The Yang Healing

Moving quickly, I put on her grandfather's clothing and looked at the town's twelve-foot-tall walls. I walked to the entrance of the gate and one foot from the gate was a window. Behind the window was a man who looked middle-aged and had brown hair and one white eye, and the other was blue. I knocked on the window and he said, "How may I assist you?" I told him I was trying to get inside the town of Yuki. He told me that this town is closed due to war reasons and that the town might not open anytime soon. When he said that, I believed that Eqhir was a liar. Why would he send me here if they were closed? I guess my only hope was to reveal who I am.

"Sir, it is urgent that I get inside these walls. I have an important mission." He sits up and asks, "And what mission is so important to expose this town?" I then replied, "I am a Yang user and I need to get into this town. His face went from unenthusiastic to intrigued and he said, "OK Yang spirit, show me your prowess." He wanted me to prove it, so I asked him why his right eye was white. He told me that he was blind in that eye from battle and that it was when he was a child. That made me feel some type of way because he hasn't seen anything out of that eye since he was a kid.

"OK sir, you want me to prove it, open the window and I will." He then says, "Do you think I'm stupid? Why would I do that?" I quickly replied, "So I can prove to you who I am. Duh." He squinted his eyes and said, "You'd better not be lying to me, you got it?" I then assured him that I was not lying to him and he opened the window. I placed my palm on his forehead and said, "Close your eyes." He was skeptical about it but he followed through with it. I then closed my eyes and siphoned energy from my body and into his right eye. While taking my hand off of his face I told him to open his eyes. When he did so he was in disbelief and shock. "Is that proof enough sir?" He slowly turned his head to me and wrapped his arms around me and shouted with excitement.

"The spirit returns." He said this as he knelt inside the wall.I told him there was no need to praise me for doing good. From where I stood, I could see the city, but in front of me were three men with armor and swords on their waists. The left man had long silver hair and diamond-plated armor and the man on the right side had metallic armor on and shoulder-high brown hair. I say that because the man in the middle seemed to be the main one. He had armor that gave off a magical presence. On his hip was a sword with a lizard handle and his hair was mid-back and his hair resembled gold bars.

"Who are you and why did that gate handler let you inside?" The middle man said before the gate handler shouted with glee, "He's the Yang spirit, he's returned." When he said that, I remained quiet and the middle man said, "What nonsense are you speaking of? The Yang spirit was reported to be on the other side of the region." The handler said, "He healed my right eye. I can see!", "He seemed to be very excited about seeing," I muttered, before the right man said, "You'll have to prove it to us before we let you proceed any further."

I asked them if they had any injuries that are unhealable. The man on the left informed me that he had a sick little brother. When he said that, I told him that I'd only healed mortal wounds, but I could try. Then the man in the middle said, "I lost a finger not too long ago. Can it be fixed?" I told him it could and to come to me so I could fix it. He laid his hand under mine and I pulled even more energy to fix this one. My energy was so strong that my hair was being blown around and a blue aura was surrounding me.

When he pulled his hand from under mine, his finger was restored. His eyes shot open and he said, "I haven't seen prowess to this degree before." The man on the right revealed his arm which had a missing hand. I walked to him and said, "Honestly, today was my first time healing people, so please excuse me if I cannot do it." He agreed and said, "Just do it, I won't be mad." I placed both hands on his missing hand in a ball formation and pulled more energy from myself. The wind was even stronger and the aura was even more visible.

I took my hand off and his hand was back on his arm and he was healed. He became hysterical and was so happy that it made me feel happy for him. However, I had to heal the left man's brother, if I could. Some tired feelings overcame me, so I asked the man on the left where his brother was. He noticed my tiredness and told me to get some rest. All three men offered me a home to sleep in and restore myself. They even had food brought to me. But they said that the leader of the town had to be notified of my arrival. I initially agreed and remained inside a townhome until I was fed and well-rested.

The home wasn't much, but it reminded me of my old home back on Nova1c. The bed even reminded me of Amoi's old bed, the red, blue, and green too. Then Amoi ran through my head again, his memories flooded mine and I was overrun by sadness. My tears were like heavy rain and my sniffling sounded like heavy wind. Being in this state caused me to stop eating and go to bed. I laid on the bed on my side and the dam was cracked, with some water seeping through. I hadn't felt this low since he died. I hated this feeling and wished it would go away. Even though I was sad, I still had a mission to complete, save this land and my home.

I sat back up and stood to my feet, then, I walked to the window sitting next to the door and looked out. A cluster of people was looking at this apartment, and by the looks of it, they seemed hopeful once again.

*End Of Chapter 10*