Awakening the System

"Today is the day" Dale said as he looked at the letter in his hands.

He wanted for three months now to propose to his classmate, Jade Carnell.

Jade is the most popular girl in his class.

Compared to Jade he's nothing but a side character and after three months he finally decided to man up and propose.

And when lunch break starts, he'll start to initiate the plan.

Dale was always at the back seat, spectating each student from the shadows, he never had the courage to talk to anyone.


Finally, when lunch break started, they went to the cafeteria, and he was about to start his move any second.

As Jade sat down and placed her food on the table, he saw her half-open bag and placed the letter inside, how convenient.

He waited for lunch break to end and for everyone to return to their classrooms.

Then he saw Jade open her bag and take out the letter.


At first she was smiling knowing someone proposed to her but then she was confused not knowing who it was from, so she looked around but couldn't guess.

It took her a minute to read the letter and when she finished reading it, she smiled.

At first he thought that means a good thing, but then he noticed something, it wasn't just a smile. she was laughing.

She turned her head towards him and he hid his face with a book.

At that moment he didn't realize it but she wasn't the only one who was going to read that letter..

At the end of the day she invited the whole class to her place, that includes Dale, and he was anxious.

He wasn't sure what this occasion is about but he was sure it's related to that letter.

Although he was anxious, he just proposed to her, how could he not come over after proposing, and to Jade of all people? Most students would find it unheard of.


After getting ready and putting on jeans and a white shit, Dale looked at himself in the mirror.

He had brown hair and ocean-blue eyes.

He tried to calm himself down.

He pressed back his glasses and went outside.

As he walked through the streets, after an hour he found Jade's house, or let's say castle.

It was simply huge! you could fit in the house at least 5 elephants, not including the back yard, which you could fit in 10 if not more!

(**Author: yes I like elephants).

Anyways, enough admiring.

Dale knocked on the door and after a few seconds, Jade opened the door.

"Oh hey, Dale! I knew you wouldn't miss this party, come on in, come on in!"

As he went inside, Dale couldn't stop sweating.

He was about to say something but before he could, he suddenly felt like he's being watched.

As he looked up he could see around a hundred students, staring at him with a vicious smile, from the second floor.

He swallowed his saliva as he continued to walk.

He noticed that Jade was nowhere to be seen.

Before he could take another step, he felt like someone is holding onto his arms, and when he looked behind him, he saw two students, and he knows them well.

Those two students are Bob and Hector.

Both Bob and Hector were lackeys that used to mess with the more fragile students.

And he knew well if those two are here, then so is..

"Well, well, well.. if it isn't Dale."

Dale turned his head forward, seeing the student before him.

This student's name was Jacob.

"..." Dale was silent, but if one could look close enough, they'd see an awkward smile of regret.

His train of thoughts was moving at a rapid speed.

'To think that she'd be so mad at me for proposing to her, now I know that she's a b*tch!' He was regretting his actions.

"Hello? Earth to Dale?" Jacob was annoyed.

Again, Dale was silent, he didn't want to embarrass himself any longer, he knew better than anyone that even if he spoke his thoughts, it'll be in vain.

"Hey, Four eyes..! I'm talking to you--!" Jacob shouted and afterwards punched Dale in the stomach.

Dale just held in his vomit to not embarrass himself.

'Why?! why are they doing it?! why am I targeted?! I didn't do anything! or did I miss something?!' Dale could only question, why would he get beat up? However he got the answer quicker than he thought he would.

He noticed Jade from behind with a smile, and he frowned.

Meanwhile Jacob started shouting.

"You dare try and propose to Jade?! Jade is mine! MINE, YOU HEAR?!"

Dale could hear Jade laughing while he was being abused by Jacob.

All he could do is bare with the pain, but for some reason he knew that Jacob won't stop, and maybe even kill him at this point.

Dale was starting to panic and tried to break free but couldn't, Bob and Hector are both physically stronger than him and let's not start with Jacob's physique..

He began to feel despair as he felt the pain getting worse.

His screams echoed through the whole house.

Jacob already broke 4 of his ribs.

All of the students started to realize something.

They were told to come over here and watch the weirdo of the class get beat up, however what they saw was straight up murder at this point.

They started to shake, and some even wanted to puke at the sight.

Even Jade started to question, 'Isn't breaking one bone enough? what the hell is Jacob thinking?'


When Jacob finally stopped punching him, Dale looked around.

He felt immense pain.

He was about to lose his consciousness when suddenly he heard a female voice in his head.

⟨Awakening the host's system..⟩

⟨Scanning the host's status..⟩


⟨Congratulations to host "Dale Ayers" for awakening the System⟩

He stared blankly at the words before him as he was too beat up to even react, but deep inside he was full with questions and surprise.

As someone who reads novels, he knew what this 'system' is about, however to think that everything he read about was real and to think that this boring life of his would give him such a thing.. it's a gift from the gods! well, Dale never believed in gods to begin with.

Jacob who stopped beating him up noticed Dale's blank stare and it made him furious.

Just as he was about to punch him once more, Jade shouted.

"Enough! I only wanted to teach him a lesson, not to kill him!" she said.

Jacob heard her words and backed off without saying a word.

Dale lost his consciousness just then and fell to the ground like a doll.

Jade looked over at Dale with both pity and disgust.

Although she despised him because he had no background and still dared to send her a love letter, she never wanted his mind to break.

"Hmph.." she snorted and ordered one of her maids to drive him home.

She didn't want to do that but she knew the outcome was an overkill so at the very least someone will be able to send him home.