A Thief

Barbados is A-M-A-Z-I-N-G!

Aziel is the model fiancé, we bought our rings in the local jeweler's shop today. And tonight, we celebrate our official engagement with our friends.

Michelle and Rick also live in Barbados, Rick is the manager of Andre's Yacht Club. They are also our neighbors and visit often. I soon noticed that these friends were very close. Kaylah and Archer leave tomorrow for New York, they stayed with us for a week in this spacious villa by the sea. Aziel did not exaggerate when he described the house, the wind blows wonderfully here on the back terrace and the view over the ocean is soothing.

I'm on the back patio drinking coffee with Kaylah. She is an outspoken personality, rap of tongue, but a heart of gold. She always takes care of me, always wants to know where I'm going, what I'm doing, who I'm talking to. Not that it bothers me, but it's noticeable for someone who's only known me for a week. Or not?