Back to Class with the system

It's Sunday morning, 6:00, and school's about to start in 3 hours.

As Dale woke up and got out of bed, he only had one thought in mind, what will happen at school? he frowned upon these thoughts and put them at the back of his head for now, as there is nothing he could do but endure.

That's right, he only needed to endure.

Suddenly an idea came to his mind.

He learned a skill by enduring, which means if he did other things he could get a skill out of it!

He went to his storage room which was full of boxes with old stuff in them.

As he searched for it, he found it, cards!

These were just regular cards you use for solitaire and poker.

Dale looked for a tutorial video online for throwing cards and after finding the video he followed it, and did as the man in the video showed.

He tried many times and failed but after a while got the hang of it, and when he finally succeeded in "mastering" the card throwing trick, a notification appeared.


⟨Host learned «Basic Throwing Arts Lvl. 1»⟩

"So that's how it's done, huh" Dale said with a wide smile.

He then tapped on the skill to check its rank.

«Basic Throwing Arts Lvl. 1»

Rank: F

Dale sighed lightly, Rank F pretty much means rock-bottom quality.

Can he even Rank up his skills?

He put these thoughts aside as he started making his breakfast meal and a meal for school.. of only scrambled eggs..

⟨«Basic Cooking» Lvl. 1 → Lvl. 2⟩

"Looks like making two scrambled eggs levelled this skill up.." Dale said with a wondering gaze.

He packed up his stuff and went out to the street to wait at the bus stop.

After twenty minutes, the bus arrived and he was on his way to school.


"Alright you two, let's make a bet" Said Jacob to his two lackeys, Hector and Bob.

"What are we betting on?" Hector and Bob said curiously at the same time, both raising an eyebrow.

"Let's bet how long will it take for the silent f*cker to come back to school after yesterday" Jacob answered with a sinister smile.

Bob looked at Jacob with a sly smile and answered.

"He's probably going to be back by next month" he said.

"Nah, I think he'll be back by next week" Hector said with a tone as if he knows everything.

Jacob smiled at their answers and said..

"I think he'll transfer" he said.

The three of them laughed while getting to class.

Bob and Hector walked Jacob.

When Jacob walked into the classroom

he looked around the seats and when he looked at the farthest line of seats, he saw Dale.

When he saw him, a frown could be seen on his face.

It was as if he met the person who killed his parents.

Bob and Hector looked at Jacob in fear due to his expression.

As if an aura of hatred surrounded his body, they didn't dare getting closer.

Jacob then sat down quietly without making a sound and just stared blankly forward with a dissatisfied look on his face.


Dale didn't notice Jacob and was busy thinking about how to get more skills.

Now that he knows how to get skills he needed to think about which skills should he try to obtain.

The first thing that came up his mind was magic but there's no magic in real life, and only in fantasy.

He got an idea although he thought it was stupid since this idea derives from fantasy as well.

He took 2 pieces of paper from his notebook and rolled them, taped them together and looked at his newly made paper binoculars.

He looked through them to the windows and tried to concentrate as if he was a hawk.

Dale tried to find the most unnoticeable thing in view and then he saw a small kitten hiding in a bush.

Another things he noticed: A squirrel in one of the trees of the school's park.

When he found the squirrel a notification appeared.


⟨Host obtained «Camera Sight Lvl. 1»⟩

⟨Congratulations to the host for learning the required amount of skills! skills will now have information attached to them!⟩

'Nicely done' Dale thought to himself while being proud.

He didn't realize that a few students stared at him weirdly, not that he cared. Once again, satisfied with the results he went back to daydreaming.

Dale didn't notice that Jade came into the classroom while he daydreamed.

When she saw him, she just scoffed and laid back on her seat.

The whole class was mumbling.

They all discussed about yesterday's event.

Dale noticed it but ignored all the talking.

⟨«Endurance» Lvl. 4 → Lvl. 5⟩
