
(Performing Synthetic Skin Replacement.)

(Processing Neural Damages.)

Julius watch as multiple surgical robots perform its duty with utmost performance to heal Ela. To others, it's similar to a guy watching as robots perform an experiment to other robots. However, to him, it's similar to his father getting the last hope he can have.

Tears stream in his eyes as he hold back his emotion. The reason of this is solely because of his weakness. His cowardness. If only he can act as a man, she would have not sustained such grave injury.

Thus, he had decided. He will perform an aritifial growth that will be compatible for their next adventure.

While down on earth, Lysia can be seen holding both of her temple as she receive the news about the two adventurer who were suddenly gone after subjugating a demon.

"Yeah, why would they even start by subjugating such A-class beast when they barely started."

Lysia wonder if it's truly her long lost friend. The action they took is pretty dumb for him.

And so, she decided to halt the search for the people not knowing its him since Lysia had to prepare for the upcoming enrollment in the imperial's university.

"Daughter, if after your study, you have not yet decided to marry anyone, you will be forced to marry the prince. Do you understand?"

His father decided to interrupt her thoughts by opening her door and ask what comes to her mind.

"Yes father."

If Julius never made it here, she will be left in no choice but to resort in arrange marriage. Though, she still believe that they will see each other because, despite both not believing to a God, she still know that fate is absolute.

"We will meet again, I'm sure. May it be in our next life or in the next big bang."

Lysia get back to her bed soon after her father return outside. Lights were turned off in their grandious manor as magics fill the vicinity for security.

In the Imperial palace. In a certain room, there lies a prince who had not yet sleep, and instead was planning to overthrow the current crown prince.

This person was formerly known as Miguel Constantine, former 19th president of the Philippines and also the first king of the country. Prior that day, he was given a second chance to once again rule a country.

"First, I should introduce technological innovations that will change the way on how things work."

He made a small blueprint out of sheep's skin and draw a small engine-like structure which will help him introduced what he want.

A steam engine.

Which means, a new era where hybrid magic vs. High level of technology will face each other. But for now, they will all have to find each other before this start.


Three days later(earth day)

In a certain forest, once again, two person fights a demonic beast. However, this time, the beast is now a lot weaker than the one they fought before.

This one had the feature similar of a mountain goat, however, it has the face a human and a body of an ape.

This demonic beast was called Garintea. A C-class beast that can be commonly found south of the D'etre town. Here, Julius easily crushed it by his scythe-like weapon with azure light glowing across its blade.

He's currently wearing a black robe while wearing a transparent smart glass that help him aim the guns and scythe.

"Master, it seems you have improved from the past three days."

Ela tease him after he finish beheading the Garintea for proof of subjugation. This made Julius slightly flustered, but he was able gain his composure and pat her companion's head.

"Well, I didn't think that you'd fail to protect me. So I had to do it myself."

Ela began to sulk as she pout upon hearing his master's tease.

"I'm just kidding, I just had to prepare so I can't always be on your shoulder."

This didn't made Ela's mood improve even for a bit since it's the same thing. He will still be fighting despite being protected by her.

And so, they were able to finish their last job before heading towards where the imperial city is to find interesting information in this new world.

From the past five days since they land in this world, they were able to gain certain informations.

Such as the pangea supercontinent that they can see from their home base that was called Maia, named after the Goddess of Blessing.

Additionally, since it's similar to the former earth's supercontinent. It also has similar geographical structure.

Because of this, countries were able to decide their borders without much conflict.

The largest country in this world is the Holy State of Maia, which is located at the eastern part of the continent.

It also has the largest army numbering around a million with a naval power of around 200.(number of warships)

In the Maia continent, 23 countries bordered each other. Excluding the country of Zendria, which is located at the southern part of the continent where the biggest forest was located.

The Devil's Lair.

It was a place where dark histories reside. Such as the former territory of the previous evil empire that was ruled by an unknown person who had the power to manipulate people.

This lead to a massive invasion and people serve without free will. Thankfully, heroes and sages were able to defeat this thing.

And this lead Julius to their conclusion. They want to know more about the story of such hidden history. Probably, it will connect the theory of multiverse that will help him answer his questions.

However, for now, he will simply study the world to its very depth until he no longer have any information he can't get.

And Ela, his companion, simply adores him and support him with all her artifical heart.