Another War

Manny and I looked at the portal and with a clear voice I asked him, "Manny, how did you get those abilities?" He looked back at me again and replied, "It's a long story, I will tell you when we reach the other side." He started running towards the portal and I had no choice but to run after him. As I entered the portal, the burning sensation returned, and when we exited on the other side, we both appeared on that lake I saw the first time I arrived there.I thought it was strange when I used portals. They usually burn our clothes.

"This is the land where enhanced people's powers originated, the land of Pansen." He swam to land, and I tailed after him. When I touched the ground I asked him, "How do you know about this place?" He placed his hands on his head and said, "Well, some few days ago, I experienced a phenomenon, something jumped inside me and gave me a boost in power." I then said, "Yeah, the same thing happened to me as well." The next thing I asked him was, what are you doing back in town anyway. He looked past my depressing tone and said, "Because, I need help using this power and someone here has to know."

I told him that I knew some native people of this land and his only reply was that we go and find them. When he said that, I stopped in place and said, "Well, you would only be able to go then." He stopped in front of me and asked me why, and I replied, "A few hours ago, I returned home, and before I came back, the Yang spirit fought me for control and I kind of lashed out on the village leader by accident." Manny wasn't shaken by any of this, mainly because this happened to him as well.

Manny told me to worry about it later and told me to lead him there. I added that the journey was going to take one whole day, but he insisted, so I showed him the way.

Manny wasn't always bad. He was actually a passing student at school, and he had perfect attendance as well. But one day, the government decided that we needed more restrictions and policies added, so he felt neglected by them. When we were given the braces in school, the more chaos that happened because of them, the more he was triggered into becoming a criminal. But now he seemed different, as though he had lost the insane person he was months back. I thought about this for the entire journey.

When we came upon the meadow in which the village resides, I noticed that the village wasn't active. When I was here, people were roaming the grounds, not simply staying at home. I closed my eyes and felt the nature surrounding me. Fear and dread consumed me until I reopened my eyes. I let out a huge gasp and Manny asked me what was happening and where was everyone. I then said, "No one is here." He was both disrupted and confused as a whole and I couldn't take the matter any better. "What do you mean no one is here?" He said this in a loud, aggressive tone. I then said condescendingly, "No one is here. Are you not understanding me?" He feinted at me and his eyes started glowing similar to a black light. I lunged towards him and my eyes emitted a white light similar to a low-beam headlight.

He lunged his fist at mine and when they connected, I got a vision. This vision showed Pansen under siege. Battle, grief, and madness poured over the land, then nature filled me in with information. Our attack equaled out and we bounced apart, then I said, "Pansen's under war again, and it's over the YinYang spirits." Manny was pushed against a tree and as he stood up he said, "So why did they leave their home?" It took me a minute, but I thought back to when this village had invaders and drew my conclusion.

The sun was setting shortly and we had only a little bit of time to find someone who knew how this power worked. Suddenly, the wind began to blow steadily and the rain began to fall. Steps came from all sides of the village. It was invaders from the other villages. They snarled as they charged at us, but as soon as they got close enough, a blue dragon with gold horns circled Manny and me. They backed off a touch and a cracked voice said, "Disappear." The dragon stopped spinning and flew upward and came down face first and ate us.

Once we could see again, we were on the floor in front of a cabin and the man standing in the cabin was an older guy. He wore a blue and gold velvet robe or cloak with a golden mantle draping from his shoulders to the back of his feet. He had rough skin, one blue eye and one green one. He was rather fatty and had tons of girth on him and his hair was black with grey in all areas, his beard was completely grey, and his sword was a blue dragon handle laying on his waist.

He stood there with his hands on his hips as he glared down on us before saying, "Look what we have here? Both the Yin and Yang holders eh? " He stepped down the stairs in front of us and said, "What fine, I mean great pleasure it is to meet both of you." I couldn't help but shake a weird feeling coming from him. He rubbed his hands together and smacked his lips before saying, "I take it you seek guidance in these mad times we live in, eh?" He let out a perverted snicker right after.

I then asked, "What do you know about the Yin and Yang spirits?" He let out a boastful laugh and said, "What do I know?" He continued on and settled down shortly after. Manny and I didn't find this funny at all and we remained quiet until he said, "OK, follow me."

He lived on top of a mountain, an extremely cold one. He took us to the sun's peak and said, "My name is Eqihr and I am going to teach you a tale about the spirits." Manny asked if he could do it someplace warm. Eqihr placed his hands together in a clawing motion and giant roots sprouted from the ground. Then, he snapped his fingers, and the wood caught on fire. Manny and I began rubbing our hands together for more heat as he began telling the story.

"What I'm about to tell you isn't so much a story as it is a guide for how you will train."We nodded and he proceeded to say, "In order for you to understand the power, you'll need to understand all nature types, light, and dark, understood?" We nodded once more and he said, "Both of you will need to feel the nature of all biomes for a total of ten hours for each one." Our jaws dropped and he said, "What, it's not my rules." He then folded his arms and turned away. Manny then says, "There are at least ten different biomes." Eqihr then says, "But some of them have something in common with one another, so that means you'll only have to do the five major ones."

He snapped around and twiddled his fingers together, and in an even more perverted voice, he said, "Now, let us get na-, I mean, let's get started." He snapped his finger again and his dragon teleported us to a desert. The sun beamed on us and we broke sweat instantly. Eqihr then says, "OK, we'll start off with the easy one. Now take 'em off." Manny and I were confused and he enlightened us. He pointed at our clothes and said, "Clothes, off, now." We refused, but he insisted that it was crucial that we expose ourselves to nature, and he even said this made it easier for nature to flow into us.

We couldn't afford to not learn the proper way, so we followed his instructions, but we weren't completely exposed, so we kept on our underwear for precautions. He said that was fine, as long as we could soak up as much energy as we could. "Now that both of you are ready, now you sit on the sand and place your hands together, close you're eyes and look for any life energy you can find.

While I was searching, I thought, "Man, he is a pervert, and off the back, he isn't even concealing it either." I broke my hand in unison and said, "It's not working, Eqihr." He pealed one of his eyes open and said, "Are you looking hard enough? I said you'd be looking for ten hours." I fell to the ground and thought, "Oh right I forgot." I got back in position and looked harder. He twidled his fingers again and I said, "Do you mind, I cant focus while being watched." He apologized and moved further away and sat nine feet in front of us.

*End Of Chapter 7*