Protect And Gain

While behind the wall I was contemplating when I should strike them but I didn't know how to fight whatsoever. And on top of that, I had no protection, all I had was these mid-thigh shorts on. I didn't even know how to use my Yang abilities either so I was in a whole mess. I peaked around the corner and used my rank 2 ability and knocked wood on the smoldering fire with the hope that it sets ablaze. I then focused my mind on my ring and I began to a steady flow of energy running through me and when the fire started blazing my hands were forced in the air and thunder sounded. This alerted everyone in the village and people began waking up, next, the unknown attackers heard the thunder and commotion within the village and began fleeing the scene. My hands remained in the air and lightning stroke the group of attackers and ignited them on fire.

Once my hands were released, I fell to my knees and then to my side as the citizens of this village scouted the village for the commotion. Mai's father was standing by the burning bodies that laid on the far left side of the middle of the village. Low but clear he said, "The other villages know." I had no idea what he was talking about but he seemed fierce and I gradually thought back to what he said earlier about how the YinYang. He said that the spirits protected the land from any negative threats. Maybe the spirit is trying to speak to me by force and used my body to protect this village. I got up off the ground and leaned against the wall while my left arm held my right shoulder. The force did a number on my right arm and kind of strained it in a way.

I began walking to Mai and as I do she looked at me like something was happening. She looked at the top of my head and told me half my head was turning white. I didn't believe her until she pulled a strand of my hair and showed me herself. I was lost for words as I grabbed my head and rubbed through my scalp. Then her father walked towards me and said with assurance, "What happened here?" I explained to him that some unknown people came and were looking for the Yang spirit. He turned away and shouted to his night guards and told them they would be working in the daytime as well. He calmed the village and told everyone to return to their huts then proceeded to tell his men to get rid of the bodies.

Mai went back to her hut and Poe smacked his hand on my right shoulder and said, "Looks like the Yang spirit saves us again." I let out a weak laugh and followed him and the rest of the guys back to the hut. As I approached the door in the right corner of my eye I saw that shadow again but this time it lasted longer. I quickly turned my attention to it and it wasn't there and right after that Mai's youngest brother Xain shoved me through the doors and said, "Stop blocking the door." I tried to catch myself but one of the guys broke my fall. I could already tell the rest of the night was not going to be pleasant. After everyone settled in we all fell asleep rather quickly.

In the morning all the working guys in the village were awoken by Mai's father, he ordered us to go to the training grounds, and he wanted us to await his explanation.

We waited for about ten minutes before he showed up and gave us instructions on fighting. He used me as a training partner as he did a day ago. He had his spear in his right hand and a shield in the other and he threw the spear at me and they didn't multiply but vanished. It was like it turned into thin air and wasn't noticeable. My only instinct was to run away from his targeted area and get clear of any possible threats. His clones came out and grabbed on to thin air and charged at me. It became clear that his clones weren't holding the air but the spears, they were invisible so I couldn't detect them. I thought this was clever of him and not because he comes off as the best in the village.

My ring began to shine a gold-white mixture and my hand was forced at them. I forced my arm down and as I tried that, my other arm lost control so I dropped to the ground and laid on my arms. I looked ridiculous but I couldn't afford to hurt anyone, even though we are training. I regained control and hopped back on my feet before one of his clones jabbed me in the chest with the end of the spear. I fell back to the ground with my hands behind me and after that, he leaned the end of the spear against my head and said, "I would be embarrassed to be your brother."

When he said that I fell into an abyss of thought and found myself in my head. I laid with my back against a never-ending ocean and the sky was a bright white light. I was paralyzed and it said, "Give me control, give me you." I then began to feel like I couldn't breathe and a strand of light was being pulled from my chest and it seemed something was trying to take my life. I struggled and struggled until I began to regain my strength and grabbed a hold of the strand. I was pulling it from the light and back into me and when the strand snapped, I consumed both the strand and the ocean below me and woke back up.

His rod was still against my head so I smacked it off and rolled back on my feet. He began sweeping the spear all around me and my only reaction was to evade all of them. I moved side to side then back and down. His clones began to understand my pattern and moved around me leaving me with no exits. They flipped their spears to the sharp side and seemed to be more serious. They came at me one by one as I slid and rolled out of their range. when I was unable to move after I rolled they caught me in a bad position. The spear came at me and the barrier shield covered me and knocked the clone away.

The remaining clones were in front, behind, and to the left and right of me like a crossroads. They raised their spears and I then noticed that the real one was not in view. I needed to find the real one and maybe if he's disrupted they will vanish. I looked around and he wasn't in the general area so I could only think he was either behind that hut directly in front of me or behind that boulder to the left of me. His clones started to charge me all at once and threw their spears at me. But when they were thrown, they disappeared and I got a suspicion that they were still coming at me so I moved over.

My body began to feel like some pressure was being put on it and every spear thrown through this fight appeared around me and energy threads were shooting through me and restricting some of my movements. The real one came from behind the boulder and threw his spear as he said, "If you're the real Yang holder then evade this." I couldn't move and I didn't know how to use my prowess. Something clicked when he did that as if my mind gave me an idea of what to do. When I received the idea my body walked through the strands and they passed right through me. At this moment I knew what I was doing but at the same time, I did not. I raised my palm in his direction and he started levitating off the ground and by this point, I was not in control of what I was doing, it was like something was feeding my actions and I displayed them.

A group of the guys was yelling something on the line of, "Let him go." And I couldn't do anything to stop myself and around my feet was an infinite loop of energy circling around me and rose ever so more. A group of them ran at me and I lifted my other hand and pushed them in the opposite direction.

I lose consciousness and wake up inside my head again and in front of me was the light taking the form of a woman. And this woman was cradling a younger me and it seemed like it was trying to use a part of me to take the rest. I then shout, "Get off of me!" The floor below us began to rumble and the light looked at me, stuck its hand into my chest, and vanished.

*End Of Chapter 4*