Morgan's New Student

Morgan looked at the statue of her Panhuman Version. It was her more developed version while holding a baby of some sort.

Honestly, she doesn't care who this version is holding or anything like that.

What pissed her off more than anything is how this panhuman version of her used cloak-and-dagger tactics and seduction.

As if she needed it! Her talent for magic is immense! After all, she was the one who inherited the memories of panhuman Morgan.

She knows well enough how talented she can be!

But, no!

Now everyone thinks she is the 'Black Madonna' someone who had multiple children and was a scheming witch!

Disgusting! Simply disgusting!

Her power alone was enough to keep Britain under her foot for two thousand years!

"Husband, I need to kill something! Anything!" Morgan breathed out heavily, her mind was a jumbled mess, and her urge to kill something was rising, she needed to release her pent-up anger!

"Hmm? I guess you can kill the 'Corpse' King in the cemetery."

"What is this… 'Corpse' King?" The pale blond witch asked with a confused frown.

"It's Artoria's 'mind' ; it's one of the parts necessary for her resurrection."

"Good! Very Good! I will drop Rhongomyniad on her!" The Fairy Queen said with gleaming eyes.

"Fine, but first I need to destroy the connection between this—" He showed a cube which had parts of gold and blue. "And the corpse King, otherwise this will get out of control."

"What is this? You said the Rhongomyniad is sealed inside of it?" The witch for a second forgot her anger and instead, her curiosity took over.

"This is Logos React Replica, this thing has a personality and all that stuff, this thing is one of the Atlas creations, so it's dangerous stuff if used wrongly."

"Hmm, not bad for a human creation." 

"Yes, that… and…done."

Just like that the whole thing cracked and shattered, soon enough he was holding a Golden Lance. At that moment his Gate and Ether Field scanned it.


He then turned around and looked at Artoria and Artoria Alter, the pair were with a very shy-looking girl by the name Gray.

"Artoria, your lance." 

"Oh…one moment!"

His Saber swiftly walked over and collected it.

"I guess we have two Divine Constructs each," Alter said with a small nod.

"Master, now I need a horse, and I will be a Lancer or Rider for you." Artoria swiftly suggested as she had this bright idea!

"...Yeah, no. You won't bribe me with that." 


"No buts."

This time the blonde Saber pouted for a second at him.

"Anyway, since you removed that thing, this means I can destroy the 'Corpse' King?" Morgan got his attention back.

"Yes, let's go to the cemetery."

She nodded and the group proceeded to walk to the cemetery. They finally got rid of the villagers who were relieved and disappointed that their 'job' was finished.

Yes, the Blackmore Cemetery can now return to doing its regular stuff without worrying about some crazed version of King Arthur getting resurrected. 

'Though this reminds me, wasn't this cemetery used in Tsukihime's version? Maybe I am confusing this with another place.'

For now, he decided to lead his wife where she can release her pent-up anger.

"Umm… why does it look like me?"

"...And me."

" as well…"


"Because we all have the same face!" As Morgan said that she raised her hand and it started to glow.

The sky turned cloudy and blue-ish green lightning started crackling.

Seconds later the thunder descended and smashed into the Corpse King.

"Impressive, even if it was just our 'mind' it still felt danger to its life and tried to dodge the strike." Alter hummed with an impressed tone.

"Yes, but it was no match against that thunder strike."

"Don't be disappointed, this magecraft is powerful enough to level a city." Morgan grinned with a feral smirk before the sky turned into something akin to a water ripple.

"Here it comes! Watch closely, Gray! This is what a proper Rhongomyniad looks like!" 

As the Dark Witch said, a blue-ish green pillar started to descend.

"...Um…is she killing the Corpse King or destroying the cemetery?" The girl asked with a confused look. This was an overkill!

"You will get used to this. This is Fairy Queen Morgan style." Ren said with a small smile as they watched how a massive pillar descended and slammed into the Corpse King.

After the dust settled down there was nothing left even a portion of the cemetery was gone.

Before anyone could complain, blue energy washed the whole place up and everything was restored how it was.

The Wizard Marshall has fixed everything up.

"Well, do you feel better now?"

"A little bit, after this I demand a date!" The Fairy Queen said that, as she dismissed her spear and turned around to look at him.

"Of course."

'These people…they are strange!'

Gray thought to herself as she watched them interact.


The Silver-haired, emerald-eyed girl looked through the window as they were travelling through the road.

This was the first time that she was out of her village, everything was new to her. Her eyes widened and even glitter when she saw how many cars there were in the wider streets, and how many buildings there were. 

"You are quite lucky. We will be going on a trip soon around the world. So you will be able to see a lot of things after just leaving your village."



"Okay. Umm, may I ask… if you are truly the King everyone has been talking about in the village? And why are there two of you?"

"No, I am the fallen version, and the other one is the proper version." Artoria Alter said in a simple tone.


"Yes, it's linked directly with my blade, and most likely that I was fighting Morgan at that time, as she is a Queen of Fairies, certain conditions were met which inverted my Saint Graph, or at least this is what My Master and Morgan thought." The darker Saber said with a shrug.

"...Umm…can you explain why you are calling him 'Master'?"

"Hmm, you should better talk with Lancer, she is a Magus and Goddess hybrid." Alter motioned at Ereshkigal who was sitting on the other side, the blonde Lancer was gazing through the window as well, she was enjoying sightseeing.


"Sumerian Goddess of Underworld. Master has turned a Magus girl into a Goddess Servant."

"Alter, stop confusing her. Let me explain from the very beginning." 

Ereshkigal who finally noticed this decided to help the girl.

Soon enough there was a reshuffle at the back of the van. 

Lancer pulled Gray closer to herself and proceeded to explain.

This is going to take a while, but the Goddess is confident in her tutoring skills!


Once the group returned to London, Morgan decided to organise that date and other things, but first, she needed to take care of her new student.

The first thing she did was to take her shopping, of course, she took her two little sisters as well.

Who will be carrying stuff after all!?

"Don't you have storage with infinite space?"

"And an endless amount of clothes as it is?"

The pair of Sabers frowned as they realised how pointless this is!

"I need to know how much I have bought, and if I am to walk into a place with a lot of people then I need to have a few of my own!"

"Come, Gray! We are getting clothes for you."

"...I-I-Is it necessary?"

"Yes, you are to be trained by me, it's my duty as your teacher and Queen to be taken care of." 

As they arrived at the mall, Morgan swiftly took her through a bunch of women's stores.

She quickly noticed that black and ash colours fit the girl well.

"Not bad. Though why do you want clothes with that cloak on?"

"...This is…well…"

"Because you have a Red Dragon's face?"

Gray stiffly nodded.

"Hmm, you do know that there is nothing wrong with your face. Both Red Dragon and I have it, no doubt Mordred and Panhuman Morgan had it. You can still be you and have that face."


"Think about it, now let's go and check some high heels for you."

"...Ugh…I don't think I can wear those!"

"Practice makes it perfect," Morgan said with an extremely confident tone which made Gray question just how much craziness this witch passed through.


After setting the girl up with all the things she needs Morgan proceeded to start teaching magecraft but…there was a difference, as Gray was a human and she was a Fairy.

They fundamentally use different magecraft systems.

"Hmm… this is something I have not considered."


"Don't worry, I am a Queen of Fairy Britain, I have ruled my lands for over 2000 years. I had to defend them from all sorts of beings.

Teaching a human magecraft doesn't sound difficult now does it?"

"...This well… I already know the basics from Gravekeeper Bersac and Father Fernando."

"Hmm, fine. Then show me and I will see it from there."

Gray nodded and proceeded to show what she had learned. Her magecraft was quite interesting as it's related to Necromancy, from interfering with souls to storing them away. 

She would make deadly opponents to a Servant if utilised properly.

"Hmm, I assume you want your Mystic code back, in some shape or form?"

Her words made Gray's eyes widen and slightly tremble.

"Y-Yes. Add was with me for over four years."

"Hmm, I suppose, it is acceptable for you to have a weapon." As Morgan said that she closed her eyes for a second. Mana hummed around her for a bit.


The Fairy Queen casually threw a cube towards her.

Gray swiftly captured it and inspected it, it was the same as her previous cube, but the colouring was different.

"Husband already created a copy and stored it in his Gate."

"W-Won't he complain?"

The pale Blonde witch had a confused look for a second.

"He is my husband, his things are my things. Why should he complain about this?"

The answer made the Gravekeeper girl out of words. It made sense to her, though she is still trying to grasp the whole idea that she is being taught by Morgan le Fay, a more dangerous one, not the one she remembers from stories and folklore. 

No, that one pales in comparison to this one. This one is an actual Fairy Queen from a parallel timeline.

"I understand."

"Great, then let's start with some basics. I will give you a Fairy blessing."


Morgan walked over and placed her hand on top of Gray's head. Her mana washed the girl over.

"Now you can walk on water, and wield Gaia's constructs. As well as other abilities which you can learn on your own."

The girl slowly nodded as she inspected herself, what she was sensing was incredible. As she channelled some mana into the cube it transformed into a scythe, then into a huge hammer, followed by a bow, then a shield, boomerang…

And lastly the Lance itself.


"This is…"

"Rhongomyniad," Morgan said with a nod, as she finished for the girl.


"You can use this one, or I can give you a separate one." 

Gray's lips twitched for a second. Wasn't this thing supposed to be something her village protected for many years? Now this witch is giving away like some sort of sweets!

"Don't think too much, your teacher is the Queen of Fairy Britain and her husband is a Sorcerer and True Magic user. You are my student. This means if you lack something we will arrange for you." Morgan explained as she brushed her hair for a second. She was thinking about how to proceed with the girl's teaching.

After all, she never trained properly before. 

She still remembers how her husband trained Shirou Emiya, now she needs to train this girl to a similar level, no! Greater level!

"No, I am fine with this. Maybe after I learn some more at a later date."

"Fair enough."


For advanced chapters (+5 chapters) my pat : pat

