Trust And Resolute

I wavered behind a tree that sat remotely in the middle of the grassland. I had to devise a plan to save them, something smart and something smart. By now, they were thirty yards away from me. One thing I could do is teleport us, but I might bring some war soldiers with us. Not knowing how to use my abilities is kind of a drag. I wish Eqihr taught me more. I had no choice but to face them from the front, and I could not back off. Without hesitation, I jumped in front of the nearly hundreds of warriors. Mai, her brothers, and her father were tied up and looked me in the eyes.

One of the guys who looked to be the superiors looked at me and asked, "Who are you and why shouldn't I kill you?" I gave him a mean look and said, "You need to hand those people over to me." He laughed in my face and said, "Do you know who I am? I am no regular man; I am chief Lunar, the descendant of Katon Lunar. " My reaction was equal to complete shock. Katan was the holder of what my brother possessed. So you've heard of Katan, huh? My power is that of a beast. You don't stand a chance of survival. " He said it with full hostility.

Mai then shouted with fear, "Goshi run, you don't stand a chance." I glared back at the chief and said, "Do you know who I am? I am the current holder of the-, current holder of your life." He looked at me with disgust and said, "You just made a grave mistake, whoever you are." He then grasped the handle of his sword, which resembled a serpent. Pulling it out of his holster, he then aimed it at me, and a beam of light emitted from the edge of the blade.

I waved my hand and my orb of light blocked it from hitting me. The chief then said, "That was my weakest attack." I charged my right arm back and released it into the air, making it shake violently in all directions. This irritated them for some time and when the attack finished I said, "That was mine. He noticed my ring and said, "Is that your totem?" I ignored him and prepared for my next attack. Mai's father then said, "You guys should run, he's the Yang user." The chief turned his head from her father and into my direction. Then it hit me: I could use levitation to bring them to me. I opened my fist and lifted my arm in the air with my palm facing upward and they began lifting off the ground. As I brought Mai and her family to me, I told the soldiers, "If you don't want to be harmed violently, I would not try that again. I then placed my other hand in the air and waved it back and forth and we teleported.

We reappeared on top of the mountain one hundred yards in the direction of my destination. When we settled down, all eyes were on me. We stood there quietly until Mai's father said, "We'll talk later. For now, we need to find a place to sleep. The sun is about to set completely." We all followed him to the other side of the mountain until we came upon a cave. Using the dead sticks and some stones from the mountain, we constructed a small campfire and sat still in the cave.

"Goshi, what happened to you?" Mai asked with curiosity. I then replied, "After my incident, I traveled back to my homeworld and ran into my brother. Coincidentally, he had the Yin spirit within him. He told me that the tree of life could be a rift to Pansen from my home. We went to your village but no one was home. After that, we ran into someone named Eqihr, and he taught me to use all the natural forces, and after that, I ran into you." Mai's father responded, "You said your brother has the Yin spirit?"

I told him yes, and that his powers are like mine but are used for catastrophic purposes. He then said, "The Yin prowess is known to be dangerous. No doubt you're telling the truth." I told them how he punched the air like me and almost killed some people. They all staggered at the sound of it, but I knew it was much worse to experience. Suddenly, thunder sounded and rain began to fall. I asked, "Why does it rain so much in Pansen?" Mai said, "After the old war ended, people from all over piled the bodies of all the dead and burned them. The smoke did something to our skies and it rains at least four times a week."

Mai's father then said, "Another war in Pansen, over some power, what a shame." I asked, "Is the war spread all over Pansen?" He said it had and people knew of my existence. He said villages were sending their strongest people to find and bring you to them. I told him that Eqihr told me to go to the village named Yuki and said they remained loyal to the spirits. He said that they do, but they are a poor town and have very few resources and can not be useful.

I told him that I was going to be there before five days were up to meet up with my brother and Eqihr. The rain picked up and when the water poured inside and ran past my leg. Then a vision of myself stopping water flashed within my mind. I had gained my consciousness back and looked at the entrance and said, "I'll be back." I walked to the entrance and looked up at the dreary sky and raised my palm before pushing the rain back into the sky. When I looked back into the cave, they all looked at me with the utmost curiosity.

"I must keep moving. Stay safe, you guys." I said before walking off. Mai came running out of the cave and stood in between me and my destination. "Goshi, take these clothes." I refused, and she said, "Take them, they're my grandfathers, and they're sentimental to me." Please." No matter how much I hated their clothing style, I couldn't refuse. When I tried them on, there was a leather top that resembled a tank top. And the bottoms were just their men's bottoms, which I wore some days ago.

I started walking away from the cave towards Yuki, which was days away from my current location. Then it hit me. Mai just gave me clothing, and I have my old clothes as well. Maybe I can travel in my clothes and put on the ones she gave me. I switched clothes and opened a portal. After that, I jumped through and reappeared about fifty yards from a town. By the looks of it, I was in the town of Yuki.

*End Of Chapter 9*