
"Is that Lysia D'etre?"

"That's her! Damn bruh... She's prettier than the paintings in the museum!"

"Yeah, she's a lot cuter!"

Lysia breathe deeply as she walk through the crowd while being guarded by her servants. This is also the reason why she brought so many of them.

Since the time she have given her blessing to her country, other nobles had tried to get close to her. However, none of it works, thus, they must have decided that they will just use their children to get a score to her.

"Good day, Miss Lysia. I go by the name of Zander Persia, second son of the Bertolt Persia, king of the Persian Kingdom."

"Second prince of the Persian Kingdom?"

"Right?! Isn't that one of the children or the king who race with the crown prince?"

"Yes, he maybe want to get a score to her!"

Gossips continue and now directed towards the center of attraction where two people stand towards each other. Lysia with a bored face and Zander with a gentle smile.

His smile may seem sincere, but Lysia knows for sure that these kind of people very well what's her use.

"Good day, I'm Lysia D'etre, it's a pleasure to meet you, Prince Zander."

"Do you mind me inviting you to a tea party after the enrollment? I'm still quite unfamiliar to this place, you see."


She thought as she saw right through the eyes of this person. Although she have to keep her composure since it's a prince she's talking about.

"Certainly, I will keep that in mind."

"Oh, thank you Miss Lysia. Once again."

Since the Prince might have felt a slight closure to each other. He suddenly grab the hand of Lysia and start to kiss it tenderly, however, his act soon stop when Lysia retrieve it from his grasp.

"I'll be going then, thank you once again."

The crowd once again starts to make noise upon seeing the scene that will go down to their university's news as the saintess and prince of another country scheduled a date.

"It's making my head hurts."

Here, Lysia starts to complain to her tutor after experiencing a severe embarrassment.

She have known after reading a book that kissing another one's hand in the Persian Kingdom will be read as an act of proposal.

And she knows for sure that a misunderstanding will spread and haunt her for the rest of the week. Hopefully.

"It's fine, milady. It was part of your experience. Especially when you are the Saintess herself. You will surely get the people's attention even for a bit of act. So I advise you to not act rashly."

"I understand."

Five years of university life. It feels like I'm returning to my former world.

She thought as she reminisce certain memories of her that she truly find comforting. Of course, this includes the memories of hers with Julius.

I hope I can see you once again. Even before I die.

She close her eyes as she thought so.

However, the fate have come to decide that they will very soon cross path once again. And if that were to happen, Lysia will surely bring her all to never seperate themselves again.


"This is pretty big."

Julius drop his jaw upon seeing the university, much similar to the ones he attended before in his former world.

"Yes, it's designed like this so that learners can easily study and relax at the same time."

"But it's too huge! I mean, if you've seen the UP in Los Banos, it's not too big, however, comparing it to their current era, I don't think it matches them at all!"

"Master, it's because this is the most popular and prestigious university, of course they will have at least the appearance that label them as such. You know what master, I think we should just head inside since it's getting crowded once again."

Seeing the Crowd, Julius realize they were getting attentions from the others and soon find it overwhelming to the point where he almost collapse from his position.

"I thought so."

It didn't take long before they arrive to their quarters where they will have to separate for a while.

Julius didn't like this, but this doesn't mean she will obey. It is a necessary sacrifice for them to part in order to achieve their goals.

Upon convincing her Master that they will meet once again after the examination, Julius was, thankfully, be able to get separated from his companion.

Thus, right now, he was taking an exam, or rather, a random bullshit he learned back in his elementary days.

"I'd like to complain, not because it's too hard, but because it's too easy. I'm even getting suspicious since it's too easy!"

He mutter as he write down every possible answer he could mentally solve.

"Alright, you still have five minutes, please if possible do keep your paper from dirt."

The instructor who was observing them strictly stare towards other student as they answer the questions as if they were having a hard time.

"Also, don't pressure yourself, if you can't finish within or in five minutes, we will extend your time."

What convinience?!

Where did they even get that from?!

10 minutes later.

"Okay, is everyone finish?"

The instructor place the papers in order as he once again ask the students for the remaining papers. None answer which means all of them have pass their works.

"Okay, the next one is General Magics, unlike the other subjects, you will all have to take this exam once every year."

Julius didn't flinch, he might not have used any sort of magic, but he was able to review himself some knowledge he had gain back when he was still adventuring which is a week ago.

The instructor starts to distribute the papers which signalize the start of another exam. Julius find this thrilling since this will be the first he will once again experience something anew.

An hour later...

"I think I failed."

He thought after finding himself in a state of shock.

"Bro, you okay? I think I failed."

The one who spoke is the student at his right side. The one with an ugly haircut that can certainly be seen as common amongst nerd nobles in this country.

"No, I think I failed too."

A smile form on the boy's face upon hearing his statement.

"Lance, this person failed too. It's not only us!"

"Daryl, what are you doing trying to disturb another student?! I'm very sorry sir, it seems we have interrupted your moment."

Julius quickly stop them from leaving after hearing their friendly words and aura of goodwill.

"No, it's fine. So your name is Daryl?"

"Oh yeah, and this here is my bestfriend, Lance. We're from the Sanyer village of Corline Territory up north. We came here to enroll so we can venture around the empire!"

"I see."

"What about you?"

Julius felt a little sense of ease as the two in front of him starts to converse as if they were close. Since when did he felt such thing?

"I'm... Julius, from the southeastern part of the empire, D'etre Territory."

After hearing his introduction, the two made a voice of admiration and starts to cling to his hand.

"You came from D'etre?!! How was there? I heard the life there is beautiful, they said they never get to eat once a day! You heard that? Commonly, villagers have to resort to eating once a day if the harvest wasn't good before!"

"I see, yes, it's good there."

Though he didn't find anything worth mentioning since it's an average life for him. Heck, he barely live there since he have to go back to their home base to analyze his health.

"And the saintess too, Daryl! Don't forget about her! She's the reason why we don't eat once a day anymore!"

Julius starts to become curious as the conversation starts to turn a path of interest. And soon, he find himself staying in the room for almost another hour which made Ela angry to him.