Imperial Capital

"How do you use this thing again?"

Julius, currently swinging his newly designed reaper's scythe with its azure blade shining through the flesh of an ogre's body.

Ela on the hand was shooting down any insects that could, even for a little bit, touch her master.

"You've been using that since the other day yet you haven't gotten used to it? How can you be so dumb, master?"

To be truthful, Julius simply swing it like a maniac out of control before and since it's a plasma based weapon, it's pretty simple to fight with it. However, now that their facing an enemy with a little intelligence in them, it seems that by only swinging it, it will become obsolete in a matter of time.

"I have read it, but since it's a farming tool, it doesn't have that much use when it comes to combat."

"Then why use it?!"

Ela shooting the one who nearly approached Julius shout as her annoyance had reach the level of uncertainty.

"Because it looks cool?"


Though she can't see it, Ela still felt the intention of her master. Hence, she have decided.

"You know what master, why don't we just head straight to the capital?"

Julius turn his head instantly upon hearing her absurd suggestion. We call it suggestion, however, it's as obviously an order.

"B-but I'm not even ready. And we still have so many things to do before-"

"I think we should go now."

And just like that, the playtime for Julius have pass as one of their ship land near them.

Julius dejected expression spread in his personal space while walking towards the ship. However, it doesn't change the fact that they will move according to his companion's will.

And so, in a matter of minutes, they were able to reach the capital's territory. Although they have to land at the center of the forest where there's barely people.

"Is it safe?"

(Affirmative. No Intelligence Life found.)

"Now, master."

"Are you sure that our pilot is not defective?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I think we should see-"

"Let's just go."

Julius wasn't able to finish his sentence as Ela pull his hand after the back door of the ship open.

There, a familiar green scenery appear. Albeit, a little bit bland.

"Seeing this area, the capital is in its industrialization era?"

Julius said which made Ela impress.

Certainly, this forest, unlike the one they go to when they have their mission, is a bit bland and lifeless. It doesn't have much crawling species nor even a simple plant that can be considered as edible.

"Since it's near the capital, I guess it's maintain like this?"

"Let's just go, master."

They decided to not mind the area since it's not worth saving.


"D-did you see that, Rim? Is that magic?"

Here, in a tree not far from where Julius's ship landed, a girl in her teenage year can be seen using her binoculars as she watch the ship disappear from her vision with an excited face.


A bird on her shoulder flap it's wing as it agree to it's owner. Which made the girl extremely happy.

"Right, right?! It's so wonderful, I hope I can see it again. Wait, maybe if we follow them, we can see more?"


Once again, the parrot bird agreed.

"Alright then, it's decided!"

And just like that, another one on the person was added on the list.


The bustling street of the capital was overwhelming. Food stores can be seen with its vendor shouting. People are walking en masse. The situation is simply terrible. Of course, for Julius.

"I'm gonna die."

"No you're not."

"Yes I will."


Ela had given up and start walking leaving her master behind. Soon, Julius follow her against his will and they were able to find the guild which is also the largest among they've seen.

"Should we head inside?"


Ela turn her head towards her master upon hearing him refusing. Seeing his face, Ela soon find it convincing.

He had given up.

"Alright. We will find our room first then I will go myself as you rest."


"You truly are an angel in disguise, my darling. Let's go!"


Ela blush while sighing after hearing her master's thoughtless remark in front of the other people. And for the first time she was also overwhelm by the crowd.

"That will be two silver coin."

"Wait, that's too much. The one we had only cost two copper."

"That's that, this is this."

Ela seems furious from the cost and attitude of the admin in front of her. However, Julius seems fine with it since it comes with personal toilet and looking at it, it seems it have good food.

"It's okay Ela, I think we will be able to get that much money."

"It's not okay, master! Two silver can get as an entire cabin-!"

Ela stop midway upon realizing her intention had gone too far.

"I-I'm sorry, master. It seems I have gone too far."

However, this only made Julius smile and pat her head.

"It's okay, you're only thinking for my convinience aren't you?"

Ela nodded.

"Then, still, if it's something we can we might as well get it."

Or we can just sleep in our home base if you don't mind walking three kilometers?

Is what Julius want to say, however, that's too risky.


Since Ela's horny level have gone up after being touched by her master. She can't help but simply agree on it out of hurry and the night after that became hotter than usual.