WebNovelMY KNIGHT20.00%



This is what I had been dreading. No, not the goodbye part, the fucking flight.

Come on, who isn't scared of the flight. To be frank, I do prefer the road.No scratch that, I hate the road as much.

I probably sound crazy, Yeah I get it, not probably, I really do sound crazy. You won’t believe it when I say that I have never been on a plane before. It's kind of scary, to be honest.

"Oh my! oh my! it's taking off! Please have mercy on me, Mr. Death."I scream, closing my eyes while taking a vice grip on the hand of the poor person who was unfortunate to be seated next to me.

"Wait, this person has a soft hand. Wow, it really feels good, I wonder whether the person is a woman. This must be a woman, no man owns such soft hands."I crack one eye open and steal a glance of the person seated next to me.

"Holy shit!"

I hastily open my eyes only to meet with the most beautiful baby blue eyes I have ever had a chance to see. I rake the body from head to toe and back to the eyes. Oh! he is a man... No scratch that, a beautiful creation of a man, and he is looking at me amused, barely able to stifle his chuckle.

Wait, did I say anything aloud? Oh! I must have, that explains why he is looking at me with raised eyebrows and an amused face.

"Why do I always embarrass myself"I mentally facepalm. I have been through this before, no, not sitting next to a sex god, I mean speaking my thoughts aloud. Why did it have to happen now?

I hear someone chuckling and immediately, my eyes snap to his.

"You are a crazy girl. Are you done checking me out?" he asks with that sick smirk plastered on his face."I get that am cute and so on but you didn't have to fake a plane fright to get to touch me, you just had to ask baby."He says, whispering the last words.

"What the hell!"

My smile falters, replacing it with a scowl, a face I always give to such guys. I mean the "cocky bastards".

"Whom do you think you are, don't flatter yourself, I would never be checking out your ugly self."I reiterate.

"Come on baby, you don't have to deny that I am sexy. You bruise my ego"He places his palm on his massive chest feign hurt.

"Listen to me Mr. Cocky bastard I'll smash your fucking face if you throw your cocky attitude at me again"I practically yell at him.

My outburst seem to surprise him and shut him up. That's right "The almighty cockiness", you don't get to mess with me.

"Excuse me, is there a problem?" a blonde air hostess comes to check on us.

Oh boy! I think I kind of attracted the attention of everyone on the plane with my little outburst.

"No! I mean Yes! I want to be separated from this asshole during my flight"

"Sorry ma'am but we are not allowed to shift seats during the flight, this is according to rule number..."

"Urgh!Whatever! but tell him to mind his own damn business around me."

She sighs frustrated and shoots me a dirty look before walking away to whatever hole she crawled out of.

I make myself comfortable in the seat ready to ignore Mr. Cockiness by sleeping through the entire flight.

Surprisingly, he doesn't even say a word through the entire flight.

"Ma'am, wake up and welcome to Rwanda." A voice startles me from my sleep. I look around and see all the seats empty."How the hell did I not hear the plane land and of course Mr. Cockiness couldn't alert me. So he is an idiot too."I huff.

Outside, the weather is chilly but thanks to mom, I have something to keep myself warm. She had researched everything about Rwanda, including the weather, and arranged everything I may need in advance. I wonder how she is holding up.

My thoughts are interrupted by a short man, shorter than me to be precise..."Are you Miss Anna Rose?"

"Yap! that's me."

"Mrs. Rosemary Gregory asked me to be your driver to the university."

"Oh ok"Is all I can say as he helps me carry my luggage to the car.

I wonder what else mum had planned out for me. I already miss her.

Wow! was all I could say as I looked at the building in the school.

This is freaking awesome.

The school is all that I have ever fantasized about, maybe even more.

I reached the university just a while ago and I am now being led towards my hostel room. A room had been spared for me but I had to share it with someone since I am joining the school pretty much in the middle of the year.

I just hope that my roommate is a nice person and an idiot. Why an idiot?Because I need to mask my personality from her and am really bad at hiding my personality from people. So yeah, I need a roommate who cannot see right through me.

"We've reached your room, Miss."

"Oh thank you."

I wait till my escort has left and I quietly open the door but then I realize that it wouldn't have mattered whether I opened the door noisily. The room is literally vibrating from the music in the room...and the person in the room, "Oh God! please let this be the wrong room."

Okay, the thing is, I like having my peace but this being my room, I can already tell that wasn't going to happen anytime soon.

"Hello, there pretty!"I physically cringe at how loud she is.

Hello, my name is Anna, I should be in room eleven, am I in the wrong room?"

"No! You are definitely in the right room. Come on in, make yourself comfortable. I am sorry about the loud noise you heard earlier. Oh! how rude of me, My name is Sydney, I'll be your roommate till when you can't tolerate me anymore and murder me."She sweetly smiles at me.

I find myself chuckling at that...forget what I said about hoping to be in the wrong room, I will definitely love this girl, I already like her. She suits my plans.

"You know, my brother himself could not tolerate my noise, he lives next door surprisingly. Something about needing to keep an eye on me and so he had to install some soundproof nonsense stuff in my room. He says I keep distracting my neighbors."

And, did I mention how much she talks? Damn, she has talked in thirty minutes, what I could have normally talked about in two days.

"Where do you come from? I personally come from Britain, though we sometimes live in Kenya due to some businesses my family has. I study mass communication. What about you?"

Damn, how much can this girl talk.

I probably scared her by staring too long while she was talking because the next thing she does makes me feel bad for staring. She sits next to me and looks at me with her innocent eyes, "Am sorry I talk too much, it's the only way I get to drown my thoughts, talking more than I should."

Am not really good at calming people's emotions so I do what I always did to calm my mom, I take her hand in mine and basically just distract her from her thoughts. I tell her my name and where I come from. That seems to do the trick because she stops her blabbering and calms down. She hugs me tightly and her earlier lively spirit comes back.

"What the fuck is happening here" a familiar voice interrupts our moment.

Our attention is drawn to the voice.

It’s you again!"