Assault on The House

The King of Knights was once more humbled by her half-sister.

First when the blonde knight learned that Morgan can use Rhongomyniad as magecraft and use it in all sorts of sizes.

That was extremely impressive, and beyond anything she has seen…

But, the true shocker which took earth underneath her feet was that she lost her Noble Phantasm!

The Blue Saber was so taken aback even ashamed… Morgan discarded over 2000 years of her rule compared to Artoria's 20 years…

Yet, Artoria could not accept her failure and tried even using different means to redo it, and even thinking different person taking it over for her, not accepting that her Kingdom could fall, believing that it should stand for as long as possible. 

This was even worse when she heard from her counterpart how… much Morgan has done to her Britain and how much worse were fairies from Morgan's timeline…

To point that Morgan turned into Berserker with Caster skills…

It was a humbling experience, learning how much Morgan has sacrificed and then just… discarded all that…

But, then again The witch simply got tired of all that and wanted to move on.

Nonetheless, it was a much more powerful blow than seeing that her half-sister can use Rhongomyniad like mere magecraft.

"I thought you will be happier than this for defeating the greatest Greek Hero." 

Artoria snapped out from her thoughts and looked at her Master who simply appeared not far from her sitting location.

Yes, she knows that he appeared because she felt his presence in the kitchen the next moment he was next to her.

"...I am, haven't thought about it, much. My attention was somewhere else." 

Ren slowly nodded. His Sabers are not the communication type ones, in other words, you either poke them until they tell you or you tell it yourself, otherwise they will keep things for themselves.

"So, Morgan not having her Noble Phantasm affected you this much?" Ren asked her as he took a seat next to her.

Everyone asleep, well humans, fairies that is, not Servants…


"I should have known you will figure it out faster than you should." She said that with slightly narrowed eyes, she was close to pouting too.

"You are open book, all I need to do is to read from it." He shrugged at her response.

Artoria huffed and looked away.

"Is it true that even after being betrayed constantly, Morgan still, persisted in ruling Fairy Kingdom of Britain?" The blonde knight asked while not looking at him, she still trying to get over the fact of how much her half-sister did to her people who don't deserve such a dedicated ruler.

"Indeed she did, it was more like selfish reason, as in 'Britain is my property and I am its Queen'..." Ren quoted his wife, who once said that to him.

"I see, even if it was selfish reason she still didn't give up." Even so, Artoria was impressed how long Morgan lasted with her rule.

"True, it did drive her mad though." He said while looking at the moon.

"I have heard it, a Berserker lucid enough to be a Caster as well, truly terrifying combination." The King of Knights said with a slight amount of trepidation.

"Indeed, even when I summoned her as Caster and pampered for several years it was not enough to fix what those Fairies did, fret not, I will have my way with them one day…" 

Artoria gulped down hearing how cold his voice was, Is her Master thinking of something insane?

Well, he is Morgan's husband… and Morgan was insane enough to master Rhongomyniad as magecraft…

Now she was sure, he will do something crazy…


"Not that I can persuade you not to do something crazy…" The blonde said with a tired sigh.

"We shall see in future Artoria, for now, it's cuddling time, I need someone to hug…" 


~~~~~~Later, Next Day~~~~~~

Morning came and Ren's students went to train just like the day before.

The changes in Emiya was quite obvious.

The Sorcerer's upgrades worked like charm, to hold more prana, the redhead's body was upgraded, enhanced as well.

All that transformed into better efficiency in the forge.

Ren's other student noticed the changes quickly too, even so, she worked even harder now, especially since she saw how to make proper and everlasting lightning elements from ancient Magus from Greece!

"Not bad, you stored the element prana properly inside." The Sorcerer praised his student as he inspected the gem filled with elemental prana.

"It was nothing." Rin humbly counter his praise, it was nothing. After all, she spends several days in past observing, watching the man working on his magecraft.

The twin-tailed girl even felt like she has stolen the man's knowledge!

It's quite shameful to a proud magus! Nonetheless, she still picked up that knowledge, as if she wanted to return to her time and stop being a ghost!

"No, this is impressive, you just did at least ten years of work in a single morning." The black-haired Sorcerer explained with a smirk, earning a gobsmacked look from the teen girl.

"Don't look at me like that, I only send you back 2547 years, the rest was all you." Ren casually said the part of him sending her back into the past, he was more impressed with her achievement than his own.

Rin could only 'smile' at him, her eyebrow twitched for a second, she took a deep breath, trying to calm herself.

"Good, continue practice. Don't worry about the gems." With a hand wave, the stock of gems was back to full box.

The black-haired girl dumbly nodded seeing the gems, in her eyes, Ren was perfect husband material! 

Not only did he achieve the impossible of achieving True Magic, he tamed an Evil Witch, has Holy Grail, and is an incredible teacher and a Lord…

Pity that he is married to an insanely powerful woman which the teen doesn't want to cross.

While the girl was lamenting such loss, Ren was looking at Emiya with a thin smirk on his face.

He just used his Clairvoyance and found out that Emiya Shirou just crossed into the realms of EX Servant ranks.

With the possibility of becoming even a Grant Saber after he ascends to the throne.

Some self-satisfaction started to rise in Ren gut, he did this better than Merlin did.

'120 high-class circuits did the trick, now to figure out how his Reality Marble will look like. Then I can call this holiday trip a success.' 

The True Magic-user hummed to himself with satisfaction, now this is what he call teaching, making a teen into a real hero AND what kind of effects he will have on the world at large.

Yes, this Emiya Shirou will become a 'King', once Ren will leave this world, his student will become a complete powerhouse which will affect the timeline to the point that it will become a separate branch on the main tree.


"So, this is where you are...Saber."

A proud male voice said as he lifted his hand and golden portals appeared behind him.

He pointed his hand at a separate building in this Japanese house complex.

The golden hero can sense another Servant of this war in this location which is not Saber, he is going to kill it, leaving only Saber and that blue hound in this war.

Very next moment swords, halberds, spears and all sorts of weapons rushed forward shredding the alarm boundary field and slamming into the smaller building.


Once dust settled the blonde ancient hero saw a red-dressed white-haired man using his body as a shield and taking most of the weapons to protect his Master.

"Quite durable mongrel you are." The King of Heroes said with a minuscular amount of respect. Before motioning for more portals to open.

Before he can do anything warning bells ringed in his head as a greenish-blue tower was about to drop on top of him.

Gilgamesh quickly jumped out of its path.

"Who dares?" The blonde asked with annoyance, he was about to get rid of Servant and someone dares to interrupt him?

"Mudboy! You dare to interrupt my beauty sleep?" Morgan came out from the main building dressed in her sleeping clothes with slippers included.

The pale blond witch waved her hand once more sending a torrent of blueish green energy at the blonde invader.

Gilgamesh gulped down seeing the incoming attack, who the hell is this woman? Why he is sensing a 'Great Mother' of Gaia? This doesn't make sense at all!

The King of Heroes quickly used his Gate of Babylon to summon several large shields in front of him which took the hit.

Even so, he needed to jump away once more! The attack quite literally melted his noble Phantasms!

"Who are you? Why someone like you is even around in this time and age!?" Gilgamesh asked with an annoyed voice.

Morgan ignored him instead, she was surrounded by the blue-greenish aura and several more copies of her appeared next to her…

Each of them radiated the same amount of Prana as the original.

That moment King of Heroes knew he was fucked up if he is not going to pull out Ea…

Without thinking much about it, as in there was no time for that a golden portal opened next to him, and the golden handle of Ea came out, he was about to grab it…

But, ghostly blueish-green chains coiled around his hand and yanked him away.

"No mudboy, we will be playing a game in which a Queen punishes a bad boy who disturbed her sleep," Morgan said with glowing blue eyes, she looked extremely pissed and it started sending shivers down the Demi-god's back.


While Morgan was throwing the unlucky Demi-god around like a rag doll, Ren walked over to Rin and Archer who were the targets of Gilgamesh assault.

The Sorcerer had a feeling it will be him who will attack, nonetheless the King of Heroes is quite annoying even to him! Even right now when he wields three true Magics Gilgamesh still eluded his Clairvoyance!

All the Sorcerer saw was that Archer is going to be attacked and that he will turn Rin into a Pseudo-Servant.

" haven't seen this one did you…" The Counter Guardian said with a grin, even though it hurts like hell he was satisfied that something slipped past this magician!

"It seems so, Gilgamesh always has a trinket in his sleave to hide from me..."

That moment Ren heard a body colliding with a wall…

"...and now he does not." 

The Sorcerer said that as he was now able to see King of Heroes with his Clairvoyance.

His gaze went to his wife...or this time it was wives as he can see severely pissed of five Morgans.

All of them had bluish-green like ghostly chains dancing around them.

These were the very same ones he invented for Gilgamesh, more exactly for any Vessel created by the Grail War.

So, at this moment these chains were like Enkidu against Divine beings.

And Gilgamesh was at complete mercy of pissed of woman who has even enough power to level the whole continent without much difficulty.

"...I kind of pity him…" Archer said that as he started to lose his physical form.


"Archer!" Rin was about to use her command spell.

"Don't! It's a waste of time, it's not like I can beat that," EMIYA said as he looked at Morgan whose ghostly chain have coiled around Gilgamesh ankle and spinning him around in mid-air like some lasoo cowboys used to use before slamming down into the ground.


"Fair enough… you have my thanks for assisting me in this war," Rin said that with a smile.

While Archer only smirked before fully disappearing, finally he was gone from these insane people!

"Well, that only leaves... Lancer and Saber…" Ren said with disbelief, somehow Lancer lasted till the very finals!

"Why do you sound shocked Sensei?" Rin asked curiously.

"Because they die early…" Ren said with an obvious tone, which confused Rin, well he is going to change that soon enough though...

"Anyway, I have a proposition for you Rin, want to hear it?" The Sorcerer asked with a smile, which intrigued the black-haired girl.

"Okay... let's hear it."


Only one more chapter left before this fic fully caught up...

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