
"Hello, Ela. How was it, being invited by someone?"

Here, Ela meet up with Julius after having a talk with the Prince. At the start of their conversation, Ela already thought nothing will happen, and so, she finish it fast so she can go home eventually.

However, along the way, she met Julius.

"We just converse, that's all. They invited me to come again tomorrow if possible."

"They? Surely there's no man, isn't there?"

Ela suddenly goes silent. This means there is, and Julius, despite woeing another woman just earlier, tries to assault her with words.

"You sure have the guts to do something like that after leaving me. You demon, I hope you have your day tomorrow. I'll be going at the homebase. You stay here.

And yes, that's an order."

Ela can't counter that words, for it is an order command. It is an absolute word that, even if she have her own conscious, can't disobey.

In other words, she was shackled by the slavery mind that once Julius injected in her.

She doesn't mind it all. It was him who created her. But since she was programmed to feel emotions, so she felt extremely sad knowing her master, for the first time, treat her not as a person, but a thing.

"Send the ship from where we landed. I have to do some researching. Continue your mission here, do you understand?"


Just like that, both of them part ways.


(Send a transport ship along with an escort one. Alpha will ascent to homebase.)

(Affirmative, Bravo. Dispatching four ships with three squad of SIF.)

(Roger. Thank you.)

(Gratitude accepted, Goodluck in your mission, Bravo. HB out.)


The next day.

Ela awoke from her slumber, at that moment, she realize she was alone in the room which made her feel lonely.

However, this doesn't stop her from continuing her day. Her mission is more important that her feelings after all.

"The announcement for the enrollment will be today. Since master is busy with his research, I will have to go for him in the university."

Ela prepared herself and soon left the inn. It didn't take much until she arrive in front of the university where people gathered as they get inside.

"I see you have come early, Miss Ela."

The one who spoke to her is Jerome, Lysia's tutor as well as her servant.

"Oh, mister Jerome. Good day, yes I have to check for my master's name."

Jerome furrowed his brows upon hearing the confusing remark of the girl.


Does that mean she works for a noble?

However, this does not stop him from inviting her once again.

"Milady invite you for breakfast, if you hadn't have one that is."

"Oh yes, I suppose I should accept. I hadn't have my breakfast yet since I plan to eat after this."

"Oh, then that's good. I'll help you look for your master's name then. Mind telling me what it is?"

Ela suddenly remember her master after hearing the question.

Knowing her master, he doesn't want his name to be exposed since possible hostile will come to him if there is.

However, since they're in another world, it's impossible.

"Julius... Just Julius."

"I see. Then, I'll be looking for it on the other side."

"Yes, thank you."

(Master, what name did you write for registration.)

(Julius Clerk.)

(Your real name?)

(Is there a problem?)

(N-nothing, I will find your name here. Apologies for the interruption.)



She felt coldness from her master after hearing his thought once again. How can that be? Did she made a mistake?

No, as a companion with a sole mission to gather information, it is necessary to act according to its benefit. However, did this give loss instead of gain?

Ela shook her head as she tries to remove such thought from her mind. And instead, tries to give herself a determination before heading where the names of those who passed were placed.


Julius Clerk?

Jerome immediately found the name he was looking for. There, he saw an unusual name that not even a nobleman would give to their children.

Clerk, for the most years and experience he have been through, he never met one man nor woman who have such similar name.

"The world truly is a big place. After living and venturing for 400 years, I haven't even experience much from it."

I should report this to Ela and invite her once again. Milady must be waiting for us.

Jerome left the place and soon find Ela. There, he saw Ela having a pleasant expression after finding out she truly did great.

"Congratulation, miss Ela."

Upon hearing this word, Ela suddenly blush from embarrassment after being seen with an unruly expression.

"No need to hide, I have seen countless youth who have the same expression. Now, I have seen your master's name and fortunately he's in the class A-1, the same class as yours, albeit different major."

After hearing the man's word. Ela couldn't help but feel happy. This means that both of them will once again see each other all the time.

Just seeing her master is simply enough to made her day. Thus, the two left with Ela having the most pleasant emotion among the students inside.


(Continents: 2 Largest continent: Maia Smallest continent: Fur Countries: 23)

"Geopolitical information gathered, 90%. Well done."

"World's name?"

(World's name: Eden Size: 0.98% of Earth Orbital Order: Third(Goldilock Zone) Temperature: Normal World Development: 25% industrialization)


(Multiple findings. Human, Beastfolk, Elf, Demon, Devil, Seafolks)


An alert sound suddenly rang from the entire home base as Julius tries to search for possible hostility. There, he found a dot figure approaching their Star System.

(Three unidentified object spotted 12 million kilometers away from Eden. Estimated Time of Arrival: 15 days.)

"Check the object's structure and purpose. Fire at will if an intent of hostility were found."

(Roger, scanning.)

"What the hell is happening again."