Arriving at Blackmore Cemetery

After summoning Gawain and having some 'fun' which includes summoning the King of Conquerors and using his Noble Phantasm to summon his Army.

It was time to get back to regular things…

As regular as it gets in a household which has Dark Witch and a Sorcerer.

Ren was back to his regular activities, which were being a Professor himself and teaching a group of his students.

Now there is a reason why he is doing this. He is preparing the next generation of Magus who will be the backbone when the time is right.

Then one day there was a knock on the doors.


"Wizard Marshall, I have something which could pique your attention."

"Hmm? More specifics would be needed for that." Ren sighed when he heard that.

"How about a village which is planning to resurrect King Arthur?"

"Now I am interested."

"Since you have King Arthur as a Servant and even a variant of Dark Witch this ritual and village should be of interest."

"You don't say, I don't need King Arthur reborn since I already did it myself."

'This should be related to Grey, the girl with Rhondomyniad.'

"O-Of course, Lord Ashwell, what is your decision?"

"I will visit that place myself."

"As you wish."


"You saying…someone wants to resurrect me!?" Artoria exclaimed with disbelief.

"But I am already alive!"

"Thought so," Alter said with a shrug. She already expected something like this. Morgan always schemed against her or for her, but she did it either way.

"We must stop it!"

"I agree, and I want to see my counterpart's handy work. I have no doubt she did it. Merlin doesn't have the mental capacity to do that." Morgan said from 

'Oof, even I felt that.'

For a moment Ren flinched before continuing to listen to the conversation.

"Resurrection is extremely difficult to do." Ereshkigal got everyone's attention.

"As Goddess of Underworld, I have some idea how this could work.

For one it wouldn't be a proper resurrection, as Artoria's soul is already departed and in Avalon according to the myths."


The pair of Sabers said at the same time.


"At this moment they are 'sleeping' and 'dreaming' this under a tree in a place where they are cut off from time and space."

Ren explained before the pair could do it.

"Hoh…I see, but this doesn't change the fact that without True Magic you can't bring them back. The only thing that could work is Servant resurrection. 

This way it would be a copy of the real deal but not truly the real deal."

"So this means a body…or someone extremely comparable would be offered. Most likely a girl who looks like the red dragon." Morgan contemplated while drinking her tea.

"Are you saying someone's life is being destroyed right now because of this madness!?" Artoria looked livid for a second.

"There is. Some still believe in your greatness."

Ren's words have deflated her for a moment.

"Even so, we have to save this girl!"

"Hmm, sure, I am interested in what has happened to her."

"Then we shall be booking a flight to Wales."


A van stopped just outside a remote mountain village. The first one to react was Ereshkigal as her senses are most attuned to undead.

"I can sense a cemetery, a unique one. There is some sort of thaumaturgy in place."

"Should be, after all these people trying to bring Red Dragon back to life."

"We already are," Artoria said with a twitchy eyebrow.

"Yes, well, how remote this place is I doubt they have any idea."

As Morgan said that everyone left the van and proceeded to walk into the village.

"Very small place, hundred people at maximum," Ereshkigal said with a small frown. She could see an old-style mill on a mountain. 

This means they most likely make food of their own. Are they completely detached from the rest of their world?

As they entered the village some people already noticed them.

Whispering has already started.

Artoria swiftly summoned her holy Sword and lifted it. It started to glow.

"I am the King of Knights! King Arthur Pendragon! I demand to speak with the one who is in charge of this ritual!" She exclaimed loudly. The sword's holy glow made the villagers shell shocked as they even went to their knees.

"This village is so remote that they are worshipping King Athrur like God."

Ereshkigal said with disbelief as she just saw this happening.

"You don't say," Morgan's reaction was that of annoyance.

"Come let's see who is the leader of this little ritual," Ren said with a smile as he knows but at the same time he doesn't bother to check things on the timeline. He does want to see Grey. She should be younger than in the series.

"Hmm? A magus?"

"You must be the Wizard Marshall who has King Arthur as his Servant."

A man in his sixties greeted them.

"That would be me," Ren said with a nod.

The man looked at this group, there was a certain disbelief for a second as he could sense the amount of mana there was around them.

They were like reactors.

"I am Bersac Blackmore, the grave keeper. I was the one who spread the news about this place."


"Close to four years my successor's face changed and it became just like you three." He pointed at King Arthurs and Morgan.

"The ritual which everyone thought was folklore became reality."

"I see…"

"I would like to ask a True Magic user if you could fix this up in some way. Grey is a talented girl and I don't want her to die just to resurrect an already resurrected King."

"Master, you have to do this! We can't let this continue!"

"Already working on it." As he said that he proceeded to dive into the timeline and look at what was going on.

After a few moments of silence, Ren opened his eyes and looked at his wife.

"Impossible to do it on my end. If I were to alter history it would turn into another timeline. This means we need to fix it the old way."

"Are you going to use the grail?"

"Most likely, I can't fix what is done. If I am to remove the curse she won't be born, another being would take her place. This would kill the one who exists now… even removing it earlier in the timeline won't do it, either that or not summoning Artoria but that's out of the question."

The Wizard Marshall said with a sigh, it appears they will need plan B.

"As long as her life is not threatened it's fine." The man said to Ren as he realised that timeline tampering is being considered!

"Hmm, I suppose, the girl is a rare existence of consequences of certain actions." Lord Ashwell said while stroking his chin.

Though the more they talked the more people proceeded to notice them.

Soon enough they all realised that this was King Arthur and Morgan who were standing in the middle of their village.

"Follow me, we talk more in private."

"It appears your action has caused quite a commotion Artoria," Ren said with an amused snort as they noticed how fanatical everyone looked at his Saber.

"...It appears I might have overdone it." Artoria looked embarrassed for a few moments.


The man didn't know specific details about resurrection but what is obvious is that Grey's body will be the perfect vessel. 

"If this is the case then one needs mind and soul," Ereshkigal said.

"Indeed, Goddess of Underworld." The old man said with some reverence since he realised who this blonde twin-tail girl was.

"Though the most fascinating thing about this place is not the whole idea to resurrect Artoria but to find a proper heir to her Lance."

"My Lance?" Alter said with a small frown.

"You mean this place has Rhongomyniad?" The Blonde Knight of Knights looked for a second shock.

"It's sealed away in a specific item." The Grave Keeper said without hiding anything.

"I see…regaining my lance could improve my overall performance."

"If you want that thing I can make ten for you. You sound as if it's incredible." As Morgan said that she lifted her finger and a small Rhongomyniad appeared above it.

"Yes, I get it, but this is still my lance it was entrusted to me."

"So it's sentimental." The Dark Witch had an understanding look for a second.


The doors opened and there were tens of people waiting outside.

"We have heard! King Arthur and Morgan have returned! This is a truly glorious day!"

'Use this opportunity to alter a few things.' 

Ren swiftly sends a message to his wife via their connection.

'Ugh…why do I have to use the authority of a lesser version of me!?' Morgan said with a pouty tone. She was like a spoiled child at this moment.

'The smoother we deal with this the better.' He smoothly explained which made sense, but the sense is not something for the Proud Queen of the Faes

'Fine! I expect another date later!' Though she caved in quickly, Morgan simply can't say no to her husband.

"Indeed. I am Morgan le Fay, we have been summoned by my husband and my Master Ren Ashwell who is a user of True Magic.

Consequently, we have been reborn and we are now alive."

'Summon your sword, Artoria.' 

Ren instructed his Saber.

'Yes, Master.'

The blonde summoned her sword and revealed its golden glory.


"We understand, the Black Madonna is back!"

'Ugh…can I kill this human afterwards?'


'Pretty please!?'


'Then, I need compensation!'

'What kind of?' Ren asked her, he is pretty sure he has given everything to her by this point. She can even use his Constructs…

'Another wedding! This time there is a different cultural style!' She nearly gushed just from thinking about that.

'*Sigh* sure.' Ren didn't even bother to contemplate that.

'Very well, then this slight by this pesky human is forgotten then.' Morgan extremely easily caved in as well, after the deal was done.

"...Yes. Now bring me the girl which King Arthur should have inhabited. The ritual is no longer needed, I shall take care of her myself." The Dark Witch with a commanding tone ordered.

"Yes! As you wish."

A few short minutes later, Raynor saw a girl with silver hair. Her hairstyle was the same as Artoria's one she had the same emerald eyes.




"Interesting…" Morgan hummed with a curious tone as she inspected her.

With simple hand motions, greenish-blue energy washed the girl who looked like Artoria.

"W-What just happened!?" The girl exclaimed as she looked at herself.

"The curse has been lifted. You no longer have any sort of connection to the red dragon's spiritual origin.


The whole thing was so sudden that Grey, the girl, had no idea what to say.

"I can sense that you have an identity crisis. Something I have experienced, in a different fashion but still one nonetheless." Morgan explained simply before having an idea.

"I know, I will take you under my wing." 

Ren internally snorted, does Morgan have a thing for taking in stray puppies?

She took in Baobath Sith and now she is making Artoria look alike.

"It's a great honour, Grey! You must take it! This is Morgan le Fay you are speaking to!"

The villagers were pushing her to accept this.

"T-Then, I accept."

"Good enough."

'Husband, is it fine?'

'Why not? You have another apprentice, a human no less, you truly are losing your touch.' He said with a teasing tone. Which made the Fairy Queen contemplate life. 




'You are right. She is a human, but I will make her superior to any human who has lived so far!'

'That's a tall order. In my last project I turned him into a Grand Saber. Can you turn this girl into a Grand Assassin?'

'Is that a challenge, husband?'

The pair didn't even realise that they ended up in the centre of attention as everyone is wondering why they are staring at each other. It was strange as if they were talking to each other.

"What do you think they are discussing?" Alter whispered to Artoria.

"No idea, but my gut feeling is that it's going to be something crazy."


For advanced chapters (+5 chapters) my pat : pat

