The Start of a Cruise

(1 out of 2 chapters this week)

"I thought I would be learning magecraft, but are we going somewhere already?" Gray asked with a confused tone. She barely had time to adjust to the lifestyle in a large city.

But now they are going somewhere already!

"The place where you will be practising magecraft doesn't matter. We have a cruise to go to." Morgan said with a casual tone as she was looking through the window of the car.

"...I understand."

"In the meantime enjoy the trip." 

Ren curiously listened in. It appears maybe this little girl will soften his wife even further which is a good thing. His darling Fairy Queen can be stiff sometimes.

Sure she no longer has her Madness Enchantment, It was a long process but he was able to straighten her out. However, it doesn't change the fact that she was extremely traumatised by those stupid and lazy ass fairies from that Lostbelt.

As he was thinking about it he continued to drive his fancy 'family' van to Bristol where the cruise would start.

According to Morgan, they will take a trip down alongside France's west coast, then Spain, and Portugal, going down to Africa until the ship reaches one of the countries that have Safari.

Turns out his Sabers want to see Lions in their natural habitat.

Something he would want to do as well.

After more than 3 hours of driving the group finally arrived at the city of Bristol. 

"Bristol is the largest city in Southwestern England, it is a county and a city which has been granted by King Edward in the year 1373." Artoria was reading out loud from a book. She was geeking out since this was her country.

"So, would you still want that wish even knowing the history of your country?" Ren asked curiously as he parked the van and proceeded to leave it and collect all their 'luggage'.

This is just some basic stuff since they don't need luggage but 'blending in' is something they still have to do.

"No, but the grail doesn't explain history! I didn't even know that the world is round!" Saber sounded quite pissed.

"If this information was given to me upon my summoning then I would focus on my Master and what he wants from the Grail, that is if the Grail grants wishes and is not corrupt." Artoria deadpanned when she said the last part.

"I see. Good to know, though I doubt you would accept the call that easily if you knew how history has progressed."

"That's certain."

As they continued to discuss the group proceeded to enter the cruise ship via the gangplank into the ship. One of the crew greeted them as he asked for the tickets.

All clear, welcome to the Queen of the Seas."

Ren looked at his wife when he heard the name of the ship. They proceeded to move towards their rooms after hearing the instructions.


"I have this feeling you picked this ship on purpose." The Wizard Marshall said with an amused sigh.

"What gave you such an idea?"

"The ship's name." He pointed out.

"You must be imagining things." She said with a knowing smile.

"Umm…does Morgan like everything related to 'Queen'?" Gray asked the Blonde Lancer.

Ereshkigal brightly smiled when she heard that.

"Something like that."

After placing all their 'stuff' everyone split up to explore.

Ren went with his wife, the pair of Sabers went to look for food and Ereshkigal was with Gray as the Goddess is quite good at tutoring so she is tutoring the girl on magecraft as the Gravekeeper girl's set-up is quite close to the Goddess of the Underworld.


"I was thinking, we should figure out which one of us is better." Saber Alter said with a thoughtful look.

"...Better? Aren't we the same? Only inverted?" Artoria exclaimed with confusion as she looked at the pale blonde Saber.

"Not that, what I am talking about is competition." As she said that she pointed at something with her fork.

Artoria looked towards where she pointed. It was a shop.

"What are you thinking, specifically?"

"Since we are on a ship we can't use our weapons and mana, I am thinking of something more harmless."

Saber nodded slowly, but she still didn't understand what her alter version was saying.

Sighing internally, she finished her food and motioned to Artoria to do the same A few minutes later the pair walked over to the toy shop.

She grabbed a gun.

"This is?"

"A water gun. It sprays water. We can play a game, a competition where one will have to hit another with water. These would work similarly to real guns, there are water tanks which will work like ammo." Artoria Alter explained her master plan.

Showing one of the plastic guns as if it was another Excalibur. She was extremely meticulous with this. Her actions even baffled the shop clerk.

Like we get it, you like these toys, but you need to calm down. It's nothing special, it's simply plastic which uses pressure to spray water!

"I see, this makes sense, though we need a battlefield."

"No worries there are several pools and water slides on this ship."

'Oh God, why are these two so serious about this? This is just a water gun!' The clerk was so spooked by this that for a second he thought these guns were the real deal and the pair were planning to rob a bank or something!?

Eventually, the girls decided to buy two pistols each and a couple of large ones. 

"This will be 31£."

"That's expensive," Alter exclaimed with that kind of money she could eat in Mcdonald's several times over!

"These are NERF guns, they are the best when it comes to water guns. You won't find better ones in the world."

"Oh, so they are like Master Smith's weapons, I get it," Artoria said with glittering eyes. She got sold real quick on this one.

"Yeah, something like that." The clerk was slightly confused. What does blacksmithing have to do with anything!?

"Fantastic, then we are buying them!"

Just like that the blonde pulled out a rolled-up pack of banknotes.

She most likely has several thousand in that one! 

The clerk nearly coughed seeing the amount of cash these girls were carrying!

The King of Knights handed over 40 £ before taking the water guns.

"You can keep the rest."

As she said that the pair just left. The clerk was stupefied, is she for real?

Well, whatever, he will get something nice to eat on his break.


"This place is fascinating, it's like a floating city." Morgan was impressed by the sheer size and how many shops there were.

"Yes. This place is massive, with gyms, cinemas, live concerts, and other things like casinos, and a multitude of restaurants. You can eat food from all over the world on this ship." Ren said that he was checking the map of the ship.

"Hmm, indeed those two will have enough food to eat." The pale blond witch mentioned the pair, she realised that those two have absurd appetites.

"Hmm, yes well, we don't need to worry about food, instead we should worry about what we are going to do for over a week until we arrive in Africa," Ren questioned her as he looked at the map.

"That doesn't sound long. I used to do nothing more than months at the time, just continuously waiting for mana to grow and store it for my Rhongomyniads."

She said with a lazy shrug, Eventually her eyes ended up on a clothes store.

More specifically swimming clothes.

"Let's go there."

"Hmm, sure I don't think we bought swimming-related stuff." He was not counting his gate, which continuously generated stuff for him.


Sure enough, the pair proceeded to look around.

Morgan quickly found several different blue bikinis, a black one, and a white one.

"...Which one do you think?" She asked him, as she could not pick.

"All? They all look beautiful on you. You can switch more often if you have several of these." He said to her after inspecting them.


The dark witch proceeded to select several more, these had patterns, eventually, she went to check what her husband was doing.

"Hmm, you should pick something to match my colours." 

She swiftly found swimming trunks blue and white, black, then they went to buy some shirts with palm trees, some hats after…

Weirdly enough they were not as bored as one would think. They had unlimited space to store stuff and an unlimited amount of money.

At least for now, they have fun just buying things.


"Hmm? Girls…are those water guns?"

"Yes, we will be competing later on," Artoria said with a small smile.

"Okay… you mean at the pool?"

"Yes." Alter chipped in as they started to remove guns from the packaging.

"Okay… and do you girls have swimming clothes? You won't be fighting with regular clothes?" He asked them as he realised they didn't have any of that stuff.

"...He is right, regular clothes will slow us down when they are wet."

Alter mentioned this when she realised this issue.

"Then we have to buy some."

"Master, show us where you bought yours."

The pair quickly walked over to his side.


"Fine. Follow me."

He quickly took them to the same store and the pair proceeded to explore and look for bikinis. 

Alter quickly found a black one and Artoria found a white one. 

"Let's try them out. Master follow us."

He nodded and walked with them.


As Alter undressed for a second she had a crafty look.

"Why don't we have competition now?"

"...What do you mean?"

"As Master's women, we should know how to seduce him quickly."


Artoria said something incomprehensible, which made Alter smirk.

"Oh, right, Master never made love to you."

"W-What are you saying!? Isn't he married to Morgan!?"

"And? Big sister knows well enough that she is the one and only wife, and she is gracious enough to allow us to lend her husband to us."

"You make no sense…"

The Darkened Saber smirked when she heard that.

"I know, I am simply telling what she told me. Now then." After saying that, Alter walked over and poked her head out from the changing room doors.


"Shhh! Our competition should have even ground."

"Y-You are crazy!" Artoria started to blush, as she realised where this was going.

"Master~ can you come over here~"

The moment Artoria Alter said that a deep red blush crept on Saber's face.

She was about to start dressing up that moment Alter pushed their Master in.



"Master to make this as even as possible for us, you need to claim the goody-two-shoes version of me." 

"...How is this related to anything!?" Artoria tried to hide her privates while exclaiming with an angry blush.

"Please, I am helping you here. As we are Masters Servants and bound to him for most likely eternity you need to relax."



"You can go outside Alter, I will assist Artoria in the meantime."


Alter happily left the pair behind, after quickly dressing up, leaving the pair behind.

"M-Master~ this well…"

He didn't say anything, instead, he approached her and gently kissed her on the lips.

"Don't worry, you don't need to listen to your naughty counterpart, she sometimes has her moments."

Saber slowly nodded, though she leaned forward into him.

"Then… What should I do? She knows about my competitive spirit."

"Well, how specific she was with her wording?"

"...Um she said about seduction and making love…"

"Oh, then we can just do this~" 

As he said that he swiftly pulled her closer and proceeded to kiss her.

And fondle her a little bit, he knows his King of Knights needs a little bit of time before they do it properly after all she is the opposite of his Alter who can go all the way just after coming up with the idea.


For advanced chapters (+5 chapters) my pat : pat




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