That moment she felt something akin to a full scan of her from inside out, and the next moment another Illyasviel appeared next to the original one. 

A sharp gasp escaped from the lips of the other Illyasviel, she quickly looked around and inspected herself.

While the other Illyasviel body was caught by Ren's Berserker who manifested at the right moment to catch the body which looked like it was cut from its strings.

"Right the deal is done." The Sorcerer sounded like he just went through another Tuesday shopping trip and was discussing things that are on sale.

"W-What was that? A-And I feel… Different?" White-haired girl said while inspecting herself.

"That's probably because you are human now," Ren said with a casual shrug. He then turned to his wife and the fallen knight she was holding by the collar.

"We are done here, let's return."

"Okay, it was quite a short visit this time," Morgan commented on how short this visit was, the last one was much more… explosive.

"It's usually how it is when you visit a landmark dear, first time it's always most memorable," Ren said that as he remembered Cornwall where he summoned Morgan.

If he is to develop a Reality Marble one day then it will be that place…

"Hmm, suppose you are right…" Morgan said that as she finally decided to release her little sister and instead got comfortable by holding her husband hand.

By that point, her hair got into pristine condition like nothing has happened.

After all, a married Queen suppose to look perfect no matter of situation.

Holding his hand for a second she then switched into hugging his hand, a small smile appeared on her face, she hummed with satisfaction, this was how incredible her life has become.

The married couple by this point forgot about the rest…

Rin and Emiya looked at each other, what they supposed to do now?

While Saber Alter was fixing her clothes and looked at her counterpart who was staring at Morgan and Ren who continued to walk towards Emiya's house.

"What should we do now?" The King of Knights asked her counterpart who was dusting away dirt from her high-class suit.

"The battle is over and we should return to base, by this point those two are in their little world." Alter said with a sigh.

"H-How did it turn so… romantic?" The Blue Saber asked with disbelief, at what she saw! How does Grail War battle turn? Romantic!?

"Well…" The fallen knight looked at the Einzbern castle.

"This is where Morgan has put her past behind and decided to embrace the future."

"To the point that she lost her Noble Phantasm…" The moment Alter finished that the whole area turned silent.

Artoria's eyes bulged out hearing that! How on Earth do you lose your Noble Phantasm!?

"...Is that even possible!?"

"It is since she can't use Lordless Camelot anymore. She even forgot how her Throne room used to look, as it is a key area for her Noble Phantasm manifestation." Alter said with shrug.

"It sounds more like Reality Marble." A male voice said as, Rin, Emiya and even Illyasviel was with them.

The voice belonged to Archer who manifested next to Rin, he gave his two bits when he heard about Morgan's situation.

"Similar but different at the same time, her Noble Phantasm used to be accumulation of her Mastery over magic and crystallisation of ambition of reaching Camelot, as it was a human place, it didn't allow a Fae like her to be there, or… something like that, I have no idea how it used to work, but she can't cast it anymore as she doesn't want to have anything to do with that place anymore." Alter explained what she remembered from the source itself. 

"I see…" Artoria's softly said as she looked at the ground with disbelief, she has no idea where to look after hearing that.

Morgan has truly… and completely moved on! And proof of that is that the Fairy Queen can't use her ultimate weapon anymore.

"Such… shift in personality… I have never heard anything like this happening…" The Counter Guardian said with disbelief as well.

He has aeons of battle experience, but he never heard anything like this before, a Servant losing his Noble Phantasm through nothing but mental state?

'Then again… Someone like her never was summoned into any Grail Wars I have been to clean before.' The Counter Guardian frowned internally, 

Fairy Queen Morgan never was has been summoned before in any wars he has been to clean.

Alaya has sent him to many failed Grail Wars and many times he had to 'clean' aftermath.

Several times over he even killed Servants who survived the war and went on doing crazy things, not even once someone of Fairy Queen Morgan calibre appeared.

He would have known after all Fairy Queen Morgan despises humanity, at least the current state of Humanity.

The woman can hide it well enough. But, Archer has keen eyes, and he knows how to read facial expressions.

And Morgan's mood would drop the moment there is more than a few humans around.

All the Counter Guardian can think of is that Morgan is being of Gaia and thus despises humans…

That should be the ground rule, but… Archer has to lower his 'hat' at Ren for doing the impossible…

For 'taming' a 'Great Mother', the man knows his dream of reaching Avalon is an insane one… but, making Fae Queen fall in love with a human and making her fundamentally change? That is is an even greater achievement and an even more insane dream than his ever was.

"Wait, so that woman was the Black Madonna?" Illyasviel asked curiously, unlike Rin and Emiya she had no clue what the conversation was about…

A sigh escaped from Archer's lips, he looked at Emiya.

"Explain it, she is your sister, you don't want her too confused two distinctively different beings in front of your Sensei." After saying that Archer disappeared, it feels nice dropping responsibility like that on someone else.

The redhead nodded at the Counter Guardian turned Servant, Emiya quite dislikes the white-haired man, he just rubbed wrong to the teen for some reason.

"Hmm? Did I confuse her with someone? She is Morgan isn't she? The one from King Arthur legends?" While Illyasviel said that with a frown, she should not be wrong about this! After seeing the Saber in front of her who shouted the name 'Excalibur' and that another Saber which looks exactly like the other one, is calling the pale blond 'sister', she can't be wrong!

"She is Morgan but not the human version, she is the Fairy Queen Morgan from a completely different timeline, anyway! Einzbern! What are you going to do now?" Rin quickly clarified before asking the most important question at this moment.

"I will be staying with my little brother of course!" The white-haired girl grabbed the redhead's hand happily.

It sounded amusing how she being smaller grabbed the hand of someone bigger and called him little…

"I am kind of bigger than you…" Emiya said with a twitchy eyebrow, height is a touchy subject for him.

"So? I am older than you! I am Eighteen!" The girl proudly said that she is older.

Emiya's eyes bulged out for a second, but then Rin snorted at her.

"Technically you are just born, your HUMAN body is not even ten minutes old," Rin said with a massive grin on her face.

Illyasviel instantly frowned hearing that, the twin tails girl was right! Still, her mind is older!

"So? My soul is still the same! I am Eighteen!" The white-haired girl said with a huff.

"If you say so…" Rin shrugged at her, not caring about this, after all, Einzbern body is still a newborn baby in her eyes, and nothing will change that.

"We should move on, Master and Morgan already are out of my sight." Artoria reminded them that Ren and Morgan are already gone.

"Right! Of course, let's go!" Realising that it is the truth, Rin started running towards where Ren and Morgan should be.

Like hell, she will look like a slowpoke in front of her Sensei!

The rest of them quickly followed after, while the duo Saber Servants very quickly caught up to her Master, beating Rin in the process…


"So, this is the Grail… doesn't look like one at all." Commented the last Tohsaka, she was expecting it to look more… cup-like…

Yet, it looked like a heart forming into a cup, part of it was already looking like a cup, the other half looked like a piece of heart with purple crystals sticking out of it…

Illyasviel was not even here for obvious reasons, instead she took her little brother and went to explore the house with him...

"It is still forming, three Servants essence are missing, it started taking proper form when only two are left," Ren explained to his student.

While Blue Saber standing next to him, slowly nodded, yes she remembered it perfectly fine that it looked like a cup at the end of her previous war.

"So, it's lacking prana? You could pour some into it and it will take the form of a cup?" The girl asked after realising that.

"Yes, only for regular magus it would take couple years of none stop pouring, the ritual itself is created so that magus could follow the deceased Servants back to Throne of Heroes to reach Akasha, the wish-granting is just a bonus a means to entice Servants to accept the offer to fight the war," Ren explained to her to his student mostly, nonetheless King of Knights was hearing this for the first time as well, and she wanted to beat herself up to believing that wish-granting cup is real in the first place!

"But, it still grants wishes no?" Rin argued after all Ren already has a fully functioning cup!

"In a limited sense, it grants wishes, in boundaries of current magecraft, after all, it was crafted by Magus, it was meant for Magus who will use it."

After explaining that Rin nodded while Artoria clenched her hand in frustration.

"This thing is an abomination! Master! You must allow me to destroy it!" The blond said with an angry voice as she looked at the half-formed cup as if it was her biggest enemy up to date!

Not only do the creators of this Grail War lie to Heroes of old, the amount of pointless destruction and innocent casualties it has already caused was immense, the last war even left scars around this very city! Not to mention now it being corrupt! The amount of things pilling up! She wants to simply nuke that thing with her sword and be done with it!

"Sure, if you want, I will allow it, anything for my cute knight." He said that while gently stroking her cheek.

The King of Knights instantly got atomic blush spreading through her face.

Saber Alter snickered not far from them, she wanted to see what her Master will do with another cup, so she decided to eat her burgers in Emiya's workshop.

While Rin could only shake her head seeing the famous King of Britain being reduced to a blushing teenager girl with simple words and action.


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