the road trip

They were on the way to Maine to stay visit their parents. Kari called them on the phone and cut on the speaker, " I am sorry I was trying my best to be humble with them. They are four years late, said. Reno, " no you had the right, they were ready there, especially him. Mom, she was the other two half and half."(hey good to hear from you! When you five are going to come back down here,) asked. Jeremiah, "( we on our way down know because we have some news,) said. Kari, " (we can tell you over the phone. Boys say hi,) said. Reno,"(hey grandpa!!!) All three said. "(hey boys, tell me what's the news?) asked. Jeremiah, "(my family came down and act like there cared, dad and this news have to be in person I am afraid.) Said, Kari. She hands them the smoothies that Reno makes for them, " Vincent apple and banana smoothie, drink it slow boys. " yes do not gulp it down like you normally do. Said, Reno. " Vinny a strawberry and melon smoothie, Who is your back, Vito? Vito coconut and mango smoothie, they start to drink their smoothie down. " great, thank you for the vest mom, said. Vito, " you are welcome vito, Reno two orange and banana smoothies. He put his hand on her stomach and rubs it, " (i sorry Kari, what happen? No son tell me it is not so, what you do to her Reno?) the smiled. " (do not tell mom, could you please act surprised when we tell you,) Said. Reno, "(odventagelly we had to throw them out because it is a little too late to be reaching out now, ) They are in Maine, " how about we get a room, get some rest, Asked. Reno. "(dear, it is never too late, meet them halfway, heavily or normal Kari?) Asked. Jeremiah, " (heavy dad and in the laundry room again.)-("I try, I will call her when we get back home, we probably see you in the morning. We going to stop for the night.) Said, Kari. Reno pulls into a motel, "I will be back I going to get us check-in, (i support whatever she wants to do dad. I just don't want to see her get hurt by them again.) He got out of the car and walked inside the door. "( do me a favor call your parents tonight, tell them if they are willing to meet you two half you meet them half, see you in the morning, another grandson.) " (okay dad I will, please do not tell mom, we want to tell her.) Said, Kari. " (don't worry it is our secret,) They hang up. And Reno checked them in, they got out of the car and walked inside of the room, "How about Thermal bath son, so what you want to do? Asked, "boys like it or not they are your grandparents to and sad but true they have a right to be in your lives to, said. Reno, " okay, are you okay with it mom and dad. Said, Vincent. " do we have to, they hurt my mother and never welcome my father in their crappy family. Asked? Vinny, Vito takes his shirt and vest off, " do we have anything to eat? He walked inside the bathroom. " I just want to get this over with so we can get back to our lives, she unzips her bag and pulled out the salt crystals and the thermal viper oil and walked in the bathroom, and run hot water into the tub.Reno dial the number, " (hello.) Said, Henry. " (look we are sorry but our sons hit a very good point, and my dad makes since I love her, I care for her, Kari is my best friend, my soulmate, my everything I am not, I do anything for her. Yes, I am a wrestler she is a professional trainer, that is why our marriage works. Because we are one, we got each other backs, I do not care that you do not approve of me or not, I don't care if you will never welcome us in your so-call family, I will not stand for you all acting like you want to be apart of our lives, or not stand for you all acting like you want to be apart of our lives, or hurting my wife and sons.If you want to make up and try to be there for us, we will meet you halfway. What is going to!?) Snapped out Reno, "(i see how happy she is, I'm sorry for disrespecting your marriage, you are a better father than me, and a father husband. we want to be involved, please Reno we want to get to know them, and I sorry. welcome to the family,) Said. Henry, " (thank you, sure. come back down, we have a cookout when we get back home.) said, Reno, " (thank you we see you soon.) They hang up, Vito got into the tub. " Enjoy the bath, and this time stays in for thirty-five minutes, so the vipers can heal your back. She walked out of the bathroom, " dad how about some food? Asked. Vinny, passes out the plates and they start to eat, "how it went, Asked. Kari, " they going to meet us halfway, so when we are getting back, we going to have a cookout both mines and yours, so your parents know how to be a parent. They kissed each other. "We are wonderful parents, you couldn't have any better mom and dad than we have. Said, Vincent. " we love you mom and dad, Said. Vinny, " we love you three to son, how about pizza veggie lovers? Asked. Reno, " dad we are on vacation. Can we have a little grease? Asked. Vincent, " ask your mother she is the head woman in the kitchen and of the house. Said, reno, " please mom, please.All three begged, " make it meat and vegetable, see do they have blue cheese Reno. She walked in the bathroom and Reno called Papas pizzeria, " mom. Said, Vito, "yes son, answered. Kari, meanwhile at The Nevada house they were sitting on the porch. " you certainly in a good mood. " The kids and grandkids are here, they are by in the morning. Said, Jeremiah. " who uncle J. Asked, Tim. " your cousin Reno, his wife, and sons. He answered, " oh him the famous wrestler, I didn't know he had a family. " he probably married to a diva, " Kari is not a Diva. She is a pro trainer and a Gm of their fitness studio, yes your second cousins do wrestle they both help their parents in the studio too. Come we have a picture of them, they walked inside of the house, " (papas pizzeria how may I help you?) Asked. Joe, "I would like large meat and vegetable pizza with blue cheese,) ordered, Reno. She helped Vito out of the tub, and over to the sink, " this is embarrassing. Said, Vito. " because I taking care of my baby boy like always, when they sick or hurt, she rubs the creme on his back. " this is the family that your cousin in law Kari, and your first cousin Viktor, their boys Vincent, Vinny and Vito. Said, Jeremiah. " oh who she is beautiful uncle Jeremiah, " they are together because of their looks, they are madly in love with each other, he got the woman he dreams of. And the sons he always wanted, " oh my god she pregnant again. Said, Suzanne. " darn it, you, they want to tell us. So let's, act surprised when they do. Said, Jeremiah. " please let it be a girl she needs a girl, " sorry, it's heavy she having a boy, our fourth grandson. " darn, we never going to have a granddaughter, he gets that from you, you know. The Nevada man always opens up the fluid gates, said. Suzanne, " we can't help it. They went to bed, the pizza came and they eat and went to bed. The sun is peeking through the clouds, and shining in the windows, " boys get in the bathroom is getting a wash. Mrs. Nevada Vito, how are you? Asked. Reno, " who goes the first dad? can we have pancakes deliver for breakfast, asked. Vincent, he got up and went inside of the bathroom. " hungry bacon and eggs so perfect, said. Kari, "mom you never fix or eat bacon and eggs, said. Vinny, " it's your brother son he making me crave it. like you, when I was pregnant with you, made me have a craving for pancakes with chocolate sauce, " I used to the weird craving, Victorious no eggs with whip cream, and no bacon, the very two weird ones was Vincent and vito, ranch chicken, and a cheeseburger with barbeque sauce Vito? tell me we not going to give in to the cravings now, three pregnancies we fight them off with the health plan. Asked, Reno. "tell how are you going to top his craving? Asked. Kari, "I got this just like I had all three, so how about a spinach omelet and veggie oats? asked. Reno, Kari, roll over and look at him. They kissed each other, "better you tell me you got that for us. "are you tell me you got that for us. " the man of the house, always provides for his family wait to you see what I have for lunch, he got out of the bed. And open the heating bag that keeps their hot meals hot.And give them their breakfast, they start to eat and watch tv, "so when are they coming uncle J? he asked, " Jeremail call them to see did they made it here okay. Said, Suzanna. After they finished eating and

Rashida Carter

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