Haru's Light

I shouted, "Get away from me, I don't want any problems," I said while standing on my feet. He smirked and said that I was leaving with him. His Kurayami formed hundreds of dark tentacles. People began to notice us and ran around frantically. The town's defense was alerted and the protectors began attacking him. He turned his attention to them and his tentacles began slamming into their direction. One of the town's protectors pulled metal from the ground and sliced through his tentacles and knocked him to the ground.

Laughter erupted from the ground and tentacles sprung from the ground like nails, then his true form was revealed. He looked like an abomination of most things. His appearance was dark and gloomy, his eyes were multiplied by the hundreds, and his tentacles were even more vigorous. I slipped off the roof and hit one of his legs and his attention caught me again. "You won't get away." He said it with a crazed expression. His closest tentacle snagged me and brought me to his face. I slipped through his legs and punched the air upward towards his face, then kicked him on the outside of the town. "My power's back," I said to myself.

"What's happening?" Eqihr said, landing next to me with his dragon sword in hand. "How did you find it?" He told me that it was right where I said it was. "Not the matter now; let's go kill this thing," Eqihr said as he jumped from building to building until he reached the outside of the town. I followed behind him and when we approached the man he was going on a rampage. He was fighting the town's defense teams. "Get away from here!" shouted the lady from earlier. "Don't show yourselves." She added before a tentacle smacked her into the ground. Eqihr began fighting that thing and sliced through tentacles. He extended the sword and sliced through many more before roaring.

Haru's soldiers knocked it to the ground and used the earth to hold him to it. Briefly, after that attempt, he broke free and knocked every single one of them backward. "This is a horrific attack display, and they call you people strong." He mocked He looked at me and said, "If you don't give yourself, he'll take everything from you." He added. Eqihr kept on fighting him and told me to ignore him.

"You make me sick," I said as his attention turned to me again. "You will leave this town alone," I added before he asked me what I was going to do about it. His tentacle swung on top of me and I caught it with my forearm. "I healed you, wasted time on you, and this is how you repay me?" I grabbed a hold of his tentacle and threw him into the air. Next, I grabbed Eqihr, who was in his clutches, and then I pointed my finger at him, and a heavy but steady beam of power shot from my hand like a laser. His body split itself in half and he returned to his original form as he fell from the sky. I caught him and landed on the ground.

So far, my powers have been healing, strength, warping, and aura-based attacks. "Why?" The dark man muttered. He asked me why I spared his life. And I told him that I was different from his allies and that I needed information from him. He passed out from exhaustion and the administration of the town took him into custody. However, we were sent back to our place and were under strict surveillance.

"Goshi, what happened?" Mai asked as Eqihr and I entered the home. I told everyone what happened and that we were being watched. I noticed that Eqihr had his sword hidden in his cloak. "Looks like we found it," I muttered to Eqihr. He agreed and told me to keep it between us. For the first day here, it sure is hell. I guess we can't trust Haru.

About one hour later, the sun was setting and nighttime was approaching. In between the last hour, we remained in the home and prepared for bed, Eqihr and I discussed Manny and the danger he could be in if he's caught. "If Manny is caught by anyone, he can have the Yin spirit taken out. It's not a hard task." Eqihr informed me before, saying that Nazo isn't the only one we have to worry about. Anyone can take it from us and use it for destructive purposes. I asked if it was easy to capture someone who has so much power as Manny. He said it was possible but unlikely for someone other than a scaled sword user.

I asked him about the man who can use darkness. "Oh, you mean Nazo's ally? Yes, most definitely. Today he wasn't used to his power, so he missed it, "Eqihr continued. Eqihr was the only person who I could trust. He helped Manny and me overcome our powers. He is even here now, trying to help us survive this war. But he told me something terrifying. He said that once the spirits are removed from the user, they have remaining power lingering throughout them. This means the new user has to kill them to get the full power. It took me a minute to process it, but if either Manny or I lost our power, we could die.

"Manny is hurting right now. He thinks he's only destroying and harming, "Eqihr said before he said that it's going to be hard to find him or run into him. "If Manny thinks that, I will give him my spirit and he can come back," I told Eqihr. He said then I could die and Manny would have another problem. He was right. If I left Manny, he wouldn't know what to do, and I wouldn't know what to do either. Honestly, I could leave this place and never look back, but now I'm involved. "Don't think like that. You've met so many people here who like you, and your brother wouldn't want that, "Eqihr told me." I then said, "I think Manny would want to go home as well." Eqihr said that he wasn't talking about Manny nor Amoi.

I glared at him and asked him what he was talking about. Eqihr said that he knew about my twin brother that was murdered. I pointed at him and told him to stop speaking about him. Eqihr was shaken by my seriousness and he apologized for going there. I walked away and went to a bedroom to be alone. I looked out of the window and watched the citizens of Haru enter their homes as the rainfall began to descend from the sky. The door behind me opened and light footsteps walked inside. "I don't want to be bothered, Eqihr," I said conclusively.

"I'm not Eqihr Goshi," Mai said as she walked to my side. She said it was dinner time and she was worried about me. "Goshi, I heard about what happened, you got more defensive than I've seen before," Mai said before she wrapped her arms around me and told me to forgive Eqihr, he was only trying to help. I told her that I was so lost when my twin died, he was like the Yin to my Yang. She let go of me and walked out as she said, "I'll get over it." She added that she did.

I turned to her as she walked out and felt her emotions from where I stood.

*End Of Chapter 21*