Enrollment Day

While Julius laze around for an entire three days. Lysia on the other hand had finished preparing her belongings and departed from her family's manor for the capital.

Since 18 years ago, Lysia had gotten used to this kind of livelihood. Although she have improved it to the point where there's barely vibration in their wagon, it sure is hell to her that things were pretty awful compared to her former world.

The speed as well as the temperature that's too unbearable forced her to take the fastest yet dangerous way. Magic.

"Young lady, please, I advise you, as your instructor it is not wise to overuse your power."

Right here is Jerome, a sage of elf that had lived for almost half millenia. Having so much experience when it comes to magic, he knows for sure what's best for his apprentice. However...

"Worry not, teach, I have accumulated quite a lot of magic!"

This doesn't stop Lysia from her stubbornness to be made. Thus, Lysia and the rest of her group arrived in the capital within minutes just like Julius, however, the scene in the forest is totally different from the latter.

"Quick, the potions!"

Multiple figures run from different location in panic as their young lady collapse from her ground. While Jerome had an extremely terrified face as he hold his apprentice's arms.

"I told you... You're as stubborn as your mother!"


"I still live, don't I, teach?"

"Yes, yes... You did well however we should not repeat it again or I will be Exiled."

Lysia close her eyes with a smile soon and her conscious starts to fade. The magic Jerome cast made it as the magic from her body starts to recover.

"Let's go, we'll be late for the enrollment."

"What's the date again?"

Jerome asked one of the servants holding the baggage while walking.

"7th day of the 6th month, your excellency."

"I see, we'll have a rest for the day, and prepare for the young lady's enrollment the next day."

Hence, they have all start to walk again like nothing happened. And there...

"What the hell was that?!"

A person in black rag can be seen hiding from Lysia's group after sensing a strange magic sensation.

"Lance, do you know?"



"You dumbass, stop staring at the lady, she's too out of league for you."

Lance and Daryl can be seen arguing after seeing the extraordinary scenario that transpired in front of them.

The two was in the middle of their adventure after hearing the announcement of the Deus University's enrollment. Both of them came from the northern part of the Empire and decided to try their luck in order to enter the most popular and prestigious academy on the continent.

But seeing that event, they don't know if they should enter or just apply for the girl's service.

Soon, their dream came to a halt when a number of wagons that have grandious design in them starts to make noise signaling them to hide once again.


"Prince France, we have to go."

"Of course, I'll be there in a second."

The servant of his furrowed his eyes soon after hearing his insincere words.


However, the servant can only sigh and agree to his master since he don't know how he will react once again if he was disrespected.

Remembering three days ago, Prince France had gone berserk and beheaded one of the maids who refuse to serve him at night. This made the king declare him a house arrest, but since the enrollment's come near, he was eventually pardoned.

Although he was tasked to be guarded by two trained guards. But looking from the other side, it was so that the guard can protect the other people from him.

"I'll have to create my own faction once I enter that university. And after that, if father doesn't change his mind, I will be forced to declare a coup d'etat."

"However, I have to halt my advances towards Lysia. That bitch still have her uses, especially since she was the reason for the country's progress. I can't let her turn against me."


Once again, another hysterical laugh echoed throughout the back of the imperial palace as France starts to his plan.


Day of the enrollment.

"Master... Please, you have to get up!"

Here we can see two people in a room, barely wearing anything.

After the intense night prior, the usual morning person, Ela, was tasked to wake her master up since the day for his enrollment has come.

However, seeing her master's current state, she don't of she just have to give up.

But soon, Julius starts to ascent from his slumber.

"Once again, I have woken up with a great number of energy-! Mhhhmmm!"

Julius was interrupted after getting thrown by a pillow by Ela who have an annoyed face. It seems she's been waking him up earlier, however, this just made him smirk.

"Someone's angry... I think I can feel it... Oh my, should I just do my solution again?"

"Please master, stop this, it's past 8 o'clock. The entrance exam starts at 11."

Right after hearing her, Julius, who had a face of an prideful man, changed.


"Why didn't you wake me up! I have to prepare!"

"I did, master."

Julius didn't further listen to his companion's explanation and starts to prepare with haste. He still have to take his breakfast in order to concentrate for the entrance exam.

"Master, should I go with you?"

"Of course! You will also take the exam!"

After that, both of them starts to prepare themselves and soon departed from their inns.