After it vanished, I appeared in the endless ocean and the water began to vibrate and spin in a spiral. The vibration became too strong and the currents spun at high speeds, then the water connected as one, and a giant whirlpool formed with me at the center of it. The water made a consistent edge or wall rising upward and spinning in circles. The water turned white and gave itself to me, making me absorb it. After that, I laid at the bottom of the waterless land within my mind. And above me was the sky which had nothing but thunder and lightning running through the clouds. My body then took in all of the sky and air around me, and my state of mind became an empty, dry, barren wasteland. I lay there and the ground began shaking heavily and the ground cracked beneath me. I woke up again.
When I awoke once more, I had Mai's father levitating, and figuring this out, I immediately dropped him to the ground and backed up while examining my hands. The rest of the guys looked at me with fear in their eyes, then turned away and ran into the woods in a panic. As I glided through the woods, I began to fear not only what I could do but myself as well. I ran and ran, then the rain began to pour from the sky and as I leaped over a root, I tripped over it. My chest slammed against a nearby tree and left scrapes on my chest. I then sat against the tree and my chest began healing itself.
I started a small panic but was immediately calmed by the relief of the pain being extinguished. I was breathing heavily and it was slowly dying down. Then, I stood up and walked until I found the waterfall. I looked down at the lake below it and took a deep breath and decided to take control of the power inside me. I put my hands together while they hovered above my head. I jumped off the edge and dived into the lake. I then entered the water and began swimming to the surface and hovered on my back. I closed my eyes and I was immediately put in my mind space and I was on the infinite ocean and the light stood before me.
I stood strong and said, "What do you want from me?" The light began to walk towards me and it said something in a muffled tone. I couldn't make out what it was saying but it pointed behind me and when I turned to see what it was a giant reflection of myself was in front of me. I backed off to the surprise of it and turned back and the light was dead in front of me. it put its hands on my shoulders and screamed in my face. I was paralyzed until I saw what it was, I then knock its hand off of me and push it and it submerges under the water. I stood defensively and the water began to quake rapidly. My legs tried to keep balance but the shaking was too much for them to keep up with.
I leaned too far back and fell on my butt and a giant abomination of light emerged from the surface. I tried to move backward, but my body was suddenly tied by seaweed. I easily broke the seaweed and I gestured my hand above the water and attacked it using water. Using sharp water and high compression waves, I knocked the monstrous being back underwater. It emerged once again and shot a thread of energy inside me and tried to take over again. I immediately pulled on to it and gained the upper hand. The spirit pulled and took my upper hand and roared. I used the water and sabotaged the spirit by attacking it. I was slowly gaining the upper hand and as I almost achieved control, the spirit transformed itself into Amoi and said, "You let me die, Goshi."
A tear ran down my face and the mark the tear made evaporated from my skin and I said, "You've lost." And I pulled as hard as I could've and the thread entered me and I fell into the water and woke back up. I was lying on the lake and the rain continued to fall, but I felt something different, something more. I stood up and I was able to stand on the surface of the lake. I walked to the land and the first words I spoke were, "I need to find clothes and a way home."
My mind and body felt exhilarated as well as powerful. I haven't felt anything like this before. I thought back to when I had first arrived here and I remember a portal leading me here. I raised my hand in front of me and wanted to open a portal back home. About six feet in front of me, a sphere of energy was slowly forming while sparks fell from it. I put my other palm out and the power became more immense. The sphere became an oval-like object and the portal formed in front of me. I stuck my hand through and it felt like a burning sensation was on the other side. I knew it was home because I heard people rallying down the street and nearby.
I then remembered that I could heal, so I just ran through and hoped the burning would heal. As I walked through, I shortly noticed that the shorts I was wearing were burned up. I had nothing on and was one block from my apartment. I ran to the ladder in the alleyway of the apartment, but the ladder was inconveniently not there. So I had no choice but to go through the front door. I walked to the beginning of the alley and peered around the corner. To my surprise, no one was on the street. This was my only chance, so I took it. I ran as fast as I could and made it to the entrance of my apartment, and as I opened my door, a familiar face walked past the door, glaring at me with fear in her eyes. It was a girl from my school; she knew who I was and I knew her.
We weren't friends but we were familiar with one another, and when she locked eyes with me, I burst through the door and up to my room. I knocked on the door and for a while, no one opened it, but my mom finally opened it. As I zipped inside, she stood in shock and said, "Hann?" Which was my father's name. As I was putting on my underwear, my mother came by and said, "Oh, Goshi, it was you. I thought you were your father." She leans against the gasket of the door and says, "I guess you're your father's son." My face turned red and I rushed to my door and closed it before locking it afterward. I slowly backed away from my door and put my shirt on, then the sound of a gunshot came from outside my window. I walked swiftly to my window and in the middle of the street laid a dead body, it was my neighbor, and he was an enhanced citizen. The military organization keeping us in line was responsible for this. After that, I walked to my dresser, picked out a pair of nice-fitting shorts, and put them on.
Looking in my mirror, I had seen that all of my hair was white, even my eyebrows, and my arm hairs. Leaving my mirror, I unlocked my door and walked to the front door but in the corner of my eye, I see my mother doing drugs. I nodded my head and said aloud, "You're going to die one day, you know that right?" She was speechless, she always was like this, and she kept doing them as I looked her dead in the eye. Proceeding to walk outside of my front entrance, I stepped by some E.T.U soldiers and they said, "What are you looking at freak?" First, I ignored them but one of them threw trash at the back of my head. Next, I turned around, picked the trash up, and said, "You dropped this sir."
He looked at me with disgust and shoved me aside before walking off with his partner. I then said, "I thought so." He stopped, turned around, and said with his hand laying on his gun, "What was that boy?" I replied, "Why did you throw trash at me, why did you have to mess with me?" He pulled his gun out and said, "Are you questioning me boy?" I gave him a mean stare and said, "You're a pathetic excuse for an officer." His finger was placed on the trigger and... A shot went off.
*End Of Chapter 5*