It Is a Goodbye

Indeed, there is Danner, waiting on the pier.

With him, there is the press, the clicking of cameras fills the atmosphere. Andre and Michelle flank as I disembark. “Miss Loraine, are you saved alone? We thought there was another man involved in the accident. Have you not found him then?”, are the questions of the journalists. A haze starts to form in my head, journalists and paparazzi seem to be part of my life. I feel no hesitation when I face them.

“Of course, I found him, we were on a deserted island all those days. He'll be aboard in a minute,” I let them know, as I continue on my way. The authorities come to meet us, Andre agrees that we will come to the office on our own to make an official statement. “Loraine!” I suddenly hear a deep male voice. Before I know it, I'm in the strong arms of a man.
