
My mind was trying to find this nature force or whatever, but it wasn't at easy as it sounded. He said we would spend about ten hours on each biome, so that meant we will spend a cumulative of two days training this portion. I tried and tried but the harder I tried the more I wondered if this was a hoax and he was being a perv. How could I, he summoned a dragon for god's sake and can teleport without burning himself. My mind was almost fried for the first ten minutes of nothingness and the fact that I could feel nothing was kind of absurd as well as frustrating.

Eqihr noticed our distrust and said, "Notice that I said this would take ten hours, meaning it will take you ten hours to find this energy." That didn't help us find it but it filtered any exhaustion. "Maybe this will help." He snapped his fingers and water was splashed on us then from in front of us I could hear his hands slapping together and him saying, "Totem." Our bodies lost the strain they once had on them. He then remained quiet and we continued our pursuit of nature.

About five hours later, Manny said he had found something and was trying to take it in but it was struggling. Moments after I found something as well but it was hassling me too. Trying to catch energy was like trying to catch a housefly with a blindfold on. The more we put in the more the struggle overcame us.

At the nine-hour mark, Manny said, "I caught it!" He opened his eyes and jumped to his feet. I was still trying to catch it. This was like a tug of war, the other force was not giving up easily and not going down without a fight. Once I got the upper hand I pulled it inside me and my eyes illuminated white and I said, "I've got it." I stood up gradually and then added, "Can we go to the other biome now." He side-eyed me and smirked before muttering, "That's new"

Then he snapped his fingers and his dragon took us to a grassland biome. "Now, here you will try to find nature's life forces." He zipped in front of both of us and placed one hand on each of our chests and said, "Hmm, you guys seem exhausted from that one alone, you need to drink water." We refused and began searching for the force of nature immediately. When I closed my eyes I was in my mind once again. I stood on an infinite meadow landmark and in front of an unfamiliar face.

He was rather young, maybe in his late twenties, and he had long white hair with one strand covering his left eye. He had a black and white robe on, with the shoulders being cut off exposing his arms. His eyes were hazel like mine and he was rather muscular. I stood cowardly and both fear and confusion ran through me. He said, "No need to fear me, I am like you or was like you, my name is Yanu Wenadow." I straightened myself and said, "Do you know an easier method to obtain this energy?" He nodded no and said, "This is the easy way." He walked a few feet closer and said, "War is coming again, you and the Yin spirit user must prevent this."

"I don't even know how to, how do we do it?" He smiled and said, "Balance cant be obtained when it is separated, good luck." His energy began fading before he vanished right in front of me. Remaining inside my head, I turned around and looked around and thought, "Maybe he means to unite all people together as one." Seconds later, I was then kicked out of my mental state and was back to reality. When I awoke, both Manny and Eqihr stood above me and said, "Is he awake.

I scooted backward out of fear and said, "What happened to the meadow?" They looked at the destroyed land and said when I was unconscious I looked like I was pulling invisible energy and released a negative counter-energy. I looked at my palms again and started having flashbacks of a few days ago. I then noticed that the sun was coming down and I muttered, "I think he gave me his natural force." I looked at Eqihr and asked him, "Do you know the story of the first Yang holder?"

He crossed his arms and snapped his fingers and our clothes appear on the floor. He then said, "OK, get dressed, we have some cleaning up to do, and in the meantime, I'll tell you the story. When we got dressed, he snapped his fingers and we were at a warm spring below the mountain of his cabin.

"This is magical water so as soon as you are fully submerged, your clothes should vanish until you exit the water" He walked in the water and said pervertedly, "Now get in." He twiddled his fingers again and sat down. Manny and I looked at each other with distrust and got in the warm spring. He let out a sigh and said, "All that sweat I accumulated earlier is finally gone."

Then he found some seriousness and said, "OK, Yanu Winadow is the first holder and he was a spectacular young one." Blood ran down his nose and he swiftly rubbed it away. "He was very spectacular, he even obtained all the natural forces in one day, he was a master at martial arts, and he was also the kindest man in all of Pansen." I submerged further in the water and he said, "Goshi is it?" I nodded and asked, "How did you know?" He said something along the lines, I know more than I should.

"Well I know Yuna gave you his remaining nature force, so this can be one of two things, you can fight and stop this rising war in Pansen, or return home and fight your own." I reminded quiet and thought about it before saying, "I'll save both." Eqihr clapped his hands and said, "I was hoping you would say that." Manny then added, "Well if you're fighting then I'm fighting as well. Eqihr said Manny needed to continue his training due to him not gaining all forces. Instead of us proceeding together, I was to make my way to a distant town known as Yuki.

Eqihr said it would take me about five days to reach the town. I couldn't teleport due to my inefficiency and Eqihr couldn't due to his limits. When I parted ways Eqihr and Manny continued their training. He guided me in the direction of the town and let me take the lead from there.

I was told I would be crossing another level of danger as I get closer to Yuki. Things I can run into could be insane people, wild animals, or war parties. I kind of had no worry since I had Yang and natural force. That was my only safe haven, but if things get too hasty I can teleport away from them.

As I walked away he shouted my reason for going to the town. Eqihr said these people still worship the YinYang spirits and will be helpful towards the war effort. He also said that they will be a few days behind me and will meet up within two days. As I walked away I began contemplating the time ahead of me, I had so much to do, and so much t protect. Fixing both Pansen and Nova1c was going to be a hassle.

After one hour of walking, I experienced nothing but mosquitoes biting me up and down my leg. Then a rumbling sound cast through the grassland which I walked through. And from a hundred yards was a massive bunch of people walking in my general direction. As they got closer the faces began to pour in and I noticed a few familiar faces. They were tied up and being held captive by a massive army or something along those lines. It was Mai and her family, they were the captives. And at this moment, I was their only chance at escaping.

*End Of Chapter 8*