Apollo Hall is On

I need a plan, and soon!

Danner is on his way here, I'm so sure about that. He deliberately did not call me, but first verified my story with Kaylah. I hate to lie to him, but I want to mature my relationship with Dordrich before I cut all ties. Danner knew from the start that our bonding is just superficial, he pretty much lured me into this engagement.

But he also knows not to play hardball.

Because with my back against the wall, I make drastic decisions. For now, I don't want to lose him yet, but I also know that I have to come up with a good story. Danner often goes by my attitude, he senses auras when he decides to trust someone.

And then this Kaylah!

She's already guessed what's going on, of course, so she will sour me further in the future. Sigh, how did I even get the idea to declare that I was going to have a night out with her in the first place?!