Jezebel and Jaecar returns home with Chelsey

It took Jezebel a couple of minutes to dial both guns in since this was her first time using them.

'No wonder the human race did not last long on the earth. Those machines were designed for destruction and now my little kitten has no place to hide from me ever again. Brother, are you there?' Jezebel said through mind-link as she became like a surgeon with those guns of death.

'Yes, my love, why?' Jaecar answered his gorgeous bitch.

'Tell the bitch to go farther, we saw what it is capable of doing when the humans built it. Now let's see what they can fully do after the most satanic Goddess added her touch to those guns.' Jezebel said to Jaecar through mind-link as rested at the bottom of the waterfall.

'Worthless bitch, move farther until armor-piercing bullets start to miss your body of death. Then slowly move back into the effective range of the guns.' Jaecar said to Chelsey through mind-link.

Chelsey ran straight toward the mansion, she knew that her home was about forty miles away from the waterfall. Seeing her death kitten run in a straight line toward the mansion made Jezebel extremely excited. At one point, Chelsey fell face-first onto the ground.

'Master, let Mistress know that I am okay. Just tripped over a stupid log. Let me know when she is locked back onto my body.' Chelsey said to Jaecar through mind-link.

Before Jaecar could forward Chelsey's message to his sister of death, she felt a bullet of death passed just inches away from her head which told her that Jezebel was still fully locked onto her. When Chelsey reaches the edge of the forest she stopped and turned around before kneeling with her arms stretch out. Seeing her useless kitten kneeling at the boundaries of the forest with both arms stretched out to the sides, through the sights of the guns.

"How much damage will you do to our bitch if you drag her back to me, gorgeous Bastard?" Jezebel asked Jaecar as she looked down at him.

"Where is she, sis?" Jaecar asked Jezebel.

Chelsey did not say a word while her lords were discussing her fate and knew not to speak unless they permit it.

"Our bitch is on the main border of the forest where we enter from, my gorgeous bastard. She is kneeling in a t-shape waiting for me to shoot her in the head, my lover." Jezebel said to Jaecar as she giggled.

"Kill her and I will bring her back to you within thirty minutes with minimal damage to her body, my gorgeous lover," Jaecar said to Jezebel as he took off toward their kitten.

Chelsey fell backward as an armor-piercing bullet of Hell went straight through her head at full speed of 2,910 per foot or 1,984 miles per hour. Jaecar ran as fast as he could to the dead Angel as Jezebel allowed the guns to fully cool off while she waited for them. Staying in his demon form, Jaecar pulled Chelsey by her left leg for ten miles before switching over to the bitch's right leg for another ten miles. Chelsey was thirty-five miles away from the high priestess when she was shot in the head. When they finally arrived back at the waterfall, Jezebel was waiting for them at their campsite next to the waterfall. Knowing that Chelsey would be out for at least a couple of hours if not days because that shot in the head did major damage to her kitten of death, Jezebel's crawled over to Jaecar and got underneath of him as she began to suck his shaft.

A week later, Jezebel was back behind the death guns of hell as Chelsey ran throughout the forest. As the next bullet entered her, the wound from the last one would just start to heal.

'I am enjoying shooting the daughter of Elohim's so much. Sorry, brother for not spending time with you as much.' Jezebel said to Jaecar as he rested.

'Do not be sorry, my love. I am truly impressed with our death kitten of hell. What an amazing Angel that we have all rights to, sis.' Jaecar said to Jezebel as he watched.

Finally, it was time to go home as Jezebel lock the death guns to the top of the waterfall forever. It was now her shooting range as well as her Goddess'.

One night, about three weeks after the hunt of death had started, Blair had just come off her high when her satanic hounds finally returned covered in blood. Jezebel and Jaecar knelt before their Goddess and bowed their heads just as all the doors and windows flew open throughout the palace. Thunder roared, clouds turned pure black, lightning flashed throughout the skies. All sudden both Jezebel and Jaecar arched back as if someone yanked them backward.

"I am The Daughter of Death. Your hounds are my blood, my breath, and my life as much as I am theirs now. Blair the Goddess of Mistresses, you own all rights to my body, and everything I have is yours forever." Blair heard her kitten voice.

Blair turned around as she felt a cold breeze behind her and saw Chelsey standing there with flames in her eyes.

"I take it, that you enjoy your first ever satanic hunt with my hounds alone, my satanic masochist bitch." Blair said to Chelsey with a smirk

"Chelsey sure did, that is why we are late getting back home, Goddess. She did not want to stop playing, Mistress." Jezebel and Jaecar said together to Blair.

"So how long did you fuckers take to come up with the idea for this hellish show of yours," Blair said to all three of them as she smirked.

"Not long, can Jaecar take me to the dungeon and continue to mate with me as Jezebel and you watch, my lord," Chelsey asked her Goddess.

"Damn, my whore still wants more of my most dangerous beast," Blair said with a grin.

"What can I say, I am extreme masochist whore, Mistress," Chelsey said to Blair.

"Yes, you are, Chelsey." Blair quickly said to her kitten.

"By the way, Mistress Jezebel has an idea to run past you as Jaecar destroy my body some more for both your honor, glory and satanic pleasures," Chelsey said to Blair proudly.

"Jaecar, you may take this slut right here, right now in this grand foyer as Jezebel and I watch the show. Jezebel, please tell me your idea." Blair said with a smirk.

Jaecar pushed both Jezebel and Blair out of the way as he attacked his extreme masochist kitten. Now Jezebel and Jaecar had as much power over Chelsey's body as Goddess Blair did.

"Mistress, I first wanted to start by telling you that those gorgeous death guns of yours have a range of at least thirty-five miles since Chelsey stopped at the forest boundaries where I put two nice rounds into her head before she fell backward onto the ground," Jezebel said to Blair proudly.

"Thank you for testing them out for me, my gorgeous mutt," Blair said before allowing Jezebel to continue.

"Now since our masochist bitch loves to be hunted, let's sell hunting passes to the humans to hunt her to death. We could have different levels and either you or I can go out to watch over the hunt until hunters earn our trust. Then they move up to the next level. Only weapons would be dart pistols, a Tranquillizer rifle, as well as a shotgun for the low price levels. Each level gets a limited time to hunt her and darts to use on her as well as different kinds of guns. Higher the level better the guns, more time to hunt her, and darts they would get. Damn, that tramp does like it rough. I hope that she does not wear my brother out. I want to mate with him next." Jezebel said to Blair.

"Jaecar will mate with all three of us. I do like your idea of allowing humans to hunt Chelsey but let's do one better. As soon as the hunters take her down, they have thirty minutes to do any BDSM stuff to her. She has no say in what happens on the hunts to her atheist body. For example, they could gangbang, beat, or rape her, and so forth. Jezebel, you set up rules, and prices for each level. Damn, I cannot believe my whore is still able to take punishment from Jaecar. Jezebel, take your place at my feet and pleasure me right now. Damn, your tongue is like..." Blair said to her vicious she-devil.

Meanwhile, in hell, Bella was recovering from staying in her sister's mansion as her demons mated with her while she regains all her powers back. Bella slowly came down from her high of pure cocaine that Blair had covered her wounds with.