Learning How To Control

I sat in hot water and used my powers to understand them more. The more I sat in the warm water, the more I began to fall asleep. I couldn't help it at this point. I was somewhere comfy and warm enough to sleep in.

Then, when I was most comfortable, chills ran down my body. However, this chilling feeling was different. I could see my chills. They were dark shades of purple and white. They complimented my new abilities and felt like power trying to find a way out.

That's when it hit me. I could feel the energy trying to speak to me. as if it was telling me to release it from myself. I put it together and decided to release my energy by fighting. I wrapped up and left the warm spring. The next thing to do was to find Jominara and tell her what I had discovered.

I found her inside a fancy cafe, sitting with a few of the mountain's leaders. They were some of the strongest necromancers alive. One goes by the name "The Voyager." She travels and has learned a great deal of dark magic. The guy to her right is named Issac The Enchanter. He got his name because he knew something about ancient enchantments.

Finally, sat another member. He was the strongest on the mountain. He went by the name "Forge," and he got that name because he could make practically any weapon he needed to aid him. I never really talked to them, but I am a name that pops into their conversation from time to time.

I noticed how essential things were, so I slowly made my way out. But before I could exit, Jominara caught me and called me to the table. I trembled towards them and sat down. Jominara asked how long I had been standing at the entrance. The Voyager answered and said about two and a half minutes.

I froze up and tried to comprehend how she would know that. This assured me that she was one impressive necromancer. Issac said he counted the same time, and Forge agreed with them both with a nod. Jominara noted that it was opportune that I had shown up.

They asked Jominara questions about me as if I was not sitting right with them. I felt like I wasn't being treated like one of them, which I am not, but I was still part of Nekomata. As every question passed by, I felt angrier by the moment.

Forge asked her if I was well suited for training as if I were a child. That was enough for me, so I activated my powers and slammed my fist. Purple magic flowed from me and snapped the table into two. I let out a roar and said that I could speak on my behalf and that I was not a child.

The entire cafe went dead silent for a brief moment before whispers and chatter followed. Jominara and the three others' faces were in shock. I looked at my hand, and my ring split in half and changed from gold to purple and white. I turned my magic off and softly said that I would appreciate it if I were taken seriously. Jominara waved at the bartender, and they kicked everyone besides us out.

Jominara asked me if I had felt some strange tonal changes. I told her what happened in the warm spring and gave her my conclusion to my problem. Issac abruptly said that my power had evolved into something worse than Shengoku had foreseen. The Voyager said that my strength might be more robust than the Yin-Yang spiritual power.

I focused on my palms, and my power felt easier to control. I let it flow and circled the table swiftly. I retracted it and the table was as good as new. They were astounded by my ability to maintain control. The Voyager asked me how far I was with my Nekomata, and I told her that I was nearly done. Forge said that I needed to finish as soon as possible and dismissed this meeting.

We all walked for the exit, and as I followed, Jominara Forge muttered that if I caused a scene like that again, he would kill me. I looked him in his cold eyes and told him that I wasn't afraid to fight him. He snickered at me and walked out of the cafe. I continued to talk to Jominara, and when the three of them left, she turned into her humanoid form and punched me in the gut.

I fell to my knees with my hands on my stomach. I told her that they were treating me like a child. She didn't care and added that it was customary to speak to a trainer's master. I told her that she wasn't my master and she performed magic on me. She disabled my movement and dragged me to the peak of the mountain, where she threatened to throw me off if I said another word.

She told me that the three of them were going to train me so I could take on Nazo. I nodded and she released me. I apologized and told her that I was ready for them. She said that they would return in a few days. She mentioned that they would be checking on Pansen for the next week.

I asked her if she knew where Nazo was located and she said that he made his location known. She mentioned that he and his lady had been building a castle since I left Pansen. She added that the war was nearly over. That meant he was so strong he could take Pansen.

Jominara said that when she was sent to spy on Nazo, she noticed that there was someone who looked like me there. She was speaking of Manny, my brother. I asked her what condition he was in, and she said something terrifying. She said that he looked corrupted and oozed dark energy.

The sky began to pour, and I just sat there thinking about Manny and the rest of my friends I left behind.

*End Of Chapter 32*