Prelude for War

(2 out of 3 chapters this week)

"Hmm?" The blonde King of Knights looked at Ren who was supposed to be resting, but something was off about him. The mana in the air was strange.

As she brought her face closer to his she tried to inspect him but at that moment his eyes snapped open. She quickly pulled her head away.



A smile appeared on his face when he heard her stuttering voice. She sounded extremely cute!

"What happened? I sensed a lot of strange mana around you." She quickly got over her embarrassment before swiftly changing the theme of the conversation.

"...Ugh…that… I have been visited by Gaia and Alaya in my sleep."

Her eyes bulged out when she heard that! What he just said should be absurd! Those are like the very system of this world.

"W-What could they want with you?"

She asked with curiosity and concern.

"Save a major timeline from possible pruning."

Her eyes bulged out when she heard that.

"...That's a major event. Did you agree?" The Knights chivalry started to awaken so she was wondering what he had chosen!

"The reward is something I can't say no to."


This was something she had not expected to hear. Usually making deals with such beings is something one should only consider after thinking for an extended amount of time.

"I will have access to Counterforce, and the ability to visit other timelines at my leisure." He explained with a somewhat happy tone.

Artoria's eyes widened in disbelief, what he just said is insane, a human who can control counterforce in some way!? That is absurd, it's the very system of the world. She doesn't want to believe it! But, if he said that he would get such an award then she would believe it to some degree! he is her Master after all!

But still…

Her common sense doesn't accept that!

"...Master…are you sure they are not lying to you?" She asked him with more concern.

"No… now come over~"

Blush returned with force as she realised that they were naked before she responded the girl was already on his lap.


"So what is this timeline you are speaking about? What is so important that we need to stop our cruise?" Morgan asked with narrowed eyes. She is getting pissed at her 'Mother' for making them do this.

"It's an alternative timeline to ours. It diverges from our 3rd Grail War where Einzbern hacks the system and summons Ruler instead of the Avenger they do in this timeline.

What they summon is Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, a Ruler.

With this, the war continues differently, in a way that the Master of Lancer stumbles upon the Greater Grail and decides to use his connections to take it back to his country, Romania."

The group listened patiently to what he was saying.

"...But to summon a Japanese Servant… it's against the rules… you saying they hacked the very system of the grail wars?" Ereshkigal asked him as she recalled everything she knew from Rin's memories.

"Einzbern are the creators of the system itself. So they know how to hack it. What was stupid is that they didn't prepare a catalyst for the Servant. It's not hard to figure out who could potentially have Ruler Class."

"...True in a sense. So how does timeline pruning come into place?" The blonde Underworld Goddess asked him.

"Amakusa Shiro enters the Greater Grail and gets his wish granted."

"...Oh… what kind of wish is that?"

"Heaven's Feel— for everyone."


"...So we need to stop him?"

Pressure in the room built up the knights instantly got on edge, for Alter it was bloodlust she didn't mind the cruise, the food is good, and she had some fun, BUT she is a warrior! Fighting in her dragon blood!


His words instantly destroyed the atmosphere.

"Simply killing him is something I can do myself, I can end this in a flash. However—

We can abuse this situation. Do you two want to fight? So you can fight. This is a 7 vs 7 Grail War. There will be 14 Heroic Spirits, something you will rarely experience."

"...B-B-But Master! This is dangerous! You can't just allow this mad Ruler to room the world!" Artoria said with a frown. Even if he knows this he still wants to play around!? Her Knight honour demands that this madman be put to the blade as soon as possible.

"And you forget the fact that the grail needs power, power from deceased Servants."

Ren summoned his grail and showed it to her.

"I can intercept the whole ritual." He showed the cup.

"...This…I see…"

Her eyes widened as she realised something. They can just allow that mad Ruler to believe everything is going according to the plan!

But in truth, the greater grail is not getting any of that power!

This means they can fight to their heart's content! Maybe even annoy that Ruler with the fact that he won't know what is going on!

A smile crept on her face.

"Very well."

Her smile was similar to her Alter self who doesn't care. As long as they can fight powerful opponents for Alter, and worthy opponents for Artoria, they don't care anymore.

While this was happening Ren looked at his Saber, he just noticed something peculiar. Her Magic Resistance has gone down from B to C!

This was… is it because she is looking for ways to work around her honour as a knight? Indulging more in needs and desires instead of what is better for everyone?

'How fascinating since she is alive her spirit graph works more like an actual soul and not the spiritual core of a Servant.'

This means her spiritual choices and decisions affect her parameters.

So far he was able to fix Morgan's madness and now he is corrupting the Legendary King of Knights… quite an interesting life he is living.

"...I can see you two are looking forward to this. Let me tell you something—fascinating." He smirked at the pair. For some reason, they had goosebumps going through their backs.

"Saber of the Red faction, our faction is Mordred."

Alter face morphed into a grin while Artoria had a shock which was quickly replaced with a resolute look.

"...Mordred…is she my counterpart's product?" Morgan said with a thoughtful look, she did look into this to some degree but she hadn't had that much interest to dig beyond a certain point.

She knows and remembers enough to pass as 'Morgan le Fay'.

"The Knight of Rebellion, also known as Knight of Betrayal. She was recorded as Artoria's arch-enemy, the last enemy which ended the myth. As Servant she has similar traits as you Morgan, she hits harder than anyone who has a relation to King Arthur. While you hit harder on anyone who has a Round Table relation.

Her hatred developed a Noble Phantasm which has King Arthur in it."

Morgan snorted after hearing the last part. She knows well enough about herself when she inherits Morgan's memories that she has a distaste towards the Round Table and Camelot.

"I think it suits me well enough. You two love adding my name to 'evil' attacks while others add your name for revenge. Noble Phantasm seems fair to me." The Fairy Queen pointed out one small detail which made the pair look somewhat embarrassed.

"...Regardless, I will accept this with one condition."

The Queen said with finality in her voice.

"Oh, you have something specific?" Ren asked curiously.

She turned her head and looked at him.

"I will be Master of Lancer in this war." The pale blond Witch said with a matter-of-fact tone.


"I will summon one of MY knights."

This made the pair of knights curious and somewhat on edge. This is quite specific: are these knights powerful? She does come from a different world.

"...I assume it's your most powerful knight. Fairy Knight Lancelot?"

She smiled upon hearing that he knew about her.

"Yes. Her real name is Melusine. She was born from Albion remains."

"...Wait…Albion? As in the dragon? One of True Dragons!?"

Ereshkigal exclaimed with disbelief, even in the Age of Gods those things were seriously dangerous!

"That is correct. I gave her the name Fairy Knight Lancelot, which allowed her to acquire Saint Graph of Knight of the Lake as well as his powers. Combined with her inborn powers she is one of the most powerful beings in Fae Britain." Morgan slightly bragged in front of the Kings of Knights and the Goddess. Even her student who was quietly listening in and trying to look small was awed by her.

Even with her basic knowledge, she knows… dragons are powerful beings!

"...This…I suppose I want to see who she is." Artoria's curiosity was piqued, same with Alter now she wonders what that place looks like.

Ren can see that in their eyes. Sadly for them, it's not what they think. That world from where Morgan came from… needs to be purged hundreds of times over.

He wouldn't even mind releasing someone like Goetia there. That thing could tell everyone how the place is a mistake and needs purging.

Hell Ren would even give all the mana he needs to use his Ars Almadel Salomonis, even a second shot as well, just to make sure all the Fae are dead.

That's how disgusted he is with that place.

"Well? Do you agree, Husband?" Morgan asked him with a curious look.

"Of course. I can't say no to you. You can have the Lancer spot."

She smiled and ended up sitting on his lap and wrapped her hands around him.

The witch got closer to him.

"I suppose I could take the Caster slot again."

Her eyes narrowed down.

"...No. Use Archer." She said with an icy tone. The Fairy Queen knows well enough how lucky her husband is. He will most likely summon her Fairy counterpart. Her successor.


"You have a Relic, don't you? Then just summon an Archer you know it's related to."

Ren slowly nodded. He thought she was going to offer that slot to be used to summon Baobath Sith. Her 'daughter' but she didn't even consider?

He then realised something amusing, that the fairy daughter of hers is spoiled rotten, not the best example for Gray which she is training and raising at this moment.

The Sorcerer even wonders if she doesn't want to show how bad she was at doing her part as a 'responsible' mother.

'How cute…'

"...Archer? Which relic is that?" Artoria asked curiously she wondered whose fate they were going to change forever…again.

"Atalante, the Chaste Huntress from Greek mythology. This relic was something I acquired alongside a piece of Morgan's staff." Ren said that while hugging the blonde who was quietly listening to him.

The pair nodded at them, it was not as impressive as they had thought.

But it will do. It's not like they don't have excess power.

"...and us? Won't everyone freak out? Master? You have two Kings, me, and an actual Being who can restart an era. It's simply not fair. The grail could simply go haywire when the system realises that a Sorcerer is part of the ritual.

Leylines in Romania are much more potent than Fuyuki." Ereshkigal pointed out the elephant-in-the-room situation!

"It's quite simple. You will come with me as my student. Both Sabers are my family bodyguards, and Morgan is my wife. Who would believe she is a Fairy Queen reborn? And of course, Gray is her student." Ren explained with a smile as if his plan was foolproof!

Ereshkigal deadpanned at him.

"...Master that would work…BUT! our presence alone creates mana! Even a blind fool would pick up on something!" She pointed at everyone.

She is a Goddess which is accepted by Counterforce! Morgan is literal 'Great Mother' her aura births Fae! And the pair of knights are not chained as Servants; they have functioning Dragon Cores!

They simply breathe Mana. If they do enter a grail war like this… they would terrify the opposition!

"Fair point, I will think of something."


For advanced chapters (+5 chapters) my pat : pat




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