Slips Of The Tongue

Aziel gives me a strange look as we all sail to the yacht.

I'm snugging against him, enjoying his warmth as the cold wind beats our faces. He probably senses the storm raging inside me. I'm on war, either Michelle or Kaylah will know who Aziel belongs to.

The men get on the yacht first when we arrive, and Aziel helps me out. Immediately I hear a scream and before I realize it, I am in the arms of two women. “Loraine! We were so worried. Thank God you're all right," sobs a black-haired one, who continues to hold me close. The other grabs me from behind and rests her head against my shoulder. Surprised, I look at Aziel, begging for help. “Ahem, ladies, ladies, get a grip on yourself”, Aziel corrects them and turns to me. "Loraine, this is Kaylah and this one behind you is Michelle." He glares at the women.

Andre jumps in to save the situation.