The Dark Past Of The YinYang

Jominara asked me to follow her, so I did. She took me to a reading room to tell me a story. The reading rooms are primarily used to cast spells, but in this case, it's not. We sat and she told me to prepare for a nightmare and began telling me the past of the YinYang spirits.

"Before war broke out, Pansen was in harmony. Citizens of kingdoms, villages, and towns were at peace. Then one day, the spirits broke loose. No one knew why, but we knew one thing: someone was messing with the balance between this world and another one. The spirits detected this anomaly and went spiraling across the land.

Not too long after, people realized that you could have the Yin-Yang spirits for yourself. And not too long after that, people began arguing over them, and the arguing turned into physical aggression, which soon turned into murder. The spirits felt unease and chose their champions.

These were commonly known as masters of Yin and Yang. Yanu Wenadow was the first holder of the Yang spirit, and Katan Lunar was the first holder of the Yin spirit. The trust chose the champion to end the war and bring balance.

After the spirits sealed themselves inside them, the War of Pansen began. Kingdoms turned on kingdoms, brothers turned on brothers. From teenagers to infants, they were murdered to find them. It was a period known as the Dark Pansen. And the scariest part about this war was that it lasted for hundreds of years. The spirits went from host to host, trying to hide from greed. Hundreds of thousands died throughout the war. And one day, the spirits just vanished and the land went silent for some time.

A while after their disappearance, the land of Pansen has become a barren wasteland full of chaos and misery.

The period from when they left till the time they returned was known as the "gap." The gap was a period of repopulation and redemption. That is, the population had to be rebuilt, and war criminals had to atone for their wrongdoings. The slaughter of many was the result of that war, but imagine if it started again. "

At the end of the story, Jominara asked me why she told me this story. My reply was that I know how devastating war can be. She smacked me on the head and said that she told me this so that I could be better than those people. I stood up, rubbing my head, and noticed the sky began to turn red.

Jominara looked up and gazed back down; the three leaders had teleported in. There was smoke coming from them as if they had been in a brawl. Jominara and I went to their aid, and Forge pulled her close and said, "He's unstoppable." And he disintegrated before our eyes, along with the other two.

Jominara and I looked petrified as their souls left the dust and looked down on us. Issac, Forge, and The Voyager were all dragged into space. Jominara looked at me and said that the mountain was now vulnerable. I didn't know what to do, I didn't know them well enough to shed tears. Jominara had tears for them, it was almost like they were a family.

She rushed to the mountain council and informed them of the tragedy. They were astounded by the terrifying news and called for a meeting immediately. However, Jominara was left out of it.

When she walked out of the complex and saw me facing down with my fists clenched, My power was revolving around my hands. She put her hand on my shoulder and said everything was going to be alright. I snapped out of it and was completely lost. I asked her what she was talking about.

She looked as confused as I was. She looked me in the eyes and said the purple was fading from them. I once again asked her what she was referring to. She looked at me cautiously and mentioned that the council was in a meeting.

I told her that I knew that, but I asked her what for. She said that they are choosing someone to replace Shengoku. My eyes widened and my hands unclenched. I placed my hands on her and told her I knew what I wanted to do. She looked at me like she had seen a ghost. I asked her what was wrong.

She asked me if the Nekomata inside me had spoken to me. I told her no, and I started to hear laughter. I asked her if she heard that but brushed it off and told her I wanted to bring my brother here.

Jominara reminded me where he was and what had just happened to the former leaders of the mountain. I told her that it probably wasn't who we thought it was. She snapped back and said that my brother was probably the one who did it.

My hand grew claws and I scratched her and she fell to the ground. It was almost like it wasn't me who did it. Jominara attacked me, and we began rolling down the side of the mountain. We landed at the bottom of the mountain and brawled.

We each landed many blows, but Jominara created an orb that she called the Last Sun. It formed like a sun being swallowed by a black hole.

I looked at my hand and started forming energy in it. Jominara shouted at me and said that my training was not complete and that I would never be able to create something out of nothing. I wrapped my left hand around my right arm's wrist and forced all of the Nekomata's energy into it, and something was forming. It looked like a nebula in the shape of a Skilsaw.

The wind around me crashed against the surrounding region, and the energy completed its form and looked like a spiraling nebula spinning expeditiously. It was so powerful that it was causing me to be forced to the ground. I stepped forward and told her I was going to see my brother.

She said that I was not allowed to leave with the Nekomata inside of me. I said that I would do as I pleased and charged at her. She began running at me with her orb in both of her hands.

*End Of Chapter 33*