Fellogan's Retreat

“Man, this is bad. How did we lose sight of them? This was inevitable, Aziel simply succumbed”, Damian sighs. “We should have been alert when they arrived. Ever since the funeral, we should have forced him into therapy.”

We look at each other with guilt.

“These two clearly belong together. And that Fellogan also pulled some tricks, which certainly didn't work well on their relationship. Why do I feel like that idiot did it all on purpose?” Archer grinned. “I never liked him. A cheater can never have high morale.”

We're going at high speed, the speed cameras have already caught us a few times. But that's for later concern. Virginia is our target and we want to get there as soon as possible. “Archer, turn on the television. I want to see what the media has made of Loraine's case," I ask him. He zips some channels until we do see breaking news. The reporter tries to get the medical staff to talk and reaches for Kaylah. In vain, no one wants to give details about what happened.