Welcome To The Woods

"So where are you from?" Mai's little brother asked me while washing his hair. I sat neck-deep in the river and said, "Somewhere far away from here." He replied, "Awesome." And then he climbed on top of a bowlder leaning on the edge of the river then jumped in and the water exploded massively. That must have been his ability and his power must siphon through his necklace. Mai's other brother Poe then said, "You're new here, so that means you haven't been evaluated at the waters fall.", "He must go there now then." Mai's second little brother added.

I looked at the three of them as they had their hands gestured to grab me. I then stood up and stood in a weak defense and all at once they grabbed my arms and legs and carried me downstream. I struggled for freedom as we came upon a waterfall dropping into a medium-sized lake. When we reached the fall they threw me in and I was spinning in all types of directions. I couldn't balance myself and when I fell into the lake the water exploded like a geyser and floated me back onto the river.

"What was that?" Mia's youngest brother asked as he claimed out of the water. I placed my hands in view of my eyes and said, "I don't have a single clue."

Sometime after that, we were back at the village and we were surrounding a bonfire. Mai still hasn't given me my clothes back so I'm stuck with these small clothes. As we sat six feet from the flames Mai's father told a story regarding the YinYang spirits. "Long ago, this forest was run by balance, and this balance was known as the YinYang spirits. These spirits protected these lands from any and all negative energy coming from the outside. Negative energy could be something as simple as an animal attack but regardless of that the meadow and surrounding woods were as safe as the rest of the land. But the balance was broken and vanished for hundreds of years, until now."

I sat quietly at the fire and Mai's father left us to converse before bed. Mai walked over to me and said her brothers told her what happened at the river. I explained that I was unaware of what transpired and she understood my explanation. Moments later her father came back out and told the village to go to bed. I of course had to follow her brothers once again, I had to stay in their hut. There were about 15 guys per one hut and it was extremely hot and crowded. I was almost crushed about five times in one night.

Later in the night, I was up thinking about how I was going to get back home. This thought ran through my head all night. I tossed and turned to prevent myself from being crushed to death by these barbarians. Then a funny thought of mine gazed at my head, it was their style of clothing. I found it funny that they have us guys wear the smallest clothing and the woman wore the less revealing clothing. Because the bulk of boys and men here are either wearing shorts that go to the middle of their thigh and a shirt or with the shorts without a shirt. I was on the list of, "Without a shirt." And the woman wears moderate to long skirts and a sports bra looking top. Then I thought about the other day when I fell into the lake and ended up here, the water illuminated a cloudy white color and I had a flash memory or something to that degree.

I wanted to test it and see what would happen if I tried it tonight. First, I needed to sneak out of this hut without alerting anyone. This was the problem, there is only one exit and people were blocking it. But it's only their legs so it's definitely doable, second, I need to hopefully find my way to that river nearby to find the nearest lake. I slid myself against the wall and removed myself from another person. I then proceed to stand up and shimmy my way to the door and I accidentally stepped on someone's arm and they shot straight up and I froze in place until I found out his eyes were closed and he fell back asleep. I let out a peaceful sigh and continued my way to the door. I stood on the left side of the door and next I needed to remove their legs from in front of the door. I kneeled down and grabbed two legs and gently moved someone's legs to the right of the door, this way when the door opens it cannot be blocked. The second person was a rather big guy, he was the heaviest but I had a new power that granted me strength.

I knew this because back at the facility I broke the chains easily after that white orb entered my body. I made my way to the side of him and gently but forcefully pushed him aside and cleared a path for the door to open. Now I can finally get out, next I begin opening the door and the bottom of the door scraped against the hard floor and made an obnoxious scraping sound. This made the guys in the hut make that sound you make when you hear something in your sleep. I stood as still as I could and luckily no one woke up. Now I had to make sure the door wouldn't make any noise so I pulled up on the door as I opened it and finally got the door open and left for the lake.

I was walking past the side of the hut and was almost spotted by a night guard but I backed up in time to where I was unnoticed. I used my ability and knocked over some wood logs and distracted the guard so I could access the river. Once I made it to the woods entrance I followed the same path we had taken earlier. As I made my way through the forest I had gotten that weird feeling that the forest was speaking to me. I began to get another weird feeling and soon or later a vine snags onto my leg and more of them grabbed ahold of me. Seconds later the vines pull me in the direction of the river and in the process I struggled for freedom. Then the vines dropped me at the bottom of the waterfall and when I entered the water I started seeing a flash of something and begin hearing voices.

"Goshi, the forest calls you and invites you in." In the flash memory, I was surrounded by a never-ending jungle and I was unable to move as the jungle grew ever so big. This went on until I became aware that this moment wasn't real and only then did I find myself underwater at the bottom of the waterfall. I swiftly swam back to the surface for air and when I reached the top I gasped for air. I then start floating in the middle of the lake on my backside with my eyes closed. As soon as I started this I felt the life forms around me speaking as if they are communicating to me through their emotions. It felt like a wave of emotions channeling through me, some of their emotions were happiness, joy, satisfaction, confusion, and excitement.

Then the water began to illuminate and spin around like a whirlpool. The whirlpool lifted me gently to the top of the falls like once before. I climbed back onto the land and thought about my new abilities and how they differ from my old rank 2 ones. I sat on my butt and took a minute and thought about what was happening. Then a heavy gust of wind picked up and I began to feel cold and sick. And from the corner of my eye, I swore I saw a black orb fly past me and into the woods. This made me feel uneasy so I snuck back into the village and successfully made it back undetected.

I walk around the corner of my hut towards the door and I can see some people standing in the middle of the village. They didn't look custom to the village so I took caution and stayed hidden behind the corner of the hut. I then overhear, "Word is the Yang spirit is back in Pansen and word also says it's in this village, so find it and bring it to me." The men broke apart and began searching. I didn't know what to do but the only thing I could think of is fighting them.

*End Of Chapter 3*