Jezebel tries out Blair’s new machine guns

Meanwhile, back at the mansion, Blair leads Bella who was on all fours to the attic which was Blair's private room of pure cocaine Hell. There were no windows anywhere in the room; one dim light came from a small light bulb that was hanging in the middle of the room. There were no beds, as Bella laid on her backside under the light. On the floor were shackled about six feet apart from each other which Bella was now laying between.

Next, Blair locked each of Bella's wrists and ankles to the restraints. Once Bella's body was stretched out in an X-position on the floor, Blair walks over to her walk-in safe and opens it. Inside of the safe was pure cocaine which was in a wooden barrel. After scooping out about eight-ounce of cocaine, she relocks the safe.

Then, Blair pours one ounce of cocaine over Bella's chest and puts the rest of the cup of coke on a table that was against the safe. Next, she jumps onto her sister's legs as she spread out the ounce of cocaine all over Bella's chest. Blair leans forward as she starting to snort the coke off Bella's bloody sweaty chest while ramming her right knee into her sister's cunt extremely hard. When Blair got high, she became more satanic and deadly to anyone that was in the cocaine room with her including Bella.

Since Bella could not die in her godly form, Blair would get high when her sister was there for a visit. Satanic things that she would do to Bella were extremely dark and hellish. All-day and night Blair was high and satanic toward Bella. However, today Bella was in a fully human state without her powers, she was as weak as a human being that is why Blair was fully mind-linked to her sister. Even though Blair would be high as hell on cocaine, through their mind links Blair and Bella became as one which kept Bella alive in her human state during her sister's deadly highs. Blair would snort and smoke the coke as she bloodies up her sister's body of lust.

Back in the forest, it took everything that the young Angel had in her to summon the self-healing power along with the gateway for the mind-link from the depth of true Hell. Jezebel could feel Chelsey's body heat going through her own.

"Slave, I command you to stop healing right now." Jezebel saying to the Angel of Whores

Suddenly, Chelsey's body collapsed as she relocked eyes with her lord's.

"You can finish healing during the hunt since the self-healing power has come apart of you until Goddess Bella takes it away. However, knowing Bella as well as I do, that power is yours forever, ugly kitten of ours. Welcome to the family and we accept you into it, slave Chelsey. I despise all Angels, even the ones that are Abaddon's. However, I truly despise your useless ass even more than any others because you are the daughter of Elohim, worthless whore of ours." Jezebel said as she sat on Chelsey's sweaty bloody chest.

"M-Mistress, how did you know that I was the daughter of..." Chelsey started to say in a shaky voice to Jezebel before being cut off.

"All the demons and she-devils knew from day one your true identity but as Abaddon started to teach you about the satanic side of real love, he started calling you his Angel. So, we all started to call you that, gorgeous bitch. As for Jaecar's feelings, I cannot speak for him. Some of us Angels were turned into she-devil while others stayed as angels as we were thrown into the lake of fire with our God and lord, Abaddon. Now run on the pathway you have already chosen, useless bitch of death." Jezebel growled at the wounded kitten.

"Why did you tell our bitch, that you could not speak for me, sis?" Jaecar growled at Jezebel as she jumped off of their gorgeous kitten that she extremely loved but would never admit to in public or to the ugly bitch herself.

"Because she already knows how you feel about her through the mind-link, brother. As for me, she was still not sure since I hide my feelings from her and you have to remember in my human form I still cannot fully mind-link with anyone including Chelsey because I become weak and lose all my powers. Even though she is our antenna now, I still cannot fully link to her but I can fully link to you, brother." Jezebel said to Jaecar as he slowly approach her while she knelt in front of him.

"You are so beautiful in that form, sis but for now you got a mission to fulfill for our Goddess' fantasies of Hell for her pet." Jaecar growled at the gorgeous human in front of him with her legs spread apart and she slowly arch backward.

"Master, look at her gorgeous human body. Tell me that you do not want to rape her right now as I piss and shit all over your worthless wife, mutt." Chelsey said as she grabbed Jaecar by his metal collar.

"I know the truth about you two since we met over a thousand years ago, Master. Jezebel and you were the first humans that I ever taught how pain could be pleasure during sexual activities, my lord. I asked my father to save you but he refuse my request so my brother, Abaddon granted it. I knew that you two worship him and was fully submitted to Abaddon forever. However, it cost me my ability to mind-link with others forever which I was more than happy to give up to have you as my personal hounds of destruction, my lord. I am sorry it took me so long to return home to you both and I truly want you to hate me, my gorgeous lovers." Chelsey said to Jaecar as he turned toward her.

"We will never hate you, slave. I thought that Blair had block your memory of us, our masochistic kitten." Jaecar softly said to Chelsey as Jezebel remain arched.

"Goddess Blair had block my memory of you two gorgeous creatures. As she was at the meeting in Hell with Abaddon, Bella, and the counsel, they all agree that I should enjoy my two satanic lovers once again. They also agree to allow me to have the heal thing power and be your antenna forever. I knew about the meeting and was pose to go with blair to plea my case but forfeit that right to be with you two, monsters of destruction." Chelsey said to them as she squat over Jezebel's face while Jaecar mounted his wife's gorgeous human body.

The next day, Jezebel took off after Chelsey toward the machine guns, she knew that the bitch enjoys a challenge and being use as alive target for the massive fifty caliber armor piercing bullets would be perfect. As Chelsey came upon the waterfall, she saw the two M2 military machine-guns. Chelsey turned to face back toward the path as she knelt and wait for her Death Lord to come just as her heart started to race.

"Slave of Death why are you not against the side of the waterfall?" Jezebel said as she saw her condemn bitch waiting patiently fo her.

"My Lord, could you get Jaecar to summon those massive guns to the top of the waterfall? I believe Goddess Blair had told me that those guns have a range of eight thousand one hundred yards which is about…" Chelsey said to Jezebel as Jaecar arrived.

"About five miles, bitch. That is the max firing range for those guns. However, the effective range for those guns is about two thousand yards which is about a mile and half. Sis, go up top of the waterfall where those guns will be waiting for you. Slave you must stay within a three miles of those ungodly guns of Hell. Now Chelsey, I know that Blair rebuilt those beast of Hell, so they could shoot better and farther than the original ones. I may order you through mind-link to move farther away from those guns. Are you ready for permanent death, my gorgeous bitch?" Jaecar answered Chelsey wishes.

"Master, order her to kill me with your loving blessing." Chelsey said to Jaecar.

'Sis, are you fully mind-link to me, now?' Jaecar asked his wife through mind-link as she primed both guns of death.

'Yes, bastard and I am ready. Tell our bitch that I am going to enjoy this new type of hunting where I can stay in one place as she tries to hide from me. Welcome to home, our worthless bitch.' Jezebel said to her husband through mind-link as she locked onto their kitten of whores.

'Thank you, Lord Jezebel,' Chelsey said through mind-link as she started to run into the forest of death.

'Then kill that worthless bitch of ours, right now, my gorgeous sis and satanic wife forever,' Jaecar said through the best mind-link connection he ever had with Jezebel.

'With pleasure, my love.' Jezebel said through mind-link as she fire away at her gorgeous kitten.