a day off

Henry makes it down to Cottonwood and pulled up at the hotel, " hey dad. Said Frank. As they walked out of the hotel, Savannah calls their house. Reno answers the phone, "(Nevada talk to me.) Said, " (Reno how is she?) Asked. Savannah, "(Mrs. Nevada is good and still asleep right now, ) answered. " (Henry is here he wants to apologize for not being there for her, accept her choice of life. Can we come over?) Vincent is doing the laundry for his mother at the house, and Vinny is cleaning the house. Vito wakes up, " mom? " yes son what's wrong? Asked. Karla, " (you do know my wife is carrying, she can be around any stressed. please for me, she been hurt enough.) He put their breakfasts on the plates, " (he just wants to be the father she deserves, whose know may he can learn from you on how to be a father, seems that you already a great father,) Said. Savannah, " boys come and get some breakfast, (let me see what the women of the house said, I call you back.) Said, Reno. They stop working and sat down at the table, "I am a starving dad, said. Vincent, " looks great dad, said. Vinny, " enjoy sons. I will be back I going to take breakfast up to your mother and brother, he takes the trays up the steps into their bedroom. " son how are you feeling, you think you can sit up to eat. my wonderful wife and mother to all four of my sons did you sleep okay? Asked. Reno, " heck yet, mom you are a genius that thermal bath work wonders for my back. He turns around and sat up in the bed, " wonderful like always the father of my children, what smells so good. Asked? Kari, he put their trays on the bed, they start to eat. " wheres your dad?" I get some in a minute. That was your mother, your father is here somehow he has a turn over a new leaf and I do not trust. Said, Reno. "either do I, Viktor keep that man away from me. Said, "I think it is time we go on a trip, just the Nevadas. I call the arena and talk with Leonard and tell him, we need a couple of weeks off because we are going on a trip, and I need to be here when the baby comes. Plus we need to get prepared for Victorious, what you want me to tell her, boys come up here for a second, a Nevada family meeting is in ordered. Said, Reno. They walked inside of the room, " it appears your grandfather is her, he wants to get to know you and be here for us. which I do not trust him and your mom do not trust either, all of a sudden these people that was never here at the freaking begin to want to be here now, as a man of the house to keep our lucky going we have to protect your mother and baby brother, from them and their negativity, Vincent, Vinny, Vito, and Victorious what you say to get a couple of days off, put someone in charge of the studio, focus on your mother again, get the h*ll out of Cottonwood and go somewhere fora few days. Said, Reno. " I know him, he is not going to be here for me, he doesn't want to be in your lives, it is front to get closer so he can get me to have a miscarriage, your brother has a chance to be born, to live his life. Said, Kari. " I agree I think they are a bunch of bull crap anyway, I do not want non of them in the house and round the both of you. Said, Vincent, " same here they have upset mom way too many times they need to go home, dad we need to change the house number and the family cell number, let's not plan letś just go. Said, Vinny. "mom is there something at the studio that I can use on the trip, yeah if she gets stress and upset there's goes our lucky streak, and Vic, said. Vito, " yes, I make a call to see if someone can bring one for you, to act like we not going away and everything is cool, let them come tell them upstairs is off limits and I am resting and under doctors order to rest, one of a time come up in bringing me what your suitcase and what you are planning to take, instead of yelling for you I will call your father on the phone to send one up. Said, Kari. " use the back way so they won't see you going and coming, the same when you are heading to the car to put your suitcase in the car. So we are set, make the call isTeam N for going on a family vacation again? Asked. Reno, " call Leonard first, so we can not be on the browser dad, Said. Vincent, Reno pulled out the phone and speed dial the arena office, "Vincent go ahead get your suitcase and what you plan on taking, Vinny go back finished your breakfast. "go on so don't let your food get cold, they left out of the room. "(hey what up Reno?) Asked, Leonard. "(we are having a son, and like the last three times, I want to be here and need to be here. And Team N is going on a family trip so I and the boys need a couple of weeks off,) Said. Reno, Vincent walked in with his suitcase and clothes, " son it might be hot and cold where ever we are going. Said, Kari, " (congratulations stay this week off and have fun guys, said. Leonard, " it might be hot my but I take my thermal wear, Said. Vincent, she starts to pack his suitcase while he went to get it. "(thank you, my fourth son, ) they hang up, " we are set, we need to bring them. here the plan tonight when they leave to go to their hotel we leave on our trip, call me and tell me what to pack for breakfast and lunch, he called her. "(he called her. "(Reno?) she said, " ( you can come but upstairs is off-limits, and my wife is still sleeping and our doctor said she need to rest. that she can not be under no drama, so if bring that he needs to go back to where he came from, I sent our address to you know.) Said, Reno. They hang up the phone, "you Vito and Mrs. Nevada get some rest, you so let's go eat, " when I call you when I'm done son, can I see the phone Reno. He gives it to her, she called the studio, they pulled up at the gates. " this is where they live at? Reno buzzed them into the gates. They drive into the gates and up to the house, and walked up to the door and knocked on. Vincent opens the door, Kari called the studio to ask for one of the thermal vests to be brought to her. " Vincent come here for a minute please son, they are going to bring you a vest that you can wear, he walked up the steps in the room, " they are here mom. " go get your church clothes and garment bag, take your suitcase to the car. Go down the back stairs when going down, he walked out and went to his room. " what a house you have here son. Said, Henry. Reno looked at him funny then at his middle son. " go get your stuff for your mom can pack, tell Vin does not get his monkey suit, no monkey suits boys the one you wear on your interview. Said, Reno. " thank you I brought it for her as a wedding present, Vinny walked up the steps into the room to get his suitcase and clothes, he pops into his brother's room. " dad said no monkey suits the ones we were for our interview, why are they are even here Vincent, we got mom back. We do not need their help, Said. Vinny, "I know Vinny, mom. called Vincent, she walked inside. " what you doing up, we are going to bring it to you. I'm sorry mom, " about what Vinny, yes, Vincent. I agree with your father leave your toy suits here, Said. Kari, " for them, what are they trying to prove that they loving uncle and aunt and grandparents I don't even know those people, we have grandparents, dads parents, they have been there for our birth, birthdays, holidays, and victories. where have they been to huh? I ask you? Said? Vinny. " yes, face it we do not have any room for them, it is a little too late to actually as they care about us when grandma and grandpa have always been there for us all the time, they need to hit the road. I do trust them around you or my unborn brother. Said, Vincent. " me either mom, you, and dad are way better parents than them. Said, Vinny. " me either mom, you, and dad are way better parents than them. Said, Vinny." we try to be a son and thank you. They just want to be and try it is too late to be in our lives when you kick me out of the family and call my marriage an abomination. So why do I need them when I have you four in my life, tell your father we are going to Maine, get your bags, my sons. " Reno can we go up to say hi, Said. Zera, " why are you four here, you weren't our wedding, you didn't come down when she was pregnant with my first, second, or third, you didn't even come down to their events, birthdays, not even holidays. But my parents who welcome her into the family, think of her as a daughter, even support and help us with the studio, she had to work five jobs to get the money because you two wouldn't give her a dim to get her a house and the studio, my parents see all three of their birth, been here when they went on their interviews, you think just because you saw her tv pregnant. Now you want to, his phone ring. "(Yeah,)-(" now is not the time for our rage, we are better than them.) They walked into the room with their bags and clothes, she is still packing Vincent's garment bag with his suits,"( i want them to go, Kari. I do not need their help taken care of my family,) said. Reno, " you are the head of your home, you want them gone I want them gone, our sons want them gone, hang on me on my way down.)-("Madison you are not supposed to be stressed, let me handle it, then after we finished packing we leave for Maine. I can't wait to see the look on their faces when they find out that they are going to have another grandson.) Said, Reno. " (as a couple let's do it together,) she walked down the steps into the kitchen. " we don't know why you are here, don't say because you saw me on tv saw that I was pregnant, that is sorry excuse to use, this is not my first time having a baby. " not her second or third, our fourth which you miss a great deal out, their walking, their first words, their birthdays, events, and holidays, it too late tries to get to know them now, because they don't know who you are, please you are strangers to all four of them, please do not come here try to be apart of our lives now, it