
(3 out of 3 chapters this week)

"I would like to hire you for the Grail War which will soon happen in Romania. You are one of the best."

"...Huh, that will cost you a lot of money. Besides, for that thing, I will need a catalyst to summon a Servant."

"We have that prepared."

Two men were talking in a luxurious office in Clock Tower in Central London. The pair are quite distinctive in their looks.

One is a man dressed in a high-class suit sitting behind a table while the other one is a burly muscular man with scars on his face. He was dressed in black leather clothes and looked like a biker.

This was an infamous Necromancer and a man for hire, by the name of Kairi Sisigou.

A box was brought to the hitman by another Magus, it was elegantly opened and shown to him.

"This is?"

"Piece of round table."

"... 'That' table?" The Necromancer was impressed that they prepared a catalyst of this calibre!

"Indeed, every single one of the knights who were part of this group is a world-famous hero and is mentioned in multiple folklore and stories related to knights. You won't find a better catalyst." The luxuriously dressed Magus explained with a proud tone.

"...I get that, but I am a hitman, and these are knights with honour and chivalry, do you think we will get along?" The man for hire explained with a blunt tone.

"Doesn't matter, they are familiars in the end. They will have to obey their Master. You will get three command seals either way.

Besides, the more vague the catalyst the more chances you have to summon someone who will work well with you."

This alone made the Necromancer much more comfortable with the upcoming work.

"I see, I could even get Mordred, I could work well with that specific Knight, considering the legends it has."

"Indeed. You have a few days to prepare for the beginning of the war."

At that moment space rippled in the background as a wormhole started to open.



A group of people passed through.

"It appears we have been brought over into the Clock Tower." A male voice said. It was a strange group. The majority of this group had the same face! And they all were blondes with different shades but still blondes! Only the male had black hair!

"Hoh? Are we interrupting something?" The male asked the duo.

At that moment the necromancer pointed his shotgun at the group.

"That won't work…"

A bunch of portals opened behind the male as they pointed countless high-tier weaponry at the pair of Magus.

"I am sure we can discuss this in a civilised manner. We are here for the Great Grail War held in Romania, hired by Alaya and Gaia."


"Huh? At least make it more believable—" The Necromancer didn't finish saying as he felt a pair of presences 'staring' at him.


"O-Okay, I am convinced."

The burly man lowered his shotgun and the Magus behind the table slowly nodded his head, he was convinced as well.

"Great. I didn't want to destroy this office either." The black-haired young adult with a nod recalled all of his impressive-looking weapons back into the storage.

"...I don't understand why those two distinctive beings would be interested in this war." The other magus who was hiring the Necromancer questioned with confusion and disbelief.

"This timeline is destined to become a Lostbelt. This much should be enough, no?"



"That is correct. This war is a turning point. One of your Magus buddies will ask something crazy of the grail and turn this timeline into a dead end."

"This! S-Should not be possible! All of the Magus who are going to war don't have such a wish! We are more than aware of the consequences!"

The magus behind the desk's reaction was that of stupid disbelief.

"If this was the case then we wouldn't be here." The woman with long pale blond hair said with a dissatisfied tone.

"It doesn't change the fact that we are here to alter the timeline. We shall be part of the war. Two Master spots for the red team will go to us."

"Fine, the Servants are not yet summoned." The magus easily agreed, though now he will need to explain this to his partners.

"Good enough, we will be taking Archer and Lancer slots. The rest you can keep."


"Good enough." The man nodded at the magus before looking at the necromancer. "Well, Master of Saber, I will see you later."

Just like that the group simply disappeared. It wasn't Magecraft, it was almost like a miracle!

"I guess this war just got much more serious." The hitman grinned when he said that. He was somewhat enjoying the look the Magus in front of him was having.

He just decided on everything without telling his partners. What can he even say!? The natural forces of the world decided on something! It's not like he can say no!

"Right. Excuse me, Mr. Sisigou, I have a meeting to attend."

The Necromancer just grinned even more.

"Sure thing. I will be going then. I need a war to prepare for, a Servant to summon."

The grin disappeared from the necromancer's face the moment he was gone out of the room. One could say he was somewhat anxious as well.

This invader guy will have a couple of Servants. Yet, this group is on the larger side. There is a certain aura from them as well. Just by looking at that group, he can feel a certain dread. They are not pushovers.

Whatever this is, his job is to make sure the cup doesn't end up with Yggdmillenia's family, and that guy's mission is to make sure it doesn't become a Lostbelt. Someone who is chosen by natural forces like Giaia and Alaya means that he is on humanity's and nature's side.

Whatever the case might be he should survive this if he plays his cards right.

For now, he needs to summon his Servant, and according to that guy, he will be the Master of Saber. The class is well known as the strongest!

He will need all that strength!


Ren brought his group into the heart of Romania. In the distance, the group could see a castle not far from the castle, which was a small town.

This was a very nice and picturesque-looking location. One would never think that a war is about to be waged here.

"I can sense movement and uses of mana in the Castle. The black faction has taken a defensive position there. Apart from that… hmm…

Kabbalah?" Ereshkigal said with a thoughtful look as her hands were crossed, She thought about what she was sensing.

"Kabbalah?" Morgan blinked for a second, this word sounded familiar.

"I think you mentioned that before."

"Yes. It's a Golem-making art, quite an esoteric one. This could mean that either one Master is practising it or it's their Caster."

The Wizard Marshall said with a smile.

"...You already know." Morgan's eyes rolled as she heard the tone of his explanation. He sounded like he was having fun saying that.

"I won't spoil the curiosity you all have in this war. So I won't be telling you." He explained with a shrug.

"...fair enough. I think we should head into the forest and establish our base there." The Fairy Queen didn't bother with him since he wanted to do that, they would play by these rules if this was his desire.

The remaining people just sighed and resigned to what they wanted.

The pair of Sabers simply go to fight when they are asked to, something they do believe will get to do in this place.

While Ereshkigal was more interested in how the timeline was different from what she remembered as Rin. It sounds fascinating and at the same time, she wanted to know what happened to the Toshaka family who don't have a grail war.

With Morgan's lead, the group ended up in the middle of a small forest. This forest will be good enough for the Fae to turn into her territory and establish a base.

"Husband, make a small lake if you could?"

She asked him as the Fairy Queen proceeded to create her territory.

"Sure thing."

He started to look around, finding a good spot before proceeding to summon a few weapons from his Gate.

Using them as markers to mark the boundaries of this new lake.

Once that was done he used his endless mana to start creating water while eroding the forest foliage.

Slowly water started to fill up and Morgan walked on top of the water. Greenish-blue particles started to manifest on the surface of the water.

"...This is…"

"She is making 'the lake', if it does what it is supposed to do…we would get a boost in parameters regardless if we are in Britain or not."

The pair of Artoria's realised what this was. This is a unique form of Territory creation, heavily relying on the symbolism of the myth.

Same myth which is heavy in the folklore of King Arthur myths.

Soon enough mist rolled out from the centre of the expanding lake, shrouding the whole forest.

Just like that the group had a better 'fortress' than the Black Faction which had the Castle.

"We should build a house, a workshop would be in our best interest," Ereshkigal suggested as she looked around. Since the pair is flexing their powers. She needs to show what a Goddess like her can do!

"True. Let me help you with that."

Ren nodded at her as he once again looked around, his eyes turned into a void for a few moments before things just started to happen.

A manor next to a lakeside popped into existence.

"While I would prefer a castle, this is good enough for this war," Morgan commented as she noticed the manor.

"There is one next to the village, we can conquer that one," Ren suggested to his wife as he looked at his handiwork.

"Fair enough. Conquering a castle is something I even prefer in this kind of situation."

"Indeed. For now, let's proceed with workshop creation."

"Go on then. I still need to conjure a few defences before I can start with the workshop."

"Alright, I will make some tea for you when you come back."

The Fairy Queen smiled for a bit when she heard that, she nodded at his words before focusing back on her magecraft.


In less than a day the group had their base and defences in place.

All that is left is to summon their Servants and join this war.

The first one to summon the Servant is Morgan who is quite giddy with the prospect of having her knight serve her once again.

The circle was swiftly prepared and the chant was adjusted for the 'Red' faction.

"-I shall attain all virtues of all of Heaven;

I shall have dominion over all evils of all of Hell." The pale blonde witch softly recited the chant as light consumed the basement of the manor.

The summoning was quite specific as Ren was the one who 'navigated' the Throne of Heroes to pick a Servant related to his wife.

The list wasn't as big as the one related to the King of Knights. Morgan le Fay the Lostbelt King is only a one-time timeline branch of a dead world. It's nothing compared to the main timeline of King of Knights.

As light settled down, a petite girl with white hair and dressed in arcane blue armour with a pair of swords placed on her wrists answered the call.

"Servant Lancer— Your Grace!?" The newly summoned Lancer squeaked with disbelief!

"Y-You summoned me as a Servant!?"

The way she sounded made Morgan smile, her smile was genuine.

"Melusine, it's good to have you at my side."

"L-Like wise! I can't believe this could potentially happen!"

The Fairy Knight Lancelot continued to stutter as she was still processing this development.

While the rest are watching this Lancer with curious gazes. They can sense the sheer Draconic aura rolling from her.


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