Change Of Plan

Suddenly, I could hear faint voices heading in my direction. I zoomed out of the room then closed it behind me. I stood in front of the cage and pretended that I was waiting a long time as they entered the building. "You sure took your time," I said while twidling the nail. He returned with some people who were going to take me to my group.

We walked and shortly stopped by the town hall. My group was inside talking to the divisions of Haru. From what I heard, they were giving us a warning about making a mess of things. When I walked into the room, the noise went silent and all eyes rested on me. "So there's trouble maker number one." One of the division members said, with a look of distrust in her eye. I looked at her with disgust and told her that their laws were foolish. Eqihr told them that he was sorry about what I did. "No problem, it's not like an outsider would know the law anyway." I pushed forward aggressively and Eqihr blocked me with his shoulder.

I swerved around and announced, "I'm going to go kill those scaled swords." The lady with the division called me mad and stated that they are nearly unbeatable. Eqihr agreed with her and told me to think carefully about this. "Do any of you know what I am? I am the Yang spirit," Mai said that I lacked skill and some strength as well. Her father and everyone else agreed with her. "Honestly, kid, do you believe that you can take them down?" One man said he was from the division. I told them that I didn't care about what they thought and restated my claim. I began walking to the door and when my hand turned the nob, someone slammed the door open. It was the man who had me escorted here from the cage.

He beamed his eyes into mine and shouted, "Did you... forget something?" He pulled out my ring and handed it to me. He looked away as he nodded at one of the division members. Then he vanished out of thin air. "Goshi, stay here. Manny wouldn't want you to die trying to find him," Eqihr said suddenly. My body was still shaken after that man came in. I thought he knew that I snooped on him. After that, I had no difficulty staying with the group. Mai's father offered his help to pay off the damage I conducted. The middle lady shouted at us and said we weren't allowed to enter local affairs. Don't yell at us, "I shouted back. The lady stood up with one of her feet on the desk and her finger pointed upward.

An extensive pink aura surrounded her body and she said, "Don't get cocky just because you have the Yang spirit." A staredown began between us and the mood became unsettling. "Maybe we should calm down," Eqihr said abruptly. I looked away and said that I was going to win this war, no matter the cost. Her pink aura calmed down and she sat back in her seat. "Now that someone understands, the war is spreading and the enemies come closer every second." The lady said, She monologued about how we could either stay here in hiding or go out and fight a war alone. I didn't choose, but the group did. Mai's father and Eqihr were the oldest in the group besides Sammi, Qui, and Kalen. So they spoke on the group's behalf and decided to stay here and lay low.

Soon after, some more people escorted us to a new place to stay. which was right next to the building where I awoke. The place they gave us was beaten down and rather old. Eqihr and I were in the living room alone while everyone was doing their own thing momentarily. "What is wrong with you!?" He shouted at me. He told me that what I did could change the trajectory of the war and in a bad way. I told him how much I hated this place and educated him about our home's past then told him how Manny and I felt about this place. Eqihr went quiet and didn't seem like he knew how to reply to that. The next thing I told him was that I saw the dragon-scaled sword in the building that I was being held in. Eqihr didn't know what to believe. He asked me if I was sure of what I saw, and I confirmed it to him with a description. Once he heard how I described it, he was finally able to see that I was telling the truth.

After we spoke, he left me and went to think by himself. I thought it was time to see if the sword was still there. I went into a room alone and opened a portal linked to that room. I jumped through and was standing in front of the sword. My portal closed behind me and I reached out to the sword. "So it was you." A man's voice announced behind me. My hand froze at the sound of someone walking behind me. I quickly turned around and shifted against the wall. In the room stood two men, the man in the trench coat and the man who was made of black smoke.

"Oh, that's what you meant when you said something white and hairy." I looked towards the window and the man in the trench coat pushed me against the wall. "Don't think about it, I need to protect my home, so you and your group of friends need to turn yourselves in." The man said as he pressed his hand against my chest. "Calm down Jin, we need him alive for the extraction to happen." The other man said as he walked to us both. "And kid, don't take it personally, your brother has already been captured." He added.

My eyes popped open wide, and my rage activated my power."Just kidding, I just found out today that he left." My body aura calmed and I said, "You better be." He looked at me with supremacy and said, "You're in no position to make demands." I shoved the man in the trench coat off of me and said, "You know, if Nazo gets his hands on my brother and me, he will be able to destroy landmasses." He didn't want to believe me and told me to be silent. The man who I set free placed his hand on my chest and told me we were leaving.

I panicked, then smacked his hand off of my chest and ran towards a wall. Thinking back, I recalled me being able to go through objects. Even though it was only chained, I could still give it a chance. I rushed into the wall and I warped through the wall and on the other side was the town. I opened a portal and as I was about to enter it, the dark power that man had snagged me and threw me on top of a home. He began levitating up to me and said, "I'm not like Bara, I will bring you down."

*End Of Chapter 20*