He Is Dead

Fellogan's Rolls Royce now comes into view.

Little can be recognized of the expensive car, it is a total wreck. Obviously, he flew into the guardrail lost control of the wheel. The paramedics are quick to respond, as is the fire brigade. Because emergency workers are running to the spot, there is little to see of the accident for a few seconds on tv. Until the journalist on-site announces that they have managed to get Fellogan out of the vehicle and he is still alive.

“Yes, the assholes in this world have seven lives,” Archer curses. We see Fellogan being transported to the helicopter on a stretcher. His face is bloodied, his head is supported with a clamp. It's clear he's in a lot of pain, but he's holding his ground.

We drive on. "Let's hope this doesn't become another obstacle in our friends' relationship," Damian sighs. “Those setbacks always follow each other. What the two need is peace, in their relationship, in their life.”