My life is like a Game

As Dale gets out of bed, he could see a letter on his table.

He walks towards the letter slowly as he's still in pain from yesterday.

He opens the letter and reads.

'Hey Four-eyes, although it was my intention to make you feel hurt, I wouldn't want you to die, especially in my house, so I asked one of the maids to drive you home, you must have learned your lesson by now so I'll let you go this time. -Jade'

Dale frowned upon reading the letter.

"This b*tch.. I wish I never had any feelings for her.." he mumbled to himself.


Meanwhile somewhere else.. a small sneeze could be heard.

"Isn't it summer? probably someone talking about me.." Jade said.



"That's quite the love letter, isn't it?" he said while tearing it to pieces and throwing it into the trashcan.

Dale walked towards the kitchen, angered.

Slightly hungry, he took an egg out of the fridge and made himself an omelette.


⟨Host learned «Basic Cooking Lvl. 1»⟩

"What in the--" Dale said while falling to the ground, startled.

"So the system wasn't a dream! then does that mean.." he said before falling into deep thought.

Then finally, he opened his mouth.

"System Interface" he announced.

A blue window appeared before him.





⟨Message Logs⟩

A smile could be seen on Dale's face.


⟨Name: Dale Ayers⟩

⟨Level: 1⟩

⟨Experience: 0/50⟩

⟨Occupation: None⟩

⟨Strength: 5⟩

⟨Agility: 4⟩

⟨Stamina: 9⟩

⟨Intelligence: 12⟩

"It's actually a system just like in the novels!" He announced happily.

"But wait.. what's that occupation?" he asked himself, thinking he wouldn't get an answer.

⟨Occupation is the job you choose to work in, if you work at a shop, you'll get the Merchant occupation⟩

"Let's see.. Missions!"

⟨No missions active right now.⟩

"How do I get a mission?" Dale asked.

⟨The system will give you a mission in certain situations.⟩

"Well that's a bummer" he said as he sighed.

"Right, I forgot, skills!"


«Basic Cooking Lvl. 1»

Rank: F

«Endurance Lvl. 1»

Rank: E

"System, why do I have «Endurance»?" Dale asked in confusion.

⟨Due to yesterday's event, the host learned «Endurance Lvl. 1»⟩

"Event huh.." he said with a slightly puffed expression.

He was about to continue checking the system but was interrupted by his rumbling stomach.

"Ah! I forgot to eat!" Dale said as he placed the slightly-burnt omelette on his plate and started eating.

"Man, it would've been better if I had something to use as a seasoning but I don't even have enough money.." he pouted while eating.

As an orphan, Dale lives alone, and although he has a fine home he doesn't have much money for food.

He only has enough for eggs but that's it.

Suddenly a blue window appeared.

⟨A new mission has been given: Stay in plank position for 10 minutes⟩

⟨Rewards: 300$, 1 Lottery ticket⟩

"Woah! For real?! but wait, plank position for 10 MINUTES?!" Dale exclaimed.

"Well, I do need the money... Ahh.. I just gotta bare with it.." He positioned himself and started counting seconds as he stayed in place.

Just in 20 seconds his whole body was trembling.

It was impossible with his current physique!

He bared with it as he hit the one minute mark and suddenly he got startled.


⟨Skill «Endurance» has levelled up!»⟩

'So that's how it works huh?' Dale thought to himself when suddenly a slight grin could be seen on his face.

He continued to count as he got past 2 minutes, 4 minutes and he finally got to the last second..

⟨Mission completed! Host will be rewarded!⟩

⟨Received 300$⟩

⟨Received 1 Lottery Ticket⟩

⟨Unlocked 'Inventory'⟩

"Ha... I'm so exhausted, I feel like my body is heavy..." Dale said in exhaustion.

He walked over to his room and sat on his bed.

'Let's check how far the skill got..' he thought to himself and called out the skills menu.


«Basic Cooking Lvl. 1»

«Endurance Lvl. 4»

"It feels like I'm in a game.." he said, chuckling to himself.

As he laid back, he started to feel his muscles ache.

"Argh.. damn, I never wore myself out like this before, guess it's karma for never working out before.." Dale mumbled in pain for minutes before the pain started to wear off and he fell asleep.