Part ways

"My, I didn't know you will accept it as soon as I send it, I'm glad."

Lysia can be seen taking a sip from her teacup as she start to converse with Ela. While Ela take a bite from the cookies that was on the table.

"I heard you got perfect score. The councilors were first shock by it after an instructor told them, however, after checking, it they find it truly unbelievable."

"It seems my effort have bear fruit.."

"I see, you have a sincere words. However, why is that I feel no magic from you despite having a perfect score?"

Ela place down the teacup and soon starts to explain the situation that she made up, which convinced Lysia easily.

"I see, it certainly is hard. I do hope your effort to bear fruit, this university may be for magicians, but it is also for those who work hard. I look forward to meeting you in the future."

"I, too, look forward at meeting each other. I'm grateful for the invitation."

"Can I invite you again tomorrow?"

"If I'm free, I'll be telling you."

"Okay, thanks once again."

"Me too, well then."

Hence, the conversation ended with both of them gaining one another's consent for invitation.


In a place, not too far from where the two converse. There, a man of royalty can be seen handling the paperworks needed for his plans.

"Prince France, I heard you had a high score. Congratulation."

This here is Prince's France contractual guard, a trained mercenary that even their guards can't handle. The two of them were hired for the purpose of protecting him.

From the look of it, these two men can certainly be identified as mercenaries. And since they are inside the university, they experience harsh prejudice from the other people.

Fortunately, they were hired by the royalty of this country, and so, no one can touch them with a half-heart intent.

"Thank you, however, I am still quite surprise that there's a commoner who got a perfect score. Though I expected this, I never would've thought that it's a commoner much less a girl."

"Yes, according to our knowledge, it seems that this girl have already been invited by D'etre."

France narrowed his eyes upon hearing the content of their report. It does sound bad considering the fact that both of them were girls. They will have an easy way to know each other.

But he can't let this happen. An asset is an asset. Even if it's a commoner, it only takes them a small amount of fortune to give up.

"Mind trying to invite this girl? I would like to see this person who surpass me."

"Of course not, milord. We are your sword, but we can also be your hand to achieve your goals."


"We'll be leaving then."

Soon, two figures left the vicinity and soon track the location of Ela who mindlessly wander across the large buildings that were build by the stones that she did not expect to exist in this world.

"No matter what it takes, I will get whatever I want."


"Mister Julius, I see your worried about your caretaker."

"Of course I am."

Julius support his chin with his arms from the armrest while trying to connect his neurolink to his companion. Sadly, it seems that Ela have been trying to stop and cut the network whenever he try to do so.

That bitch... Humiliating me, then leaving me in the air.

Neurolink is a type of technology his old friend created. Unfortunately, that person died while trying to defend the common people back in his world.

As the successor of the technology, Julius simply hide it and only use it for necessary situations. It can also be said that he uses it to communicate unbeknownst to authority.

In the end, he tried so many things and ended up using this technology to create Ela.

However, now that his companion have her own conscious. Even if there's neurolink, it's still impossible to connect if the other line doesn't permit.

Julius hang his head, the dissatisfied feelings that grew inside him after being left behind still lingers. Wanting to release his emotion, he can't take it anymore and tries to woe another woman.

"Alright... I've had enough, I'll try another way."

Julius stand up and head towards where a woman of youth read her book.

The girl has an amazing figure despite her expected status, with her blue hair and slender body, her swelling chest stands out the most. Though she have the face, Julius still find her breast more appealing.

"Good day, miss...?"

"Clara... Good day, to you mister Julius."

"I see, you've known my name. What are you reading?"

"The book for general mathematics. I had a hard time answering it in the exam so I have to review."

"I see, I'm good at that, in fact I'm the best when it comes to math. If you don't mind, I can teach you algebra and geometry, though I don't think it's necessary since you're focusing in magic?"


"So, basic math it is, then? Why don't we get started?"

Thus, Julius find his self woeing another woman in the absence of his companion.

The lecture took for almost 2 hours until the magical bell make its sound signaling all student, or examinees to go home since tomorrow will be the announcement.

"Thank you so much, mister Julius. I'm really grateful and learned a lot from you. I hope we can see each other again."

"Oh, exactly we can. How about tomorrow at dinner? Let's eat somewhere I know."

"O-oh... I'll accept your offer then!"

"I'll meet you in front of the university's gate."

"Okay... I have to go then, thank you again for helping me!"

Clara left Julius who have a smirk in face as he slowly reveal his true self with a devilish intent.

"That's too easy, I hope I can do it back in my former world. However, my training with Ela seems to have bearfruit!"

But never did he know, his neurolink were activated and all of the conversation have heard by Ela, whose currently sulking at the corner of the university.

There, a man came and invited him to have a tea.

"You must be Ela, I'm Lucious, His Highness want to invite you to his tea party. Would you like to come?"

After everything she heard from Julius's side. Ela mustered up, she decided to accept the offer without even hesitating.

"I'll go."

"Thank you, the time and place-"

"I'll go right now, if that is okay."

"Most agreed, Miss Ela. Well then, I'll lead the way."