Life is really like a game!

⟨«Endurance» Lvl. 4 → Lvl. 5⟩


Dale was confused due to the sudden notification.

"How the hell does this thing work? is it related to menial work or both mental endurance AND physical?" he mumbled.

The whole class heard him mumbling and turned their head towards him.

Dale of course, ignored them.. again.


⟨«Endurance» Lvl. 5 → Lvl. 6⟩

'..The fuck..?'

He thought everything over to understand how is he getting the levels so easily and came up with a theory.

If he were to overwork his muscles then he would get a few levels but if he were to endure things that could 'harm' him mentally then he could get a higher amount of levels.

While being busy with his thoughts, Jacob walked over to his table with his two lackeys.

"Did you finally grow balls, quiet boy?" Jacob sneered while saying that.

Dale looked at the clock near the board to check how much time he had to listen to his classmate's bullshit.

'3 minutes before class huh..' he thought to himself.

Jacob noticed that he was ignored and got so frustrated that he smacked the table.

In response to it, Dale looked at Jacob with a blank stare, as if he was annoyed by the sudden noise.


⟨Host obtained «Poker Face» Lvl. 1⟩

⟨Host Unlocked ⟨Titles⟩ in the ⟨Status⟩ interface⟩

⟨Host obtained title: [Calm Hermit]⟩

'That's so much ringing that my brain is about to explode, holy shit' he thought to himself.

While reading all of the notifications, he got interrupted by Jacob's grabbing hand.

Jacob pulled Dale from his collar out of his seat and closed up to him face to face.

"Listen up, I don't care jackshit if you were like this since you got here but when I'm talking to you, you should listen well unless you want the three of us to give you personal tutoring.." He said, with a noticably huge vein on his forehead.

Instead of being scared, Dale looked over to the side of the room with a smile.

"Hey Mrs. Lopez, Is this always okay to start fights in the school grounds?" he said.

Startled by the question, Jacob turned his head and let go of Dale.

He saw the teacher staring at him with a dissatisfied look.

"Please go to the Principal's office at the end of the class, Jacob" Mrs. Lopez said while telling him to sit down in his seat.

Jacob didn't show it but he was extremely agitated and embarrassed.

Everyone looked at Jacob and it made him hate Dale even more due to the embarrassment he had caused for him.

He glared at Dale one last time before sitting back down.

Dale sighed, and nodded towards Mrs. Lopez as thanks, and she just sighed with a faint smile in reply.

The only person who supported Dale on school grounds was Mrs. Lopez, and the reason for that is because he was the wisest among the students.

He never looked for fights, always observed instead of interfering and always knew how to act depending on the situation.

Despite the fact that they're teacher and student, she really admired Dale and his really high endurance although she couldn't let the principal know that she supports him so she tries not to be too friendly with him in class, and Dale knew her reasons and respected them.

As for now, Dale opened the system skills interface and finally looked at the information he received.

Of course, he skipped the «Endurance» skill, due to the fact that it just makes him endure more things, obviously.

«Basic Throwing Arts»

⟨Rank: F⟩

⟨Efficiently throw light objects, the higher the level the more efficient it gets⟩

«Poker Face»

⟨Rank: F⟩

⟨Hide your expression, the higher the level the easier it gets to control⟩

«Basic Cooking»

⟨Rank: F⟩

⟨You cook foo, but not necessarily good food, the higher the level the tastier the food⟩

«Camera Sight»

⟨Rank: E⟩

⟨You can zoom in on things from afar, the higher the level the farther you can zoom in on things +Deduction⟩

Dale subconsciously nodded his head, looking at all the information.

He had finally understood the levels of skills but still haven't figured out the ranks.

He was grinning subconsciously when he saw the deduction in «Camera Sight» because as an average novel reader he knew very well this meant scanning information!

He put these thoughts aside when suddenly a small snake which came from under a cabinet at the side of the room showed itself.

The girls started screaming as the boys looked for the snake to kill it.

'«Camera Sight»'

Dale activated his skill in order to look for the hidden snake.

Suddenly a status interface appeared before him.

'So it's really like a game huh..' Dale thought to himself, while subconsciously putting on a smile.

⟨Name: -⟩

⟨Species: Ringneck Snake⟩

⟨Level: 1⟩

⟨Strength: 1⟩

⟨Agility: 2⟩

⟨Stamina: 3⟩

⟨Intelligence: 2⟩

'Name..?' Dale had an idea but was doubtful.

He got up from his seat, and walked towards the place where the snake was hiding.