"Hey, Anna did you forget anything?"
"Mum... you asked that just a while ago....my answer is still no. Can’t you just leave me be already!"
"I only want you to have everything ready baby. We should be headed to the airport by now. "She replied looking hurt. I instantly regret using that tone on her. She has gone through so much under her relatives after dad passed away.
My dad was British, he died in an accident and since then, mum has always been depressed with the constant nagging from her relatives not helping the case.
Sorry guys!
You probably think am rude for ignoring you. My name is Anna,..short for Hannah, cute! right? As you all have figured, I am a bit of a badass after using that tone on her but hey! You can't blame me...my mum has been asking the same question for the past two hours.
Okay, this is it, I will be joining Campus, and mum is freaking out but I am just cool about it all. Don't get me wrong...am excited to join Campus but mum has been all over me so that I won’t forget "important stuff for my survival in campus" as she puts it. That's enough about my mum..let me get down before she explodes. She is a fucking time bomb.
"Anna! if you don't come down this instant, I will personally drag you out of that room!!"
Hah!...told you she might explode.
"Coming mum!"
"Are you sure you have everything u need?"
"Mum...I already answered that minutes ago."
"Don't you dare use that tone on me, young lady! Now out of the house before I kick your ass out myself. Your luggage is in the car, we have a long way to go. You might be late for the flight."
I swear she is bipolar.
I don't want to agitate her further, so I decide to hop in the car and wait for her to join me.
I will be joining WWI university, which is World Wide International University....it's in Rwanda. A certain tiny country almost at the heart of Africa but one with great educational institutions, such as the one I'll be joining. Well, as you probably have already figured out already, am Anna, Anna Rose, I am 18 years old and I just finished my four years of high school. My homeland is Kenya where I have schooled all my life but I'll now be flying to Rwanda to start my university life.
Hah! I can almost hear your confused thoughts by now, I know most of you thought I am a 'white' going to NYU(New York University) for Campus...
No offense to the whites though I know that came out wrong, it's just that that word has stuck with us "Africans" since you 'left', back in 1964...you know what I mean.
My flight is in 2 hours and we are almost late as it is. We are traveling from Nakuru(Kenya) and my mum is trying to kind of 'smuggle' me out of the country before my relatives get to catch up with what's going on...they have constantly been on my mum's throat for letting me go to another country. Mum on the other hand...
"Let's get going!"...Speaking of her.
"We really have to make sure we make it to the airport in time."She said looking pale and stressed.
Well, it's nothing new to me, she had been pale all week. She thinks that I am unaware of the fact that her brothers and sister are against me flying out of the country and that they will do anything to prevent me from leaving the country. They always wanted me to stay within the community so that I can follow our traditions that include FGM(Female Genital Mutilation). I know, I know, it's cringy, but that's what the culture entails though the government has prohibited the act. They want me to take over as the CEO of the family business. Hey, don't get me wrong...It's not that I don't want to own a business...Oh! God knows I love money...but seriously the condition to owning the business is marrying a man whom the family has chosen, who in this case am very sure is some old man, probably with white hair and wrinkles all over his face. The only reason they want me into the business anyway is that they believe that white blood into the business brings good luck to the business. Apparently, since I have white blood running through my veins from dad that is, they will have more luck with the business if I joined it because white blood is more respected in the world of their 'business'.The thing is, I have no idea what the business is about but my guts warn me that it's not legal at all.
Since my father died before they could invite him into the business, they now want me to quit school and join the business world, definitely for their benefit. What eighteen years old would want that. It's not that school thrills me but come on, now who would want to undergo the most traumatic stage any teenager could ever go through(FGM). Though it's illegal in the country, they still believe no bad luck will be after me and that, I will not tarnish their name. You know, the usual not being a slut story, they believe FGM stops you from being one.
Back to the present...
I settled in the car while mum drove out of the parking lot. The estate is very quiet with only a few people wandering around. I don't know to what extent my relatives and most especially my uncle(mum's eldest brother)could reach to stop me. They would probably follow us and kidnap me...just kidding though...
Speaking of following,
"Mum, have you noticed that car behind us? It has been following us since we left the estate!"
"What! What are you talking about!" mum panicked. She looked through the rare mirror and cursed, "Fuck!How the heck did they know about this!"
The car was trying its best to reach us but it was also being cautious so that it won't be noticed.
"Fools! we are way smarter than you bitches.We already spotted you."I cussed, not aloud but in my mind. I have learned the hard way not to cuss around my mum. She always smacks my head whenever I cuss. I know she would not hesitate to smack my poor head even when in full panic mode, Like, right before death. The funny fact is that she cusses almost in each sentence she uses.
Talk about parents setting a good example.
The car all the while maintained a fast steady pace behind two regular cars...We could not see its driver but I could not mistake my uncle's car for another.....What!Type? Please don't ask what type it is. I am really bad with cars. I cannot even tell what type of car I am in. Mum increased its speed and with difficulty tried to overtake the few cars before us.
"She is really the worst driver I have ever met."I quietly chuckle at my thought. I recall what my dad went through while at his poor attempt to train mom how to drive. He would always come home frustrated and with handprints on his face until he sent her to a driving school.
"Your mum can be a tigress when she wants to be, you wouldn't want to mess with her, though she can also be a puppy whenever she wants something from you. Oh!How much she can manipulate me with her beautiful puppy eyes."This is what dad always whispered into my ears whenever mum was not listening.
"Mum! try and overtake from the right side!"I yelled as the car swerved almost toppling over.
"Don't you dare start pulling that shit with me! I am the driver here! They are almost reaching us. I have to reach the airport on time before they stop us!"She yelled back hitting me on the shoulder."Ouch! that hurts."I rubbed my arm careful not to earn another hit. She glared at my side then brought her eyes back on the road.
"Whoa! the tigress is already out, "I thought but did not comment on her driving any further. Trust me you do not want to deal with her anger issues.
I looked back and saw that the psycho's car was fast approaching. Yeah right, that's how I refer to my uncle. Who in their right mind would try and stop their niece from living up to her goals. I bet you agree with me on that.
Suddenly, our car is rammed and almost loses its balance.
"What the fuck was...Ouch!mum!what was that for"
"Watch your language around me young lady" She glared.
Told you she could smack you even minutes away from death!!
Looking behind us, the car was ready to smash our car once more. Mum quickly overtook the car blocking our way, speeding away. Not before sticking her head out of the window and cuss out my uncle "Fuck you, George."
"How the hell am I not supposed to cuss when that's about all I hear from her all the time."I mentally roll my eyes.
With the speed she was driving at, we reached the airport right on time. We would surely have been late if mum wasn't that good at her reckless driving.
She hurriedly packed the car, scrambling out of it towards the entrance with me dragging my suitcase behind me.
She looked at me with teary eyes and kissed my forehead as a goodbye. I didn't want to leave her, she now had to deal with the psycho alone. She looked at me, her eyes pleading me to board my plane, reassuring me that she'll be ok on her own but I know better.
"Anna!Anna!"I look behind her only to see an angry psycho stomp towards us.
Mum turned and with panicked eyes pushed me towards the entrance. Someone took my bag for inspection before boarding the plane. I didn't even follow my luggage, I was all the while looking at my mum's eyes which were pleading with me to go on.
"Maam, you are ready to board the plane. Here is your passport. You might be late for your flight."Someone patted me on my shoulder but I could not even acknowledge her as my screams rang through the air at what was unfolding before me. The psycho had slapped my mum who was now on the floor when she tried to block his way to me. But he did not hesitate to take her out of his way.
He advanced towards me but before he could reach me, he was restrained by the airport security."That's right psycho, that's what you get for hurting mum"I mentally cheered.
Before being dragged away, he looked at me and shouted with anger, "You cannot run away from me!"
"Huh? so you are dumb too. I am already out of your reach and you still blabber about how I can't run away from you."I mentally pat myself on the back as I told him off but then his glare cut short my celebration. Oh boy! I think I shouldn't have said that. His glare made it clear that I wouldn't be free for long.
I looked at my mum who was now being helped up by the security. She looked at me and waved with happy tears in her eyes saying, "Be happy my child."
I waved back with a sad smile and walked towards the plane.